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Welcome. These are some pics of me
that have been taken with
the video cameras on computers.
Wonderful technology !!!
I just love it!
No negatives!!

Summer 1998
Thanks to Photogragher Sammy
from Sammy-Land.

Next are some newer pics I took myself with my video cam.
October 1999.

This is a pic of me circa 1995.
I have just discovered the fun of scanning!
Yep! Blond! (I have had every
hair color you can imagine!)


Here is an erotic quote from one of my fav authors.....

Tom Robbins in "Half Asleep in Frog Pajamas"
Writing about an encounter between the main character and her boyfriend...

"Heaving like a garden tractor, [he] busts the sod of your guilt. (Yes, there is a layer of guilt there, but it only makes your submission more frictional, and, therefore, more galvanizing.) You split open for him like a furrow. He plants a root crop, and the root runs deep. You rear, twist, shove, and squirm, so as not to miss an inch of it. His back is a brown paper package, your legs the string. Take it from the top, Julie! Periodically, every three minutes or so, you think that you are finished with this lewd business, that you have had your fill, that you will push him off you and regain your composure if not your dignity, but then he will bump up against some nerve ending that has not previously been massaged, and you lose yourself for another three minutes until you have rubbed every last itch of pleasure out of that spot. ..... Now, suddenly, lodged against your [hot spot], pinning it to the wall, as it were; flattening it against the wall, where he polishes it repeatedly, like an old Greek grocer polishing an eggplant, like Aladdin summoning a reluctant genie; polishes it until you can feel it shine, feel it lighting up your [womanhood] like a Broadway show. Ta-da! Down the aisle trots the white pony, proud and frisky. With a swish of its mane, it bounds through the orchestra pit, leaps over the footlights, and lands center stage with a mighty whinny, hooves pawing the boards, mouth foaming, nostrils flaring, eyes popping on and off as if bulbs in a strobe. It brings down the house. And when [he] showers it with a hot tsunami of liquid white roses, it stands on its head for an encore."

I find his writing style delicious
and highly recommend this book and "Jitterbug Perfume"

Below are some old photos that I scanned.