I'm just too tired to write in my spirit journal, so I'm uploading another early morning devotions prayer.

No More Manna

5:50 AM

"Happy are those whose help is the
God of Jacob,
whose hope is in the Lord their
who made heaven and earth,
the sea, and all that is in them;
who keeps faith forever;
who executes justice for the
who gives food to the hungry."Psalm 146:5-7

Who executes justice for the oppressed; who gives food to the hungry? He no longer rains manna and birds down on those who are hungry. Since He sent His Son to teach us, to die for us, to advocate for us, He expects us to seek justice for the oppressed and to feed the hungry. We forget that in our daily lives. Oh, we give, not generously, when the "loose offering" is taken up for earthquake victims, or other victims of tragedy. During our days and nights, when our own petty worries and anxieties rule, we forget that charge.

Dear Lord,
There are so many victims of oppression
in this world
that it is easier to forget them than to feel
There are so many sad stories in the world
around us
that it is easier to go about our daily work
ignoring them.

Help us to remember that we are the source
of your justice
and your manna.
Open our hearts, our minds, our homes and
our wallets.
May we never forget that "I was hungry and
you fed me."

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