Below are links to start you on your journey to discovering why people left their homelands and traveled to America.
The Internet Resources
General Information
Ellis Island
- Move through this online exhibit, and experience Ellis Island as one of over 12 million immigrants have in the past.
Immigration in American Memory
- The American Memory collections offer rich and varied primary resources pertaining to immigration. Search American Memory for hundreds of items about migration, immigration, and emigration.
The American Immigration Home Page
- The American Immigration Home Page was started as a part of a school project for a 10th grade American History Class. The project was meant to give information as to how immigrants not only were treated, but also why they decided to come to America
Immigration Data
- You can get immigration data already set up in an Excel spreadsheet at this Web site.
Virtual Ellis Island Museum Units
- Grade level:Elementary, High School Subject Area: Social Studies, Language Arts 5 lessons comprise this unit of study
Developing Immigration Policy:
- In this lesson, students assume roles of members of Congress and other policymakers, researching and developing policy on the issue of immigration.
Wanted: Immigrants for Jobs in America
- An Internet WebQuest on 1800's Immigration. Students will take on the role of an immigrant to learn what life was like in 19th Century America.