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2 Massages massage nyc New York Manhattan Robert Lane 212-534-8970 401E89th
2 massage Massages therapy therapist masseur nyc New York City Manhattan ues
Robert Lane, LMT. 401 East 89th Street
Upper East Side office, NYS licensed 1988
Certified Vortex Healer, Medical Intuitive
Pendulum Dowsing Consultant for personal decisions

Robert J. Lane, LMT

401 East 89th St. @ 1st Ave., #1M
New York City, New York 10128
212-534-8970 -- Hours: 1-9 PM, 7 days

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CLIENT #5 - Caprice B, actor, New York City

"Nine months ago I was suffering from a complete imbalance in my system. I lost half my hair in 3 weeks, I had insomnia for 2 months, depression and poor digestion. Heavy mood swings left me helpless to get out of bed let alone work, my liver was weak and adrenals were terribly exhausted.

I sought out all the top doctors in Manhattan and was received like my ailments were a figment of my imagination. I was furious at their dismissal, and that with all their technology could not diagnose anything. I was classified "subclinical" therefore nothing could be done. They all suggested I take a vacation and prescribed sleeping pills. I sunk further into depression for I knew that something was off-balance, but who could I turn to?

My yoga instructor suggested I meet a healer who was well known for his intuitive energy work. I was open to the possibility and made an appointment. Within 5 minutes I was at ease, and he listened to all of my imbalances as heralds instead of a figment of my imagination. He reassured me I wasn't crazy at all.

He thought it was my adrenal subtle energies which set off other imbalances; I started taking vitamins and herbs, while Robert helped me understand how the mind and body work together. I also began energy work and massages which, by the way, are the best I have ever encountered!

I was a track athlete and dancer and have had many sports medicine trainers work on me thru the years. None ever used such deep muscular manipulation to the level I needed. For I don't have little knots in my body but a wall of tension throughout. His laying on of hands intuitively know where to go, how much pressure to apply and he controls the amount of healing energy that emits from his hands.

I do believe he has been given a gift from the heavens! A gift for me as well, for I have been balancing the imbalances with Robert, as well as going for regular energy work.

I feel like me again: healthy, rested, relaxed and clearer than I have ever been. No drugs, nothing invasive...just pure healing of the spirit and mind and body. Robert is as gentle and warm as a human can get and he has been a blessing to me and my health. I am under tremendous stress in my career, for I am a working actor in New York City.

Working with Robert has helped me catch hold and bring it all into balance again! I am forever grateful for him and his magical energy healing work. I suggest you give him a try and become delightfully surprised at how intuned he really is in the realm of energy healing. I have been smiling ever since!"

~ Caprice B., actor, New York City ~

CLIENT #6: M. B., Real Estate Investor, New Jersey

When I first saw Robert, I was desperate for help. I have been an athlete and exercise enthusiast all my life, in the gym usually 5 days a week. But due to a groin injury, I was kept out of the gym for nearly a year.

This was very hard for me to deal with. I had seen accupuncturists, urologists, other so called healers, and even had ozone treatment, and nothing helped. No one was sure why I wasn't healing. I decided to cancel my Intraveneous Vitamin C injections because I had heard about Robert and wanted to see what his advice was.

Using pendulum dousing, and his other highly develoed intuitive abilities, he analyzed what it was not, what it was, and what my body specifically needed to heal -- and even told me how long it would take before I could go back in the gym. Incidentally, he determined that the Intraveneous Vitamin C would not have helped much, so I saved myself a few thousand dollars with that bit of advice.

I followed religiously the supplement program he created for me, and he did some healing work where my pain was. He did some needed clearing of energies interfering with my healing, and helped balance, not just my physical body, but my emotional body, my astral body, and mental bodies as well -- which so many people do not understand how much of a difference it makes, when these areas are addressed as well. Robert's Integrative Approach to healing makes him a far better healer and health consultant than anyone I have ever known or heard about.

About eight weeks later, the pain was gone: long enough to where I was able to once again feel the joy of returning back to the gym! Since then I have consitently consulted with Robert on other matters of health and nutrition, relationships and business -- and his advice and guidance has been invaluable.

He has always made me feel confortable while discussing very personal issues and I have always felt confident with his suggestions. He has also always made himself available to me in my times of need. For the past six months, I have consulted with Robert on various matters, and I am astonished how accurate he has been. I am very grateful to God that Robert Lane came into my life.

~ M. B., full time Real Estate Investor, part time
Holistic Health Counselor, New Jersey ~

CLIENT #7: R. S., Manager for a National Medical Company, based in New York City, New York

"Sometimes when you have a serious health problem, even the best standard approaches may not be able to help you. If this ever happens to you, you should know that there are alternative cures.

I know this because I too suffered, searched and was literally bought to my knees until I found Robert. Keep this testimonial in mind as the twists and turns of your life’s path send you both physiological and psychological challenges that lead you from one agonizing dead end to the next.

A friend of mine referred me to Robert Lane when I was ill during my third year of college. Physicians could not diagnose what I had, and over a four week period I went from being extremely tired to being bed ridden without the energy to walk to the bathroom - —needless to say, I had to drop out of school. Responding immediately to my call, Robert asked that I go to see him for a body scan.

He educated me about my adrenal glands and thyroid, and how supplements could influence their functioning. I decided to go on both a vitamin and herb regimen. Within one week I had the energy to get out of bed and perform the basic activities needed to take care of myself, two weeks into the program I was strong enough to leave my apartment, one month later I was back to normal.

Eight years ago I was exposed to Tuberculosis and came down with the affliction. During the early stages of my infection I went to Robert and received healing treatment.

Miraculously he was able to eradicate the condition before it took root in my physical body and became a lifelong condition. I did not know that if you catch TB in its early stages, with natural herbal treatments it can be eradicated. I have been tested for TB and all tests come back negative.

I also developed latent allergies to foods such as flower, sugar, yeast and a long list of vegetables. Additionally, I became sensitive to pesticides and air borne pollutants …I was a mess, weak, tired, foggy minded and barely able to function. Another symptom that I developed was ringing in the ears.

Robert has assisted me to heal these conditions and I am pleased to report that I am able to live a normal, vibrant life. I did have to make some adjustments to my diet and Robert has strengthened my energy system so that I no longer experience allergic reactions.

As an intuitive healer Robert has also helped me through some very difficult personal challenges. He is the most accurate seer I have encountered. Remember no seer is 100% percent because circumstances do change in life. However, his sight is very clear.

Today I am an executive and I live a very fast paced jet-set life. I really do not think that my level of achievement would have been possible if Robert did not come into my life. Who knows, I might still be bed ridden. Thank God that is something of my past.

My doubting and critical mother uses Robert’s treatments too. That in itself says a lot. She might be doubtful however--all doubt is eliminated when living fact is presented. And that fact is proven when you GET BETTER!

Be Well,"

~ R. S., Manager for a National Medical Company based in New York City, New York ~

Robert J. Lane, LMT
401 East 89th St. @ 1st Ave., #1M
New York City, New York 10128
212-534-8970 -- fax 212-534-8976
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"And let the beauty of the Lord our God be upon us:
and establish thou the work of our hands upon us;
yea, the work of our hands establish thou it."

--Psalm 90:17

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