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~*~Power Animals~*~

These are some Power Animals and what they are
associated with. Find the ones you relate to most,
or find your favorite animal to discover what it
says about you. These are only some of the more
popular ones. Power animals are generally used to
help give you more confidence and
the ability to draw more power.

Alligator: aggression, survival, adaptability
Ant: team player, worker
Armadillo: active, nocturnal, protection
Bat: guardian of the night, cleaner
Bear: power, adaptability
Beaver: builder, gatherer
Bobcat: loner, intensity
Buffalo: sacredness, life builder
Bull: strength, warning, determination
Butterfly: carefree, transformer, change
Cheetah: speed, agility, grace, hunter
Cougar: leadership, courage
Coyote: prankster, insight, playful
Cow: patience, stoicism
Crane: solitude, independence
Deer: love, gentle, kindness
Dolphin: kindness, play, bring man to ocean
Dove: love, peace
Dragon: nobility, wisdom, strength
Dragonfly: flighty, carefree
Eagle: divine spirit, connection to Air element
Elk: strength, agility, freedom
Elephant: long life, self-preservation
Flamingo: grace, awareness
Fox: cunning, provider, intelligence
Frog: fun, connection with Water element
Giraffe: watchfulness, mobility
Goat: stubborn, independent
Goose: faithful, communicative, traveler
Hawk: messenger, strength
Horse: stamina, nobility, strength
Hummingbird: messenger, stopper of time
Jaguar: healing, hope, stealthy
Kangaroo: feisty, funloving
Lion: power, strength, respect
Lizard: conservation, agility
Loon: solitude, song, romance
Monkey: playfulness, agility
Moose: headstrong, unstoppable, longevity
Mouse: timid, secretive, sneaky
Otter: laughter, curiosity, truth, patience
Owl: wisdom, perseverance
Panda: playful, kind, caring
Pegasus: messenger, traveler, immortal
Penguin: playful, loving
Pheasant: confidence, attraction, perseverance
Phoenix: purification, individualism
Quail: sacred spiral, ceremonial
Rabbit: alertness, resourceful
Raccoon: bandit, shy, determination
Ram: new beginning, teacher, hoarder
Raven: trickster, mischievous
Road runner: speed, agility, cleverness
Salmon: instinct, persistence
Scorpion: defense, revenge
Seahorse: confidence, grace
Seal: dreams, creativity
Shark: hunter, survival
Snake: shrewdness, transformation
Spider: creative, pattern of life
Squirrel: trusting, innocence
Sting ray: mystery, rhythm
Swan: grace, balance, festive
Thunderbird: Caller of rain
Tiger: wild, connection to Fire element
Turkey: smart, elusive
Turtle: self contained, creative source
Unicorn: redemption, salvation, purity
Whale: wisdom, power, cleanser
Wolf: loyalty, success, connection to Earth element
Zebra: family-oriented, alert
