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Resident Evil Nemesis News

With the announcment of Resident Evil: Codename Veronica for the Dreamcast, gamers everywhere lost all hopes in seeing another Resident Evil game on the PSX. But Capcom didn't have the heart to abandon all those gamers and the succes they had with the Resident Evil series on the Playstation. So now we all rejoice in the thought that the latest RE game is on it's way to a Playstation near you called Resident Evil: Nemesis.

Nemesis takes the survival horror series to new heights in every aspect. Determined to out do themselves once again, Capcom has added new levels of interactivity to Nemesis thus meaning tons of new ways to effect the outcome of the story. Nemesis also pushes the PSX to its limits graphically. As you can see from the screenshots, Nemesis is far more detailed than the previous two games in the series. Capcom has kept the prerendered backdrops the RE series is famous for but has added a level of detail matched only by the ever popular FFVIII.

Not much is known about the story at the time except that Nemesis is going to take place 24 hours before and 24 hours after Resident Evil 2 did. It explains how the town turned into zombies, as well as many other unanswered things. It's going to be interesting to see how Capcom can integrate Nemesis into Resident Evil 2. You also get to control Jill Valentine this time around. For those of you new to the Resident Evil series, she was a playable character from Resident Evil 1. Jill is also accompanied by Carlos Oliveira, a South American mercenary.

Now gamers everywhere can celebrate. Nemesis introduces the ability to dodge, something that you should have been able to do in the first 2. Now Capcom has to realize that you should be able to run while shooting. Nemesis is also host to a wonderful array of vicious enemies. Some new, some brought back from the first two. The zombie is back and better than ever. Zombies will now come back to life after some time.

Well, that should be enough to quench your thirst til after E3. Expect some more screenshots, and a preview with some story details soon. Resident Evil Nemesis should be out in stores some time this November.