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Flesh & Wire

What would you do if an alien was in the process of eating your legs? Running With Scissors examines this age-old question in Flesh & Wire, a game the company is developing for the PlayStation 2, as well as the Dreamcast and Nintendo's next system.

Currently, all that's been revealed are a few storyboard sketches, character layouts, and design ideas. But it has been revealed on the company's website that, yes, the PlayStation 2 will be getting the game.

I wish I had a Jello mold attached to my waist. Then I could be as cool as Angus.

The game follows Angus, a sleazy, slimy cop who wakes up one morning with an alien amoebae-like creature noshing on his legs, and his city has been engulfed by a bio-ship by the name of the Nulloid. Rather than worry about what the heck the thing's doing to his lower half, he comes to the realization that he can control the gelatinous blob, and uses this new-found power to move around and utilize special abilities, sloshing around the levels. He'll also utilize massive amounts of firepower, so expect over-the-top violence the company is known for – Postal wasn't exactly the Care Bears, folks.

No date has been set, but don't expect the game until at least the system's US launch. In the meantime, you can check out the game's progress by going to the Running With Scissors website at