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Chrono Cross

Here are some of the First Details that I know of on this upcoming game from SquareSoft. First of all, the three main protagonists are: Serge, the hero, Yamaneko, his rival and Glenn. The attacks are very similar to Chrono Trigger and it includes of Element attacks, a combination of items and magic and they will be included into the fights.

The gameplay is standard RPG exploration on prerendered backgrounds, as in Final Fantasy VII and VIII. Battles eschew the original's Active Time Battle system for a more traditional turn-based system. "Turn based" may be an oversimplification; instead of taking turns, each character attacks whenever he pleases, for as long or as short as he chooses, in whatever order the player ascribes. The only limitation is each character's stamina bar. Depleted by actions, a character's stamina bar refills during other characters' and enemies' turns. As in Xenogears, characters choose from three different types of attacks and a rudimentary chaining system seems to support the mixing and matching of attacks. As a character attacks, his elemental bar fills up. Once the bar fills to a certain level, equipped elemental attacks (spells) of that level can be used. Elemental attacks are colored by type and can be arranged in the player's inventory into patterns - how this affects the game remains to be seen. Although this writer was unable to find any of Chrono Trigger's signature Double or Triple techs between multiple characters, they may yet be discovered.

Graphics fall somewhere between Final Fantasy VIII and Legend of Mana in style; the game has a highly textured and "sketched" computer-graphics look. Battle sequences run at a brisk frame rate - too brisk, it seems at times. The occasional CG sequence spices up the storyline, although they're not as tightly integrated as Final Fantasy's. Music and sound effects are passable, if unmemorable.

An analogy: Imagine that your favorite movie is finally getting a sequel. But the original's director, producer, screenplay author, dialogue writer, costume designer, and composer are not returning. Moreover, none of the original game's characters are anywhere to be found. Such a movie wouldn't be a "sequel" in anything but name. Perhaps Chrono Cross is best viewed in a similar fashion: as a standalone RPG arbitrarily assigned a popular name. With almost none of the original's crew returning, Chrono Cross will ultimately be judged on its own merits alone.

Plus you can find a demo of this upcoming product from SquareSoft in Legend Of Mana that will be released in Japan towards the end of the year.