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Phil's Home on the World Wide Web

This page is my personal outlet to the outside world, so please enjoy any content you may find on these pages and give credit to me, the author, Philip Rant when using the information, unless the information I present is cited from another source. So anyway, that being said, please surf my pages and enjoy what you come across.


One of my favorite things to do is watch wrestling. Here, you will find some information about my favorite wrestlers plus pictures and other things, and also some links to wrestling related web pages. Visit my Wrestling Page.

I love all sports, and I could watch them all 24 hours a day(except the logcutting competitions you see every now and then on ESPN). I like pretty much everything: Baseball, Hockey, Basketball, Tennis, Football, Golf, or whatever is on ESPN. Here you can visit my Sports Page.

Or, go on to my Links Page to find links to all sorts of links to pages on the web.


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