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Obi Wan's Future May Lie With PlayStation

At the Electronic Entertainment Exposition in Los Angeles last week, LucasArts announced a surprise Star Wars Episode I game starring the faithful Jedi Knight Obi Wan Kenobi. A real surprise to many (because most folks didn't think there were more Episode I games), the game was announced for the PC and is scheduled to arrive in either late fall or winter of 1999.

But LucasArts, as it has in the last four months, artfully left open the possibility of it arriving on other game systems, and for good reason. Remember the misleading Nintendo announcement about the Episode I Racer coming exclusively to Nintendo 64? Racer is out for both the PC and Nintendo 64, and LucasArts has confirmed its arrival on PlayStation later this fall. Hell, it's even coming the Mac. PlayStation also will receive The Phantom Menace in a month or two, whenever it's ready (but that's another story).

"At this time we have only announced the PC platform," a LucasArts representative told IGNPSX today. Leaving the question purposefully open, LucasArts certainly has plans for more announcements. There's a good chance Star Wars Episode I: Obi Wan Kenobi could come to the PlayStation.

What do we think? We're hopeful. The PlayStation certainly needs more first-person shooters. On the other hand, the lack of the system hardware (PlayStation is chintzy on RAM and lacks a floating-point processor) to support a first-person shooter may make the decision easier for LucasArts. It may only head straight for Nintendo 64, leaving the PlayStation in the dust.