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Christian's Rap - 05-01-2005

On RAW, you’ve got Batista with muscles to spare.
But he’s got charisma, like Tomko’s got hair.

You got Triple H and Ric Flair, their legend still grows.
26 titles between them, and the world’s biggest nose.

Have you heard the one about JBL, you know the rich guy on SmackDown!?
Well I hear his taxes are still soaring.
But he’s no wrestling God, just a God of boring.

Seems to me I’m forgetting somebody…who am I forgetting?
Oh yeah, he’s the guy that inspired this little rap, the WWE Champion John Cena.
Well I got a little something for him.
You wanna hear it? Well it goes a little something like this.

Hey Cena, you think I’m jealous of your fortune and fame.
Well you talk like Snoop Dogg, but you look like Corey Haim.
So after the draft, whether it’s RAW or SmackDown!, JR or Michael Cole.
I will be champion, cause that's how I roll!