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stainglass angel
Welcome to the "The Angel Garden"
A place for your highest good and greatest joy!
Angel garden
Let the great light shine!

Hi my name is Maggie Pelzer, R.N.
A spiritually based Therapeutic Touch and Reiki Master III practitioner
with a strong clinical background in cardiac and critical care, home care
and ambulatory surgery.
Join me for a quiet, guided experience in relaxation and centering,
moving toward inner harmony
and peace.

angel with Jesus
These days many people are seeking
alternative healing methods or ways to take back their personal power!
If you have been looking for a way to achieve
a spiritual breakthrough
or over come a block that has been put on your path
emotionally, physically or spiritually,
reiki may be just what you are seeking!
The price for a reiki masters is no longer out of reach.
Come and awaken the great light within yourself!

autumn angel
Relieves pain
Speeds healing
Stops bleeding
Calms emotions
Balances the chakras and aura energy
Slows respiration's
Lowers blood pressure
Brings on cleansing
Violin Angels

Reiki is the life force energy in the Usui system of natural healing
the life force energy is honored and used daily to help us and guide us.
I am a Reiki Master. Attuned by a Master,
the Reiki practitioner becomes connected to the source of energy.
Reiki has been a life changing, very healing experience for me
and I would love the chance to share Reiki Healing energy with you.

angel on a rock
I am offering 1 hour reiki sessions for $30.
Reiki training is also available as follows...

Stars Angel

Reiki I
4 classes and
$25 per session

Bubble Angel

#1 What is Reiki
Reiki History
Your Lineage
Attunement 1
Physical Clearing
#2 Aura, Color and
The Chakra system

Attunement 2

#3 The Rays, Prana
Pendulums & Psychic surgery with Gem Stones

Attunement 3
Mental Clearing
#4 Hand positions
How to heal yourself

Attunement 4
Spiritual Clearing

Reiki II
2 Classes
1 Attunement
$50 per session
#1 2 Symbols are given
and healing is taught while the patient is present
#2 How to do distance healing
And the Attunement is given

At the end of level II those interested in achieving their Masters
will be part of a 6 week internship program.
There is NO CHARGE to the student for these 6 weeks.
It is a time of giving for those in need of healing
that can not afford regular prices and a great learning experience
for the Reiki level II’s.

Reiki Masters
2 Classes
$75 per session
#1 The symbol for Master is given
as well as the Master level attunement
#2 How to teach and attune others is taught
and the Masters degree certificate is given in
this class
This is a 14 week course. The total cost is $350.
Most would pay this or more for just the Masters degree.
Space is limited to 10 students per class,
so email now to hold your space in the next set of classes.

Little One

Thank You so very much for coming to visit us.
If you live near the Poughkeepsie, New York area
or are planning a visit here
please make sure you give us an email at
Please come back to see us soon we'll have more updates
and many special things to offer!
Peace be with you....Maggie

Angel Face

Remember to always say the "Guardian Angel Prayer"

Angel of God, My Guardian dear.
To whom God's love commits me here
Ever this day/night be at my side.
To light, to guard, to rule, to guide. Amen

Before you leave, would be please be kind enough

to sign our guestbook? Thanks in advance!

View Guestbook Sign Guestbook

Best viewed with Netscape and best heard wtih Crescendo

The song you hear is the "Ave Maria" by Franz Schubert
"(C) 1991 Roland Corporation"

Thanks to Backgrounds by Angells
for this lovely background and Click here
to get her lovely Angel pictures too. We did! Please go visit this wonderful site!

A special thanks to Lisa at the "Awareness Shop"

for some of the wording on this site

which was from her original brochure

A special thanks too Angelfire for hosting this site and giving us email too!

Last Updated on this 9th day of Julyl in the year of our Lord 2001

This page was created on the 24th of August in the year of Our Lord 1999
Email us at Webmaster
For comments, classes in reiki or web pages done to your specifications by Purrfect Pages

Please visit our personal pages too at Fran and Tripods