Due to the fact that I am a proud net sister , I thought I'd make a sister adoption page . If you'd like to take one of these and put on your page then please follow the rules . I'd really appricate it ! Follow these steps to adopt !

1) You MUST , Or PLEASE sign my guestbook and put your web page address on it so that I can check out your page . And Somewhere in the message type , M.A.S. so I'll know the reason you signed was to adopt .

2) Come back to this page and click the right mouse button over the sister your adopting and press "Save As , " or something to that matter . Save in your computer and then do the same to the birth right . The birth right is the little sign that says " I Adopted Blah Blah Blah " On it .

3) Upload the images to your server and then link the birth right back to my adoption page which is " https://www.angelfire.com/ny2/hippiehut/sis.html " , and enjoy .

I am taking special request ! So if you'd like your name to be on the birth right or a special doll made then please contact me via e-mail or ICQ . Also , I did make these dolls myself with the palace chat freeware so if you'd like to download the palace freeware yourself then please click Here To Download It .

If you need a tutorial on how to make these dolls then Click Here For The Tutorial . There pretty simple to capture but these dolls I edited myself so don't take then unless your gonna adopt . If you'd like a special one made then e-mail me and I'd be glad to .

P.S. I'll Be Adding Often So Please Come Back , Thank You ! *huggers*

Background And Table Brought To You By DDD .

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