
BuffyVille is mainly, a website filled with info and pictures about Buffy the Vampire Slayer. It is also a club you can join to become a resident of BuffyVille. Right now, I need a lot of people to become residents, and when I am more organized, I am going to do more stuff that has to do with residents of BuffyVille. If you have a website, I have a banner you can put on your website that says that you are a resident. Also if any of you have any suggestions about my site please feel free to e-mail.

Don't feel like updating...so ha!

BuffyVille's Picture Gallery | BuffyVille's Free For All Links | BuffyVille Residents | Quotes | Film Credits | BuffyVille's Official Buffy Fan 'Zine, "Bite This" | A Tribute to Buffy the Vampire Slayer

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Site Started Sometime in late July of 1999

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Pictures are copyright © 1998 The WB Television Network and are from the Official Buffy the Vampire Slayer Site.