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A New 3D Horror Game From Bandai?

More and more games just keep on appearing in the video game universe. This is one of them that just popped out of the shadows and caught the eye of the horror genre. I am surprised American gamers have not heard anything about this game at all! Of course, that might(just might!) be because it might not be coming out in the United States.

Bandai is working on a new 3D horror adventure game called Countdown Vampires, scheduled to release this fall, this game takes place in the year 2001 at a Las Vegas casino, where the people inside suddenly became vampires and zombies, and you play as the main character Keith Snyder, you need to battle against the enemies and discover the mysteries behind it. Special systems are implemented in the game, at full moon nights the vampire will have the strongest power, and they became weakest after the full moon nights. You can use different weapons and martial arts to battle the vampires and zombies. This game supports analog, dual shock and PocketStation.

Now, the fall release date seems to soon for America because we surely would have heard about it by now. Of course, you never know, Dino Crisis is coming out in the fall and we didn't hear about it until about two weeks ago.

So far I think the game will be another ripoff of (Drawing deep breath of air): Castlevania Symphony of the Night, Resident Evil 1 & 2, Parasite Eve, and Silent Hill. On a positive note the character design seems cool and the plot seems awesome, but the vampire and zombie idea is getting very old!!