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The Body of Iron

I originally gave the Iron Body training in a short little page in the training section. Then I was going to add some advanced techniques. But then I got so into writing about it and wanted to give people something they could really work with that I wrote a few pages about the training and divided them into phases, which is how we do it. This is certainly not the whole training system, which would require more time than most people have. This system was originally for those who lived every moment of every day doing Martial Arts. I am, of course, referring to the Shaolin of China and the Ninja of Japan. From what the Ninja learned, they built further upon, since they used it for more than basic self defense.

The training of the Full-Body of Iron seems to be craved by many. In the above picture, you can see a person doing one-handed push-ups with another person on his back. This strength does not come from weights. No reps are done. This strength is mostly internal, but the body is also conditioned. Here I will give how we do this, but first I want you to understand a few fundamentals in this practice.

Begin by reading the page regarding the preliminary practices. Before you get into the serious Iron Body training you need to have that foundation.

Phase One
Phase Two
Phase Three