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November Tips & Crafts

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Thanksgiving Votive Candle Holder

An easy votive holder with a Thanksgiving theme.

What You Need

Baby food jar
Thanksgiving or Fall stickers White glue, like Elmer's
Glitter, optional
Raffia or ribbon

How To Make It

Apply the stickers around the jar. Press firmly all around the stickers. Using a paintbrush, completely cover the jar sides from right below the jar threads to the bottom of the sides.

Sprinkle with glitter if desired. Let dry. Tie raffia or ribbon around the jar threads. Insert a votive candle and display as part of a Thanksgiving center piece.

Make one for each guest and use as a place setting. Your guests could take home the candle holders as a gift.

Happy Thanksgiving!

Cornucopia Place Card

Put one at each table setting to let your family members know where to sit at Thanksgiving dinner.


brown construction paper
one-bugle shaped corn snack
small dried flowers or weeds-baby's breath works well


1. Cut paper into 3" X 4" rectangles. Fold in half length wise.

2. Place dried flowers inside bugle. Squeeze 2-3 drops of glue inside snack to secure flowers. Write name on placecard.

3. Glue bugle-shaped snack horizontally across center. Let dry.