Allright things are going to change a bit around here. I'm going to try and make the page easier to navagate, and not so damn annoying, i know...does'nt sound like me at all, but i'm trying so bear with me.

Something seen that can not be touched-A dream? I have a dream, a dream that cant be understood, something i know i need but don't grasp at this time. Something i don't fight to hold yet still complain about. You don't see what i mean and you don't hear what i've said. But i don't need anything from that thing that everyone loves to use against everyone else. For those that don't know what i mean i'm not going to explain because your better off not really knowing. Still just a cloudy dream trying to force my way through to see anything halfway resembaling something i could use to better myself-or at least pull me from this hole. A hole that i dig deeper now so far under i no longer see any light. Feeling my fingers bleed and dirt fill the cuts-only nfecting them more than before. As you see i like to ramble, run things into a direction i've never been before simnply to keep my mind moving and pondering my next move. Some say i'm strange, some say i'm insane. Those that know me best know i'm Jynx'd!

If you would like to read anything else...well come here. Maybe you'll find something of intrest...most likely not...oh and don't forget to read about Merl, he's a crazy son of a bitch!