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My Bird Lucky

We want to introduce to you the rest of the aviary. Fudge,Choco, Saltie, Louie, Mitchie, Pepper, Jude & Laurie. My bird Lucky has beautiful feathers all around him. He flies to me when I call him. When he was still a little bird, his eyes were still closed. He kept crying till his parents feed him seeds. He smells just like an ordinary bird, like other birds. When I touch him he feels just as soft as a pillow. When he chirps, he sounds like a whistle. When he fluffs his feathers out he looks like a stuffed bird. His eyes are as brown as a chocolate chip cookie. Sometimes he chirps, sometimes he talks. When he eat seeds he drops the outer-covering of the seed. When he's wet he feels like a soggy sponge. When he's scared or angry, the feathers on his head stands up. When you put your finger he will not bite you. Lucky is my good and special friend.

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