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Playstation 2 Price Confirmed

The Japanese PlayStation 2 will ship on January 23, 2000 in Japan for a price of 45,000 Yen (US $391), according to Merrill Lynch analyst reports. December 3rd, is the rumored release for the US.

The first shipment of total units is 400,000 in January. This is a good sum, but probably not enough to meet the initial demand, with the hype and universal appeal that PlayStation 2 has received thus far. Sony will ship a total of 1 million units by the end of March 2000.

According to Merrill Lynch's report, games will initially sell for the US equivalent of about $70 -- 8,000 in Japanese yen. Also, according to the report, there will be three to four completely new launch titles and as many as seven totally "upgraded" PlayStation games.

Certainly, the initial titles are coming from Square, Namco, and most almost assuredly Konami, and Capcom. and I certainly expect PSX 2 to dock at US shores no later then December as to be availible to gamers everywhere throughout the holiday's.