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We here at the CFS Insiders are very upset and deeply saddened about the recent terrorists attacks in New York City and Washington DC.
It is true, the United States may have done things in the past to irritate those responsible. However no action of any kind could justify what was done to our country and our fellow citizens.
We here at CFS Insiders would like to send our prayers and deepest sympathy to all those who lost loved ones or was effected by this tragic event in any way.
We would also like to thank all of the fireman, policemen, volunteers and all of those who have taken time or energy out of their day to help in the relief efforts. We are coming together as a country and I'm sure that is what the terrorists didn't want. In time, they will regret the day that they ever decided to mess with the United States of America.
God bless you all, and God bless America!

A Prayer of Remembrance