My Thoughts On Da Nsync Songs

I would just like to make this clear, for one thing, I love to spend my spare time writing songs. I do it for fun, and if you've never done it, then you don't know how freakin' hard it is. So I respect the songwriters who wrote the songs. They obviously have a tremendous amount of talent. Well, anyway, that's what I want you guys to know first. That I do respect songwriters and their talents.

Tearin' Up My Heart

See, I always try to find out the meaning of songs, I don't know, its just something I do. I listen to the lyrics more than melody, I guess. Okay, so this song is about some guy who likes this girl and he doesn't understand why the two of them can't be lovers, so I'm assuming that they aren't lovers. I also think that in this song, the guy thinks the girl likes him too. Just that the girl won't 'fess up. You know, the line, 'if you want me girl let me know'? And its tearing up his heart because he doesn't know what the girl is thinking, feeling, ect. Anyway, I think that's what this song means... Overall, I think the rhymn of this song is great, the lyrics are good, the the voices behind the words are fabulous. I can never ever write a song like this. I'm learing though. It's chourus and verses flow smoothly into each other and I need to learn how to do this. I like this song.

I Just Wanna Be With You

Okay, not to be rude, but guys, stalking is illegal! Kidding. This song... is sweet in it's own way. The lyrics are... okay, I mean, if it got into the album... okay. I would also like a question of mine answered. I listened to 'I just wanna be with you' more carefully after I read something on the 'net. People say that near the very end of the song when someone is whispering 'full force' and stuff like that, they whisper 'full force... sex' I personally heard this with my own ears, but I'm not compleatly sure about what the hell they actually said. So don't ask me. Just listen carefully. I dunno. But just keep in mind, what's wrong with one word 'sex'? The BSB have songs with the words sex and sexuality and stuff like that. So what's wrong? Even though Nick Carter sings all those parts. I still like the song 'I just wanna be with you'. It's alright. What do you think is murmured at the end of that song? e-mail me and I'll try to postmark the results.

Here We Go

Wonderful ryhmn, weird lyrics. That's all I have to say. The ryhmn of this song is good- lively, fast tempo beat. I just think the lyrics are kinda wierd, that's all. They don't make much sense. But then again, BSB's 'Everybody' or 'Get Down' doesn't make much sense either. Damn! I need to stop comparing them with the BSB. Everyone knows Nsync is better! Anyway, this song is a dance song. A little superior felling goin' on 'Nsync has got the flow'? But then again, 'Get down' (the weird BSB song) has that rap part ' bang bang bang-something-something- something-BSB- get on your knees'. If you ask me, get on your knees? That is way more superficial than 'Nsync has got the flow'. I like this song. It's a dance song.

For The girl Who Has Everything

This song, um, well, I think JC sings too much in it. This song is like, homeless boy meets rich girl, in a way. But I don't get how this song fits with the guys of Nsync. They're rich, rich, stinkin' rich. The guys of Nsync is not poor here or anything. But this song is still sweet. It's nice. 'Your heart's safe within my hands, I promise I'll never break it...' that's so sweet. This song is a good lullaby. It kinda makes me fall asleep at night. It has a nice slow rhymn to it.

God Must Have Spent A Little More Time On You

I love this song. I love this song. I love this song. It's so sweet. Awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww. It's the perfect love song. It's perfect. Justin doesn't hog the spotlight in this song. He shares it with JC and the rest of Nsync. I love the chorus, the melody, I love this song. It's perfect.
You Got It

What's it? You got 'it'. So what's it? 'It' is your love, right? Anyway, I like this song. A lot. I think it's even better than Here We Go. I love the ryhmn of this song especially. It's so lively and catchy. I think that this song is the song that's most likely to get stuck in your head. I should know. It's been stuck in my head for days. And my mom's too. The listened the the album once in her car and- it's stuck in there. One question- walking slowly through the rain, without worries there's no pain when you see a shooting star all your problems seem so far? I don't get that part. But I still think the person who wrote this song is a genius.

I Need Love

I like the lyrics and melody of this song, but what's with the whole echo thing going on anyway? This song is good to dance to. It's kinda passionate and I like it. What else can I say?

I Want You Back

This song is one of my personal favorites. It's a really good dance song and it's especially good when Nsync dances to it. It's sweet too, in a way, about a desperate guy trying to get his girl back. I like the music video. My question is why the edited out the girl dancers with them. I want you back always put me in a good mood. Not because of the lyrics, but the melody and the up tempo. Thank goodness this song was written.

Everything I Own

This song starts out kinda wierd. No offence JC, but I personally think that Justin or Chris or ?Joey? should have started this song off. Not Lance, but it's only because he has a bass voice. 'You sheltered me from harm, kept me warm, you kept me warm...' I mean, come on, admit it, JC did sound wierd singing that part. The song began with a rocky start, but started making up for it. I love the chorus for this song. It's so... Awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww!!! And when Lance starts talking... damn its deep! "Now baby my love for you will always be true *chuckle* 'cause there is no me, without you." Isn't that so sweet? And it's Lance saying it. And plus, Lance is Hot. Come on, admit it. Lance is hot.

I Drive Myself Crazy

Awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww. Okay, I'm done. This song is sweet. Just take the guys back! The guys are sorry! They admit to their mistakes! This song it so sweet and the lyrics are great. I love the melody, it's perfect. So is the rhymn. Can I say any more?

Crazy For You

I like this song. I like watching Nsync dance to it, as well as dancing to it myself. Also you know how high this song goes? It's hard to sing in some places. Nearly impossible. But this song it great. It really is. Songwriter for this song = genius mastermind.


This song is so peaceful. The whole thing is one big metorphor. I love the flying stunt they do when they preform it. This song is just so... peaceful! A great lullaby at night if you put it on repeat for the whole night.

Giddy Up

Words play a part in songs too, guys. As you may know, Nsync helped write this song. Guys guys guys! Lyrics! The rhymn is good, so is the melody. But you can't repeat 'Ride it' over and over again. First of all, it's not really a song, second of all, ride it ride it ride it ride it just sounds wierd. Ride what? Lance even said that this song is not about horses. So what else is there so ride, guys? Are you trying to sound perverted? Ride IT ride IT ride IT ride IT ride IT ride IT. No offense guys, if you happen to stumble upon this small web site. But you never know. I don't mean to insult or offense!

Best Of My Life

Awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww This song deserves three lines of Awww. Even though this song is not on the US album. It deseves reconization. I can't spell, I know. But this song is just so good. It's sweet and it's just so Awwwwwwww. One of the best songs I ever heard. It's just too sweet. It's about a girl who breaks up with a guy and the guy is saying that he wants her back, that he'll give her the best of his life. That he'll give her anything she wants. It's just so sweet and romantic.

Together Again

This song is almost as sweet as Best of my life. It's just very, very, romantic. It's about a guy and a girl who are very far away, and he wants them to be together again. I love the song so much. The rhymn, everything, it's great.


This song is one of my brother's favorites, I dunno. The rhymn is good. It's a fast paced song and puts me in a good mood. It's just about a guy trying to figure out the 'riddle' of a girl. I like it.

Forever Young

I like this song a lot. It's kinda a... youth thing. That youth is important and with youth we can help change the world and stuff like that. It has a good melody and pretty good lyrics.

More Than A Feeling

No offense, but I think this song it weird. Who exactly is this girl in it- Maryanne. Who is she anyway and what does she have to do with Nsync? Maybe she has some special meaning to the songwriter or something... It's about a guy remembering how this girl- Maryanne- walked out of his life and how he just wants to close his eyes and slip away.

Bye Bye Bye

This song, as you may know, is a new Nsync song. I've seen Nsync preform this song three times. Once on the WB radio music awards and once on the Rosie O donnel show(Which was on Nov.27) and once on the Nickolodeon help a thon. This song is amazing. Nsync never had a song that's about them wanting to break up with a girl, you know. This was a first. Its great. The dance moves in it is amazing as well. The radio music award, God. Three words- great pelvis thrusts. The rosie o donnel show they didn't really do a pelvis thrust though. I don't know why- maybe because it was a G-rated show or something. It was still amazing though. Amazing!!! The dance moves were so good they made up for it. I'm watching the preformance right now. I taped it. 'Baby bye bye bye, bye bye. Don't wanna be a fool for you, just another player in your game for two...' This song is just so powerful and amazing. I can't wait until they release it, on the radio or something. I heard January.


This song is just too sweet and can really bring tears to your eyes.(I am aware that that is a line to the song) Its probably the most moving song I ever heard. When Justin sings it, it just sounds so... sad and moving and powerful, to put it simply. I actually wish that this song not be released on the radio, but to just let it stay on the album, because when stuff is released, it loses impact, and I love this song too much and I never want it to lose its strong impact.

I Have A Message For People Out There. If Anyone Has The Nsync N Concert on Pay Per View Taped (Or The Disney Special) And Is Willing To Make A Copy Or Sell Yours, Contact Me At Oh Yeah, Does Anyone Out There Have A Copy Of The Episode Of Loveline When Nsync Was On? Please Please Please Hook Me Up With A Copy If You Taped It. I'll pay up to $20. E-Mail Me!