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The Wizard of Oz

March 2000 I was in the school play. It was the first play I've been in. I played a citizen of OZ, or as we called them...ozians! I plan on trying out for the play this coming school year too. Now, here are some pictures!

This is me in costume and a flying monkey (they didn't really fly, they used roller blades!)

Glinda, Tinman, Lion, Dorothy and Scarecrow is kneeling



The witch with some of the Munchkins

Professor Marvel (the only adult in the play...he's the principal of the primary school)

These are the Poppies that the characters walk through to get to OZ. We got a whole bunch of little 2nd graders for this part

These are some of the Ozians (the part I played)

The 3 Tots (munchkins)

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