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Jane's Story


My story of Lyme is probably just like any other. I became very sick with the worst flu ever in my life (about 9 months ago). I couldn't even walk. I noticed a rash on my leg and went to the doctor. I had Lyme disease. The rash was now turning into a typical bull'seye rash. After taking blood tests and being put on Doxycycline, after a month, I was then put on Biaxin and then Biaxin and Plaquenil.

After that I was put on 2 months of IV Rocephin, and now I'm back on oral Biaxin and Plaquenil. I have had my ups and downs as everyone else, with many symptoms that have come and gone, and then come back again. Pain in the knees, constant Lyme fog, headache, and ringing in my ears, are the only symptoms left now that just don't want to go away.

I am still unable to work, and have been refused disability coverage. I have two teenage girls to provide for and have had to take public assistance in the meantime -- quite embarrassing. However, I constantly just keep thinking positive and tell others to always keep there head's up. The art of positive thinking can only make you feel better and therefore, get better.

I wish the best to everyone and my heart is with you all.

Jane Dean

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