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Monk3y's Pat Lee gallery

Pat Lee is a penciller at the comic book company Dream Wave. The company that has given us the hit Dark Minds and this coming summer giving us WarLands and Neon Cyber. Neon cyber is a type of spin off from Dark minds but still looks very promising. WarLands is a fantasy type of comis. Very cool.

Now since I have a cable modem( lucky me) this pics took no time to view. For you other people you'll have to just bare with it. the files are large. 7 pics equal about 1 MB of space. Wow!

I have now put thumbnails in for those with crapper computers

Here we go

Warland Archive
.Dark Minds and others

Click to go back my main pagehere

Part of the Monk3y Web Network!

Now for the other needed crap. All these images are owned by logically their respective owner and therefore they aren't my own. i don't hold any oftheir copyrights and/or other legeal crap. i got these images from the Dream Wave web sitePlease don't give this art work to people and it is also illegeal to charge fees for veiw this art. If you do then you shall suffer the personal curse of me and most likely Pat Lee.

Email me
updated 7/2/99