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Welcome To The A Tendency 2 Start Fires HomePage! ( You find yourself in Cody and Tomorrow Man's neighborhood. The guys are taking an afternoon jog through the neighborhood with the Butcher. The neighborhood has the famous hills of San Francisco with the Victorian Houses leading up the hill. Cody and Tomorrow Man aren't having a problem running up the hills but the Butcher is. The Butcher stops and leans against a sign to take a break and to catch his breath.) Butcher: Hold up guys. I'm not use to these hills which seem to go on forever. Cody: Alright, we'll take a break. Tomorrow Man and I do this everyday so we're use to it. The hills help our legs get strong so we can jump higher and farther. Butcher: Hey, I live in New York City. We don't have endless hills to help strengthen our legs. T-Man: So how do you strengthen your legs? Butcher: Running from the cops. (Cody begins to laugh at the Butcher.) Butcher: It's the truth, man! Cody: I never said you were lying. Just take it easy we'll be home soon. It's just a few more houses down. (Tomorrow Man encourages the Butcher so start running again. They all run past the next few houses until they reach Cody and Tomorrow Man's house. Cody pulls out the keys from his sweats and unlocks the door. They all walk into the kitchen and The Butcher and Cody take a seat at the table. Tomorrow Man goes to the refrigerator and grabs some bottles of water. He takes a seat next to Cody and the Butcher grabs the water. He opens the bottle and chugs down the water quickly. He gets some all over himself.) Cody: Damn! I've never seen anybody drink water that fast. Butcher: Damn, I've never ran so much in my life! What the hell are you guys trying to do to me? Remember I've got a match tonight against Kip Kart. How am I going to wrestle if I can't even stand up? T-Man: Relax, we've got a few hours until show time. So are you going to be ready for Kart tonight. Butcher: I don't know. That damn run took all my energy away. Kart is an excellent wrestler and I'm going to have to wrestle a top performance tonight. Cody: You'll do fine, just set your goal to beating this guy and then you can take a break knowing that you're in a perfect position for the Extreme Title. Set your mind on your goal and you can and will achieve it. It helps us all the time when we've got a match. Butcher: I don't know, Kart sure is a great wrestler. Cody: Yeah he's a great wrestler but you're even better. Who cares what other guys say about you. Believe in yourself, Butch. Your fans believe in you and so do we. All you've got to do is know that you're the better man and that you have to show it. This is the last wrestling night of the century for you and you don't want to leave for a short break with a loss. Butcher: Yeah, finally this damn century is over. It's been nothing but a pain in the ass for me all my career. With injuries, countless losses and never winning a title. Next year marks a new Butcher. Hopefully one with countless wins and title reigns. T-Man: I'll drink to that. (They all raise their bottles of water a knock them against each other.) Butcher: So what about you guys tonight? Are you two going to kick Vargas' and his partner's ass tonight? Cody: Of course we are. This is our town and nobody and I mean nobody comes into our town to rough us up. We're going to walk out of the arena tonight with those Tag Team Titles high in the air for every T2SF fan in the building and around the world. No way are we going to have a title reign end in San Francisco. Winning the Titles was only the beginning. T-Man: Sure, Vargas is a good wrestler and everything but he said he's not willing to work with his partner. That will be a plus for us. Butcher: So is your manager going to show up at this one? Cody: I don't think so. He just left us once we won the Titles and we haven't heard from him sense. Butcher: He does that every now and then. He came to help you guys and he did just that. He probably feels that he's completed his mission and moved on. So tonight is the big night. The end of the year and the start of another one in a few weeks. There's no way that I'm going to lose to this kid and there is no way that you guys are going to disappoint San Francisco. Now if you'll excuse me I've got to piss like a race house. (The Butcher gets up from his chair and runs to the bathroom. You hear the door slam behind him and the next thing you know you hear a satisfying groan come from the bathroom. The scene fades to black.)

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