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RIP Brandon Bruce Lee
A few crow vids.

One of the few pics of Skull Cowboy, and is a good close-up. I like this pic, i have only seen it once, i just found it again, so i put it up here. This is a new one i have never seen before. I love this one, isn't PSP great? Isn't Sarah hot all grown up? bird. Check out what I made! There is Gideon There goes his shop. Tin-Tin Funboy Detective Torres Top Dollar looks ready to fight. A great side shot of Top Dollar. Myca w/ a gun. Eric holdingf Albrects temples. Grange T-Bird about to shot Eric Eric coming out of grave (smaller than the last pic) True love is forever. Eric during a flashback scene Eric and Shelly Eric after being shot Brandon during promo shoot. Eric putting on make-up. Sarah in the graveyard. Eric putting on his shirt. Eric enters the church Top Dollar, with a smile on his face "Like the jacket?" Eric examines his hands. Eric lookin into someone eyes, i don't know who. He is pissed. Eric lookin up to the crow. Eric before he gets makeup, and distinctly see the bullet wounds Eric lookin up to Shelly "Take-out" Eric next to a lamp. Another hug. Just like the one 4 above. I don't like this, but nikki might. Eric back puttin on make-up A spooky lookin fire pic. What? What do you want? "Mr. Gideon, your not paying attention." Your right Skank. Nice catch Mr. Huson Eric lookin from the corner of his eye. Eric on a ledge. RIP Brandon The smashed guitar from the movie.
Eric pointing guns at people during Top Dollars meeting.

Eric throwing the guns to the sides.

Eric playing guitar on the roof (green)

Eric entering the church.

Eric looking up to Albrect.

Eric looking pissed as usual.

Behind the fire, kinda freaky.

After being punched by Tin-Tin (diff. expersion on face than before)

After Tin-Tin throws down the metal pipe.

Eric Standing before Tin-Tin throws his knifes.

SLaping the knifes away.

"You heard me rapping, right?"

Leaving Gideons.

Finding the ring, not a close up like before.

Another shot of Eric leaving Gideons

Awsome shot of Eric with the shop on fire behind him.

What you talking about Willis?

Another variation of the fire escape pic, Eric next to the hotel sign.

Lookin toward Darla.

Still looking at the crack whore.

Eric having flashbacks, farther away picture than pevious others.

This pic is really dark, i'm not sure what scene or what the fuck is going on.

Eric on a ladder, you can't see his face.

Sittin on a table.

On his side, on the floor, with a gun.


Really Spooky

Well Scarlet....... :-Þ

I bet you didn't know i can tap dance!?

Trying out to be an olympic jumper.

Eric in the helicopter spotlight.

Dropping his jacket

A gift.....

Close up of Erics face

Eric standing before Top-Dollar

Eric after being shot by Top-Dollar

What you got?

Crow poster i want to buy but can't fucking find it in this fuckin crow hating area!

Looks light an enlightened angel.

Small B&W pic of brandon standing in the church

Looks light an enlightened angel sitting.

A great, but rare pic, the band, Hangman's Joke.

Eric looking at his hands.

James O'Barr and Brandon Lee

Eric on the roof smashing his guitar

Bullet ridden brandon in the alley

A little animation of stuff

Eric standing before Skull-Cowboy.

Brandon trying to grab someone on the set.

On the set.

Shelly with a wash-cloth.

The japanese crow movie poster.

Brandon getting his make-up.

Brandon smokeing a cigerrtte, like the one at the top of the page.
Eric standing in front of the church.
Eric walking up the church steps.
Eric infront of Skull-Cowboy
The front of the church.
Eric ducking infront of Skull-Cowboy

Another of Eric infront of Skull-Cowboy
"Thats your story, now get out of my way."
Shelly in her wedding dress, with Sarah on the bed.
Shelly and Sarah in a pillow fight.

Yet another pillow fight picture.

Eric playing guitar with Shelly in the background.

A beutiful drawing of Eric w/ a crow on his shoulders.

Eric and Albrect
Brandon in b&w with guns
Brandon in a yellow tint
Looking into Gideons
On the set
Albrect in the rain
Root beer! sweet deal.
Eric reaching for the headstone
Leaning on a headstone in b&w
"I want the Gods to notice us again!"
He owes her one.
Grange and Gideon
T-Bird and my boy Skank waiting on Funboy
Putting a cigar out on hsi tounge "sick f*ck"
Eric and Funboy in b&w
He wasted it.
Eric w/ a gun. Suprise Suprise
Great pic just inside Gids
"Look! Mother is the...."
Facing camera after Gids goes to hell.
I think i have this on here about....10 times, but i think they are all diff.
Eric and Officer Albretch
Emotional scene w/ Sarah
"Mother is the name for God on the lips and hearts of all children..."
My cat Top Dollar and his GF/Sister Mica
Close-up "I thought I'd use your front door."
Older Sarah's tattoo. Damn Mia, damn.
Close-up "I saw her..."
A smiling Shell.
I did this once, with butter....yuck, took hours to clean.
Make-up and one excited woman in the back.
The rocker, Eric Draven.
In the rainy alley.
Another happy shelly pic
Sarah and Shelly in the mirror.
Stunt double doing the make-up.
Same as above, better angel.
Tin-Tin taunting.