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HEY LOOK! You can stalk me on the net by visiting my favorite sites!

Quang's Favorite places!

Religous Freedoms Fighters..something we all need to look in to
Columbines Lab..hehe lots of Goth Fun!
Are you a sweet Transvestite From Transexual Transylvania? (heh Rocky Horror Picture Show!)
Join Goth Scouts Today!
WOOHOO Assasins-Kill celebrities!
Amethyst Labyrinth site! (my favorite movie of ALL TIME!)
Think Labyrinth! (another great site!)
WOOHOO David Bowie Wallpaper!
Hecklers online!(thanks Diana!!)
Who would you kill...(hah you probably think im morbid..but really these sites are all in good fun!!)
DAVID BOWIES AREA!!! yes ahahaha..a great and funny site!! really. go on theres not smut!

Quang's Lazy Friends!

HAHA Diana's World O' Crap
Lauren's half assed HomePage!
Clarkie band Site! (Kitties band!)