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Tekken Tag Tournament

Tekken Tag Tournament -- Namco's newest game in the series of Tekken is just like an enhanced version of Tekken 3. Except with a whole queue of fighters to choose from in Tekken Tag Tournament. Namco has recently posted pictures of the game in action on its official website, accessible by going to The Official Tekken Tag Tournament Site.

Yes! Armor King makes a come-back!

These picks show the current roster of characters in the game, sans the hidden, time-released fighters that will unveil themselves over the game's lifespan. The big deal about the game, however, is the Tag Team element, where during a match you can call upon your partner to relieve you during a bout. Tons of new strategies are now possible with this new element, so even expert Tekken masters will have a learning curve to climb.

It's the same game as Tekken 3 with a few new enhancements and a whole queue of fighters to choose from.

The game is still in development and should be in arcades across the country in the next month or so. Keep watching Namco's site for the latest on the game, but in the meantime, dig these new pictures of the game.