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Lake Ontario Tackle

To be succesful on Lake Ontario you need good Equipment and tackle to land those trophy fish.In this section i have the equipment and tackle i use on my boat and many other Great Lake trollers have on there boats also.

The method of Fishing lake ontario is trolling and trolling calls for special equipment.Thats where the downriggers come in.Downriggers are use for control depth fishing.Downriggers put the lure down where the fish are.This is important because the fish are tempature oriented and the downrigger gets the lure to that depth where the tempature is.The brand of downriggers i used is BigJon.I have used these downriggers and they have performed for me in the harshes condtions.I have four Bigjon captain pack downriggers with two rod holders on each.

Tempature Probes

Another important method for fishing lake ontario is using tempature probes.The fish in lake ontario are tempature oreinted so a tempature probe is very important.The fish hang in the thermocline and a tempature probe can locate the fish and then you can use the downriggers to place your lure at the prefered depth.These tempature probes are made by fishhawk.these i highly recommend because they show both surface tempature and speed and underwater tempature and speed.I use the fishhawk on my boat for years now and it's a excellent trolling device that helps me catch more fish.

Reels and Poles
When fishing for trophy Salmon and Trout you need good reels and poles. I used diawa line counters and they work excellent for me. For poles i mostly use 8' to 9' downrigger rods.

Although i use good reels they are nothing without a good line. That's when Berkley Trelene comes in. I used trelene for every kind of fsihing. But for trolling in the spring i use Brekley vanish. For the rest of the year i use Brekley Big Game.
Another special piece of equipment used for trolling is the plannerboards. The plannerboards are use to get the lures to the side of the boat. Of cousre i have a Bigjon planner mast. Again this is a very good planner mast and so far i had no problems with it.

There are tons of lures on the market for trolling. But only some are very effective. I have used these lures for years and have done very well with.

another important piece of tackle is the flashers,dodgers and cowbells. These are very important becuase they attarct fish to your lures.