"Wrapped in an Enigma"

By: Faita

Batman flew from rooftop to rooftop, jumping, spreading his flap type things, then landing. He landed on the roof of Gotham police headquarters. Barbara was standing there waiting for him. He walked over to her slowly. "You wanted to see me?" Batman asked her. "We got this a couple days ago," she said handing him a piece of paper. "It was addressed to you," she added. He looked at her, then took the paper, and opened it. "Hoch so ein elefant auge von vergangen" he read out loud. "Know what it means?" Barbara asked him. "I do," Bruce told Batman. "What?" Batman asked, Barbara looked at him oddly. "It's written in English sentence form in German. It reads 'High as an elephant eye of past'," Bruce said. "And what does that mean?" Batman asked him. "Do you know where the old fair is, the one they closed down 15 years ago?" Bruce asked him. "Yeah," Batman answered him. "Go there," Bruce told him. Batman turned around and jumped off of the building before Barbara knew what was happening. She ran over to the edge and looked over the side, but she couldn't see him. "Old trick," she said to herself.

"Why am I going to this old fair?" Batman asked. "You're going to the maze there, you have a case of the Riddler," Bruce explained. "THE RIDDLER!!" Batman yelled, "isn't he dead?" Batman then added. "He disappeared, this might actually be him," Batman said. Batman parked the batmobile and jumped out of it. Right in front of him was the maze that had been there for almost 40 years. The fair was out and run down, most of the paint had worn away and all the roller coasters were rust. Batman figured it must have been wonderful in it's prime. He was only two years old when they shut it down; he had no memory of it at all. He saw a girl a little older them him standing in front of the maze. She had long dark red hair. She was wearing a purple and green mask with a green costume with one purple leg and one green one. She had a big purple question mark on her chest and a black cane in the shape of a question mark resting in her hand and on her shoulder. "It's not the Riddler," Batman said. "Then who is it?" Bruce asked him. "Wish I knew," Batman answered him. "Hello Batman, you are as resourceful as your predecessor," she said smiling walking over to him. "And who are you?" Batman asked her. "Sphinx," she replied. "You're a cat," Batman said. "No, Sphinx is a puzzle, problem, question, a riddle, an enigma," she said smiling. "Oh no," Bryce said to Batman. "Who are you really?" Batman asked her. She walked closer to him. "I am the Queen of questions, Royalty of riddles, Empress of enigmas, Princess of puzzles, and so on," she grinned. "I was referring to a real name," Batman said. "E-L-I-Z-A-B-E-T-H" she said and threw a small box into Batman's hands. He caught it and looked at it. It had a question mark on each side. "Good luck," she said and a cloud of smoke surrounded her and she vanished. Batman studied the box. "What do you think it is?" Batman heard a voice behind him say. Batman spun around see a girl wearing a dark red mask that only covered the top half of her face. She had long brown hair that fell to mid back. There was a small design on her forehead. She was wearing a dark red coat that fit tightly around a bright red shirt with an orange B on her chest. She also had dark red pants that also fit her tightly and gold shoes. Batman had no idea who she was. "Who are you?" he asked her. She lifted her hand and the box in Batman's hands floated into hers. He watched it amazed. "Get that back," Bruce said. "You're Blaze," Batman said ignoring Bruce. The box floated back over to Batman. He grabbed it out of mid air. She didn't reply to him, but that action was as good as any word. "What do you think that box is?" Blaze asked. "A riddle I suppose," Batman said as Blaze walked over to him. "Can I see it?" she asked putting her hand out. Batman looked at her then placed the box in her hands. She flipped it over a couple of times, then she placed one finger on every side of the box. The top of it opened and a small figure of a question mark popped out on a spring. There was a note attached to it. She handed it to Batman not appearing to be happy that she solved it. He took the note off, but let Blaze keep the box. He unfolded it and read it out loud. "I survive vividly" he read. He looked at her thinking about what it could mean. She thought about it a little to, then she looked at him. "You got a map?" she asked. He nodded and pressed a button on the top of his glove. An image of a map of Gotham appeared in front of him. Blaze walked around next to him so she could see the map. She looked at the paper then pointed at a place on the map. "This is place she mentioned, the Gotham City First National Bank," Blaze told him. He looked at her amazed. "How did you get that?" he asked her. She took the paper from his hands and pointed to some of the letters. "Roman numerals, I, V, I, V, or 1, 5, 1, 5. Then V, I, V, I, or 5, 1, 5, 1. A location on a map," she explained. He looked at her amazed. "I knew that," he said. She just looked at him not believing his lie. He cleared his throat and the map disappeared and Batman looked down at the ground. "I suppose we should be getting over there then," he said looking up at her, she was gone.

Terry walked through his dorm room rubbing a towel threw his wet hair. He threw the towel onto his bed and grabbed a shirt off his dresser. He hit a button on the remote that was sitting on the dresser. The TV in the corner turned out. The image of half a person's face appeared on the screen. "The hero known only as Blaze stopped a robbery last night at the Gotham City First National Bank with the assistance of the Batman. The villain know as Sphinx did reportedly escape the two," the face said as Terry put on the shirt over his head. He shook his head and grinned. "She out staged me," he said smiling. "Sorry," he heard a female voice coming from the two glass doors that lead to his balcony say. He jumped a little and looked over there. Blaze stood there. Terry looked at her in amazement. "How did you?" he began to say but couldn't finish. She smiled and walked over to him. "You're 19 now right?" she asked him picking up a picture of Terry and Emily at a Christmas party taken a few years ago. Terry nodded with his mouth wide open. "How did you?" Terry repeated still gazing at her in awe. She looked at him and smiled. "You should know how I know. I can see through things remember," she said placing the picture back on the dresser. She turned around and looked at the screen. "We made the news," she said. "Now that you know who I am, who are you?" he asked her. "Who do you think I am, go ahead, guess," she said. "Alisa?" Terry asked. "Alisa Ryan, no sorry," she said. "Do I know you out of costume?" Terry asked. She nodded. The phone on Terry's dresser rang. Blaze picked it up, opened it, and held it to her ear. "Hello Bruce," she said into it. Terry looked at her amazed. "Yes it's me, see you soon," she said and placed it back on the dresser. "See you soon," Blaze said and jumped off the balcony. Terry almost began to chase after her, but something on the news caught his attention. "In an unrelated topic, millionaire Emily Grayson, daughter of billionaire Richard Grayson, has donated several thousand dollars to the Gotham library," the man on the news said. Terry smiled. Emily was Blaze, Emily was here, Emily was an alien.

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