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Debug code for Final Fantasy VIII

Start your Final Fantasy now!

Everybody knows FFVIII has been released in Japan this 11 Feb, but US & Euro players cannot play this cool game because Square has added special code to lockout people that try to use a modchip to play it. Now I got a cool secret that lets players all over the world play it now! No need to wait until this fall! Some Asian or US hackers worked out how to play Japanese Version FF8 on US & Euro PSX. These cool guys did a cool job, they gave us a Chinese New Year's gift! Just enter these codes then start your Final Fantasy! (I know a lot of players own Game Shark, so start with that first!)

This one for Gameshark owners. For those who own Game Shark v2.0, several variations of code are available.

For use with any Magic Key or Pro Action Replay to boot FFVIII:

Here's a variant of the code: