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7:45 AM James calls "love thy neighbor as thyself" the "royal law". Archbishop George Carey writes, "this helps me to see that my enemy IS my neighbor."

On Neighbors and Being a Good Model

"Do not let those who hope in you
be put to shame because of
O Lord God of hosts;
do not let those who seek you be dishonored because of me,
O God of Israel." Psalm 69:6

This concerns me a lot. It is hard to follow Christ. I often find myself responding to people in less that Christian ways. If I profess myself a Christian, then others are going to look to me and my behavior. 'Let your light so shine." I'm not trying to be perfect; I know better! But, when I say something sarcastic, or make a nasty crack about someone, or respond in anger to someone, who is watching? Who is thinking, "And she calls herself a Christian."

Here I am, Lord,
asking that you will help me watch
my tongue.
Help my mouth to sent forth your praise,
And my behavior to honor you.

There is an interesting essay on "neighbors" in The Bible for Everyday Life" , edited by George Carey. It points out how in Jesus' time, the argument wasn't should you love your neighbor, as that was the Jewish law, but about who IS your neighbor. Their interpretation was one of exclusion, and one of the reasons Jesus was always in hot water with the Pharisees is that His interpretation of "neighbor" was one of inclusion.

Things don't change much, do they?

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