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“Branches of the Tree”
By: Faita

Nightwing sat on top of one of Gotham City’s warehouses over looking Gotham Harbor. He smiled, everything was named after a city that was named after who knows what. He figured Batman, Batgirl, and Robin was scouring the inner parts of the city. The docks were his domains. One of these days he’d have to get his own city. Away from pointy-eared shadows watching him. He heard a woman’s scream coming from behind him. In a flash he turned around and started running. He leapt down in between two buildings. He heard the woman scream again and ran in the direction of it. When he found her she was placing a well-done palm striketo the chin of one of the men who were trying to rob her. Nightwing’s eyes widened in surprise as the man fell back, Nightwing could even see the drops of blood falling after him. The other man grabbed the woman’s long blonde hair and pulled her head back, making her scream again. Nightwing charged forward and tackled the man, hoping he would let go of the woman’s hair. He had and hit the ground hard. Nightwing grabbed the man’s coat collar to punch him but realized it wasn’t needed, he was already knocked out. Nightwing stood up and dusted dirt off of his costume. He turned around to find the woman staring at him in surprise and rubbing her head. Nightwing almost gasped, she was beautiful. Her long blonde hair was messed up from the fight and she had soft brown eyes. He had seen that face in the newspaper, or was it on the news? He couldn’t remember. He also couldn’t place her name, which bugged him too.
“Thanks,” she told him and smiled. He blinked, hoping he wasn’t acting like a lovesick teenager, and smiled back.
“Nice hit,” he told her. She shrugged.
“Miss. Andrew’s Self Defense for Girls,” she replied.
“Nice,” he said as he bent over and put handcuffs on the guy he knocked over.
“Not bad yourself,” she said smirking. He looked at her a little surprised; he hadn’t heard that one before. She stood up and walked over to the guy she knocked over who lay still on the ground behind her. Nightwing got out another pair of handcuffs.
“I didn’t hurt him did I?” she asked. He laughed slightly as he stood up again.
“Not beyond repair. Listen, you, you look a little out of place…” he told her. She covered her mouth with her hand and looked toward the ground. Nightwing had been around enough to know that’s the way wealthy girls laugh.
“Yea, I am. I uh, I went for a walk and got a little, well, I’m lost,” she confessed.
“Can’t you just call for a ride? A chauffeur? Body guard?”
“God do I stand out that much?”
“It was the little laugh hand thing,” he told her pointing briefly to her face. She looked surprised and looked at her hand.
“Force of habit. Well, I had a cell phone but it, well,” she said and pointed to a smashed cell phone laid on the ground.
“Then I’ll give you a ride,” Nightwing told her walking past her in the direction of his motorcycle.
“I wouldn’t want to trouble you.”
“You’d rather walk around here all night?”
“Well, no.”
“Then come on, it’s no trouble. What kind of knight in shinning armor doesn’t take the lady back to the castle?”
“You’re in tights…”
“Variation of a theme, come on!” he told her. She followed him to his motorcycle where he handed her a spare helmet.

Nightwing pulled to a stop in front of an apartment building obviously made for the very rich. A building full of women who don't like being seen laughing. The young woman got off of the back of the motorcycle and took off the helmet. She handed it to Nightwing after he took his off too.
“Thanks a bunch, Nightwing, right?” she asked. He nodded.
“Well Mr. Nightwing, it was an enchanting evening, I hope never to have one like it again,” she said as she leaned over and kissed his cheek. His eyes widened in surprise as she walked through the doors into the apartment building. Nightwing stared at her in amazement for awhile before he blinked out of it. He glanced over at the doorman. The hefty man winked at him and smiled. Nightwing put his helmet back on and drove off.

Dick typed on his computer keyboard. He was searching old newspapers for the face of the young woman from last night. He had on a head set with microphone that served as a phone so he could type.
“The Mad Hatter was able to escape again last night. Batman has a good idea where he is, we’re going to raid it tonight, wanna come?” Barbara asked him through the phone. Dick continued typing, not answering her.
“Dick?” she asked.
“Huh? Oh, eh no, the three of you can handle the Riddler.”
“I said the Mad Hatter…”
“Sorry Babs, I’m working on something else.”
“Anything important?”
“Just some following up on something that happened last night.”
“Any luck?”
“Not yet… wait…” he said clicking on some things with his mouse, “YES!! That’s her! Ha! I knew I knew that face!”
“Who her?”
“You said ‘her’, who her?”
“Oh, I dunno,” he said. There was a pause on the other side.
“Okay, I’m going to get off now. See you later Dick.”
“Oh, yea. See ya Babs,” Dick said and heard a click. He scrolled down reading the article he had found. The young woman had been Ann Warren, daughter of the owner of Warren Jewelers. The article was telling how Warren Jewelers had sold a piece of jewelry worth $1,000,000 to some old lady. The lady had died and in her will gave it back. She must have been a smart lady, why give it to some one who didn’t earn it? Dick looked at the picture of Mr. Warren with his daughter holding the million-dollar piece of jewelry. Ann was smiling and definitely the same woman from last night. Dick smiled and laughed to himself. He was acting like he had in the sixth grade when he had a crush on Kristi Evans. Now he’s a grown man and still acting like a sixth grader. As he recalled he took Kristi Evans on a date once, but she was a foot taller then he; it didn’t work out. Dick bit his lower lip thinking. He dialed up a number that he was surprised he knew. He had passed the store every night on his rounds, the number must have stuck.

Ann Warren pressed the off button on her controller and the TV turned off. She hopped over the couch she had been sitting in and walked over to the door. The man behind it stopped knocking as she opened it. He held a bouquet of red tulips and wore a baseball cap that said “Rose’s Roses” on it.
“Uh, I got a dozen red tulips for Ann Warren,” he said chewing on a piece of gum.
“I’m Ann Warren,” she said.
“Here, have a nice day,” he said handing her the flowers and walked off. She closed the door with her foot and walked over to the kitchen counter. She set them down and searched for a card. She found one but all it had was “To Ann” and a bird shaped blue symbol. She smiled and began to laugh, covering her hand with her mouth.

Dick walked along one of Gotham’s streets. It was Metropolis Street, not in Metropolis, in Gotham. Metropolis Street, in Gotham. He had heard on the streets that there were some guns coming into Gotham through not all too legal means. He figured he’d scour the streets, hoping to get some information. He probably would have if he had been paying attention. His mind was elsewhere. He had no idea why he did that. What motivated him to send her flowers? And why red tulips? What kind of guy sends red tulips to a girl? He sighed annoyed with himself as he passed by Rose’s Roses. He glanced up at their phone number painted on the glass window that looked into the shop. At the counter he saw Ann Warren talking to the clerk. He gasped and quickly hid around the side of the building. He sighed again and banged the back of his head against the building’s wall. Maybe he could just get one of his buddies to pass a note to her in study hall. He gathered up his courage and walked into Rose’s Roses.
“You sure you don’t know who sent me those flowers?” Ann asked the clerk.
“I am very sure Miss. Warren,” said the very Italian clerk.
“Well, thank you very much. The flowers were beautiful by the way.”
“I’ll make sure to tell Mrs. Rose that,” he said. Ann turned back toward the door and Dick quickly turned to look at the flowers in front of him. They were red tulips.
“Beautiful aren’t they?” Ann said from behind him. He jumped in surprise.
“Oh I’m sorry,” she apologized.
“It’s okay. Yes, they are, very.”
“Buying some for your girlfriend?”
“No, though I would be if I had one. It’s just that they looked so peaceful and relaxed compared to the rest of the world,” he said to his own surprised. They heard the sound of a car’s wheels screeching from outside.
“Hm, I see what you mean. Ann Warren,” she said extending her hand. Her palm was facing the ground and the back of her hand faced the ceiling, she was definitely a rich girl. He shook her hand delicately. Bruce had told him that when a woman extends her hand in greeting like that, it’s not a hand, it’s a delicate petal of a wilting flower.
“Dick Grayson. Is your father Warren of Warren Jewelers?”
“Why yes. And are you the same Dick Grayson who grew up under the wing of Bruce Wayne.”
“The very same,” he said smiling. She looked at him for a second that made him a bit uncomfortable.
“What?” he asked.
“Oh! I’m sorry. It’s just that, your smile, it looks so familiar…” she told him.
“Well I smile a lot, and I’m photographed a lot…” he said, hoping she wouldn’t figure him out.
“Yes, that must be it,” she said and thought to herself.
“Listen, I have to go, maybe we could get together sometimes?” Dick asked. ~ One small step for man…~ he thought.
“I’d love that, here,” she said as she took out a pen and wrote her phone number on his hand. He smiled as she closed the pen and walked away.
“One giant step for me,” he said aloud.

Dick paced back and forth the entire length of his apartment in contemplation. He had a cell phone in the pocket of his jacket and Ann Warren’s phone number memorized. What was he thinking, asking a girl on a date? He was Nightwing, he couldn’t. Besides if he liked her, really liked her, what would he do? Give up being Nightwing? Continue being Nightwing while having a relationship? Would he even tell her? And if so how much? He sighed loudly and slumped into his couch. He was getting ahead of himself here. She was just a girl, a real pretty girl, but just a girl.
“Just a girl I can’t stop thinking about!” Dick said laid face down on the couch.
“Women trouble?” a familiar voice said to him.
“What do you have a transmitter in my apartment and listen to what I say and suddenly go “oh! This would be a good time to go annoy Dick”?” Dick asked with his face still on his couch. Batman stepped out of the shadows.
“I was coming by to tell you we caught the Mad Hatter,” Batman told him. Dick pulled his cell phone out of his pocket and held it in the air.
“Try again,” Dick told him sitting up and putting his cell phone away. Batman took another step forward.
“Ann Warren isn’t human,” Batman said simply. Dick looked at him in shock.
“Who in the what now?” he asked.
“He mother and father are the queen and king of the moon.”
“Now you’re just jerking my chain.”
“Only they call the moon Luna. What we see of the moon is an outer shell.”
“This is kind of leaving the funny zone.”
“Ann wasn’t born on Earth. She has the power to learn anything.”
“Now you’re just getting on my nerves.”
“It’s true.”
“And I’m Mary Queen of Scots!”
“Your majesty,” Ann said suddenly
appearingin front of Dick. Dick screamed and almost fell of the couch.
“What the hell!!” he yelled. She sat down next to him.
“Hello my knight in shinning tights,” she said. He looked at her in shock.
“So it’s true? Ho- how’d you know about-?”
“The alter ego. Taught myself the x-ray vision thing, like Superman. As for the vanishing act, learned that from a friend of mine on Titan.”
“My God…”
“That’s what I thought when I saw you in the flower shop. So, want to go out?”
“Only if we get something strong.”
“What about-?”
“Batman? Oh he’s gone,” she told him. Dick looked behind them and saw that Batman really was gone. He looked at Ann still amazed.
“Yea I’m full of surprises,” she told him smiling.

“A boy, honey, we have a baby boy!” Dick said as a crying baby was handed to him. He leaned over to Ann who was laid in a giant bed in a large room.
“He has his father’s strength, and his eyes,” Ann said as the two of them admired the baby smiling proudly.
“We have a son, Mark Grayson.”

“Look Mark, this is your little brother, Eric,” Ann told a little six-year-old black-haired boy who was climbing onto her hospital bed. The little boy grabbed the hand of the blonde baby in her hands.
“This is a baby?” he asked.
“This is our baby,” Dick told him leaning over and hugging Ann.
“Why is he fuzzy?” Mark asked rubbing the baby’s head.

“Another one?” 10-year-old Mark Grayson asked. He was holding up a small blonde boy to see a blonde-haired baby being held in Dick’s arms.
“What is it?” the little boy asked.
“He’s your brother Eric,” Dick answered him looking down at the baby smiling.
“I thought Mark was my brother…”
“Pete is your new brother,” Ann told him from the hospital bed.
“So Mark isn’t my brother anymore?”
“Don’t I wish,” Mark said as he but Eric on the hospital bed.
“Mark is still your brother Eric, only now Pete is too.”
“So I have two brothers to push me around?”
“Nah, you get to push him around,” Mark told him elbowing him slightly.
“When he’s older,” Dick said handing the baby to Ann.

“But girls are icky!” a five year old blonde boy said.
“This one’s beautiful,” Mark said holding a baby girl in his hands. Ann had her hands out like she was going to catch the baby at any sign of it dropping.
“Relax Mom,” Mark told her.
“Just, just support her head a little more.”
“I got it Mom,” Mark told her.
“Relax Ann,” Dick said putting a hand on her shoulder.
“Sorry, it’s just I’m so happy to finally have a daughter!” she said.
“Gee thanks Mom,” Pete said sarcastically as he crawled into Ann's
lap. She hugged him and smiled.
“Well relax Mom, if Mark drops her I’ll save her!” Eric said as a glass of water
floated off a table over to his hands. Dick grabbed it before it reached his son.
“Public Eric,” Dick warned him putting the glass of on a table near him.
“Do you want to hold her Grandpa?” Mark asked turning around. Bruce stepped out of the shadows.
“Bruce isn’t allowed to hold her, he didn’t hold any of us!” Pete said folding his arms across his chest.
“He did eventually,” Dick said taking the baby from Mark and placing her in Bruce’s arms.
“Just support the head a little-“
“I got it Dick,” Bruce said as he looked do at the baby girl. He smiled.
“Ah! Bruce is smiling! Hell just froze over!” Eric yelled. Ann slapped him in the back of the head.

“Today we bury Ann Grace Emma Mary Warren Grayson. Mother, wife, daughter, friend, princess,” a Lunar priest started. Dick stared down at the casket of his beloved wife. A 22-year old man stood next to him, looking at the ground sadly with locks of black hair falling in his face. A 16-year old blonde boy stood next to him staring at the gravestone of his mother. A 12-year old blonde boy stood beside him watching a small seven-year old girl kneeling at the foot of the grave staring at the casket her mother’s body was in. She wiped a tear from her eye and placed a lock of her brown hair behind her ear. Bruce walked up behind her and helped her to her feet.
“There was nothing you could have done,” Bruce told the girl as everyone started walking away from the grave, leaving Dick alone staring at it.
”I could have said I loved her once more,” the girl told him. Dick took a step toward the grave and dropped a red tulip onto the casket.

“You’re awake,” Emily said smiling as she set down two mugs of tea on a tray close to her. Terry sat in a part of the batcave on a table. He had a bandage slung around his back and shoulder and a great pain in his chest.
“What are you doing here?" Terry asked, as he looked the room for his mask.
"I doubt the mask will help you now,” she said. Terry looked up at her in surprise. "That is what you're looking for isn't it?" she asked picking up one of the mugs.
"Who are you?" he asked slowly sitting back down on the bed.
"My name is Emily Grayson. I already knew about this, if you were worried" she said handing him the other mug, he took it.
"Where's Bruce?" Terry asked looking around.
"Sleeping. He needs a lot more sleep now that he's old" she took a sip for the mug.
"How did we get back here?" Terry asked coping her action.
"That new car is a lot funnier to drive then the old one" she said.
"How did you already know about this?" Terry asked plain confused.
"My father is Dick Grayson, the President of Grayson Company. He was also the first Robin and Nightwing" she grinned as she pulled up a chair and sat down in it.
"Makes sense" Terry nodded.
"In case you haven't gotten it yet, I was the person you were supposed to pick up" she took another sip.
"I always get results" Terry grinned.
"So do I, now if I were you I would either get some more sleep here, or at home" she said standing up and placing her mug back on the tray.
"I think I'll go home,” he said placing his mug on the tray too.
"Then come up with a good excuse for those banged up ribs,” she said as she left the room.

Terry sighed and walked into the big mansion after watching a car drive off of the mansion property, closing the giant doors behind him. He walked up a flight of stairs and down a hallway. He came to a door with a note tapped to it. He pulled it off and read it.
It has come to my attention that you don't need or want my help anymore, so I have made a decision to leave. Do not try to find me, you will fail. This is the best thing for the both of us. Tell Bruce I am sorry that we could not work well together, and that I am sorry I did not live up to his expectations. Most of all I am sorry that I could not say goodbye to you myself, but this way is better. Goodbye, Batman.
Your ex-partner, Emily Grayson
Terry dropped the note and ran into the room. The bed was made and the drawers were empty. He ran out of the room, through the hall, down the flight of stairs, through the door to the batcave, down that flight of stairs and over to the display of costumes. He slowed down and walked to the end, catching his breath. He came to what he feared would be there. Batgirl's costume hung there, and her motorcycle was there too. But her personal motorcycle was gone. He slammed his fist into the case with Batgirl's costume in it. Out of all the things he should have been thinking of, all he could think of was how he was going to tell Bruce.

Terry walked down the batcave steps sadly. The chair faced the batcave and Ace was sitting at the foot of it. Terry slowly walked over to the back of chair and placed his hand on the top of it. He read the information of where Emily might be off the screen.
"I saw her at the club, but I lost. Any idea where she might have gone?" Terry asked. No answer.
"Bruce?" he asked worried as he turned the chair around. Emily sat there with no expression on her face, Terry's face went into shock, and he held his breath.
"Hi," she said simply. Terry tried but couldn't form words.
"Emily," he finally said as she stood up. He wrapped his arms around her and hugged her, she hugged him back. He rocked her back and forth squeezing her hard. His tears falling into her dark brown hair and he could feel tears falling down the back of his shirt. He smiled and set her back on the ground, which he hadn't even known she had left. He looked at her tear-ridden face, and his smile widened.
"I missed you," he said.
"I never left you," she smiled. A tear fell down his cheek.

"What do you want?" Emily demanded, suddenly remembering her pride and abilities. Batman might have her pinned to the wall, but she still had the upper hand, and always would. He didn't answer her; he just looked at her, into her eyes. He had always loved her eyes, especially when there was fear in them. He could see it now.
"Well?" Emily demanded unsettled by his silence and continuous staring. Again he didn't reply. He leaned over softly, and kissed her gently on the mouth. Her eyes widened in surprise, then slowly closed. His hands still holding her shoulders against the wall, but she was no longer afraid. He pulled away slower than he had come. Instead of looking at her, he placed the side of his face next to hers. Her eyes widened in surprise again, now realizing the action to it's full extend.
"Why?" she repeated in a soft whisper.
"To apologize," he answered also whispering into her ear. The side of his costume getting wet from her hair. He smiled, and she could feel the movement in her hair, so she smiled too.
"For what?" she asked. Now he pulled away to his original position.
"For not finding you out sooner," he said.

“Why weren't you there?" she asked him crying. He could see the tears running down her face, as he suddenly knew why she had hurt him. She was blaming him for not saving Eric.
"It's your job! You're the Batman aren't you? Batman saves people! He protects them! Specially his family and friends! What could you possibly have been doing that was more important then my brother!?" Emily yelled at him with tears falling to the carpet between his feet. He figured it was best not to answer her. He knew she didn't really blame him, but she still could make him feel very guilty.
"Why weren't you there? Why didn't you save him?" she asked now fully crying as she fell to her knees. He had seen her cry before, not often, and never like this. This was crying, this was like nothing he had ever seen. Not even at his father's funeral years ago. He would never cry like that, he didn't know if he could, if any one could. He gathered all the strength he had left, she really did have amazing powers, and she really could kill him easily. He crawled over to her, which was all he pretty much could do. He wanted to just watch her, watch her cry and weep, and he didn't know why either, he just wanted to. But he didn't, he couldn't. He wrapped is arms around her shoulders and held her. She rested her head on his shoulder; he could feel her tears coming through his shirt. She didn't blame him any more, and if she did, she wouldn't hurt him, for that he was glad.
"It's okay, it's okay Emily," he said as sweetly as he could. He wasn't an expert in medical diagnostic, but he figured he had a few cracked ribs. She looked up at him. No longer any hatred in her eyes, only sadness, and a look that asked for his forgiveness.
"I'm so sorry Terry, so sorry. I, I just, just," she said then she whimpered and set her head back on his shoulder.
"What are you going to do now?" Terry asked her.
"I'm all packed. I'm heading home for a while. Leaving right now. I'll be back, don't worry," she said to him.

"I knew you had a secret! I felt it the moment I saw you. I knew Emily was Blaze, I had a feeling you were Batman, and this confirms it," Adam said happily. Terry just looked at him confused.
"You see, one of my powers is the ability to sense when some one is holding a secret, with most people it's easy to tell, but you were harder, and I can see why too. I know I must sound like a complete weirdo to you Terry, but believe me I have an explanation," Adam said quickly.
"I'd like to hear it," Terry said still in shock.
"I come form the moon too. Born and raised, only Emily doesn't know. I was sent to Earth to keep an eye on the princess, secretly though. I have powers just like her, only they're a bit different then hers. I can sense when some one is hiding things, and I can create this fog type mist that I can use for almost any reason," Adam explained. Terry actually understood him, it made sense.
"What do you want?" Terry asked, not knowing what else to say. "I want to help you," Adam said plainly, a grin creeping across his face.

"Oh my god," Egan said.
"What?" she asked him quickly. He showed her the ring and pointed to a place on the picture with his finger. Marlena's mouth dropped too and her eyes widened in shock.
"Oh my god," she said as she looked up at Egan as he nodded his head with a smile on his face.
"Kyle Rayner was the Green Lantern," Marlena then said.
"And he gave the ring to you, he wants you to be the Green Lantern of the new era," Egan said grinning.
"Shway, just like Batman!" she said excited and almost jumping up and down.
"Should I know this?" Egan asked her.
"That doesn't matter, I'm going to be Green Lantern," she said smiling from ear to ear. She placed the ring on her right hand. A suit covered her body exactly like the one on the man in the picture only a little smaller. She gazed down at it in amazement as Egan did too. She ran over in front of a mirror and looked at herself almost laughing in happiness. She turned around to face Egan who had dropped the picture to the floor.
"I'm going to love this!" Green Lantern said.

Chase Lowe stretched his legs, as he stood on the outside track of GC in his track uniform. He bent down and touched his toes; a black costume landed right below his head. He looked at it confused and picked it up. He stood up and looked at it in his hands. It had a white circle on the chest with a blue lighting bolt in the middle of it. It also had blue lighting bolts coming from the side around the waist, and a small dark blue mask. He looked around him and saw a girl with black pants that ended at her stomach with a zigzag as it joined with a dark red color, and yellow boots shin high. There was an orange and yellow B on her chest; she was wearing a black mask with a small design on her forehead.
"Who are you?" Chase asked.
"I'm Blaze. And you're Moment," she told him. He looked at her surprised.
"What are you talking about?" he asked her.
"Edgar Duncan," she told him. He looked at her amazed and shocked.
"How'd you know about that!?" he asked her quickly.
"I know, that's all you need to know. He was your father," she told him.
"Kind of," Chase told her trying not to think about it.
"He was a friend of Batman's, a good friend. You were made for that role you hold in your hands, and Batman has made it for you. You can run much faster then you do for this team, you will be Moment," she told him.
"Oh no, I don't want to get into that super hero thing, it's dangerous," Chase said.
"Three words Unlucky Lowe, Damsel, in, distress," Blaze said. Chase smiled and looked down at the costume. Then the smile vanished from his face and he quickly looked back at Blaze, but she was gone.
"Unlucky Lowe? But, but, only Emily calls me that. Whoa," Chase said, then smiled again.
"Fine Ms. Rich Skirt, I'll be Moment," he said to himself still smiling.

"Nice costume," David and Nell heard a male voice say from behind them. They turned towards the balcony glass doors. They saw the silhouettes of two figures standing there, one male, one female. The female one appeared to be leaning on the male figure. Nell reached over and turned on a desk lamp. Batman stood there with Blaze next to him, leaning her back towards him but not really touching him. Nell and David looked at them surprised.
"Who are you supposed to be?" Blaze asked him coldly.
"Nightwing," David answered. Blaze straightened and she and Batman shared a worried and surprised glance.
"What is this, so far every night this week some new person decides to be a super hero," Batman complained, "and it's only Monday!"
"Well I'm not going to back down," Nightwing said.
"I've worked to hard, to much to back down," he added.
"We know, but you'll be on your own. Don't expect any one to help you," Blaze said as she walked toward the balcony, Batman followed her.
"I won't" Nightwing said after them.

“This is unbearably cool!” a boy said. Two kids wearing costumes ran on the rooftops of New Park Row. They jumped from rooftop to rooftop quickly side by side.
“Agreed!” Batgirl said as they jumped to another rooftop.
“This isn’t that hard! Maybe we should try flying soon!” Robin said, Batgirl nodded. They grinned at each other, when they turned back to the roof in front of them they saw a black figure standing there right in their path. They yelled and stopped running quickly, so quickly they fell to the ground right in front of the figure. The figure had a red bat on his chest and he stared down at them coldly.
“And you are?” he asked them, sending a chill up their spine. The quickly stood up.
“I’m Sh, Robin,” Robin said.
“And I’m Batgirl,” Batgirl said as cold as she could, which wasn’t very. Batman grinned oddly amused.
“No,” he said simply.
“Yes,” Batgirl said, Robin looked at her surprised, so did Batman.
“No,” Batman repeated.
“Yes,” Batgirl said again, and again surprising everyone.
“Yes,” Robin finally agreed, giving a smirk in her direction.
“Fine, but don’t come to me if you need help,” Batman said beginning to walk away.
“We won’t,” Robin said.
“We don’t have anything to lose,” Batgirl added, receiving another smirk from Robin.
“Maybe, but you have a lot to learn,” Batman said and flew off the rooftop.
“And that was Batman,” Batgirl said, Robin laughed slightly.
“We’ve meet Blaze and the Batman in one day, not bad,” Robin said.
“Wrong, in one night,” Batgirl said as she turned to look off another side of the roof. Robin turned to see what she was looking at, he saw the sun begin to rise slowly, and setting the entire roof tops bright colors.
“This is only the beginning,” Batgirl said.

"How are you doing?" Terry asked as he walked over to Emily. Both were in their costumes with masks off. Emily had her left sleeve rolled up and a bandage wrapped around part of her arm. Most of the blood was off her skin except for some that had dried on.
"Has Bruce gotten the results of the blood test, was it enough?' she asked him in response to his question. Terry held up a pad he held in his hand.
"I thought we'd read it together," he said as he walked over to her. He sat next to her on the counter she was sitting on, on her right side. He opened the pad like a book and held it so both of them could read it. Emily almost had her head resting on Terry's shoulder as she looked at the results. When they read the name their eyes widened in surprise. Then looked up at each other in surprise, their noses where only a few inches apart. Terry was the first to speak.
"I don't believe it," he said.
"I knew I knew that face," Emily said placing pieces together in her mind.
"Just when you think you know a person too," Terry said. Emily grinned.
"I guess I didn't know Adam as well as I thought," Emily said.
"And I didn't know Alisa Ryan as well as I thought," Terry said smiling too.

"Emily," he finally said with a tough and sad low voice. She jumped a little and turned around, not letting go of Bruce's hand. The man wore black pants and a dark red shirt with dark blue cuffs. She gave a small, sad smile; tears rolled down her cheeks still.
"You came," she said quietly, but he could hear her.
"I had to," he said taking another step forward, "how is he?"
"He hasn't long. The doctor was here, he said days, maybe a week," she answered. She looked back at Bruce, squeezing his hand tightly and setting her head on the bed. The man's eyes widened.
"Emily, is he still breathing?" he asked. Her head came up instantly. She looked at Bruce, panicky. She placed her hand above his mouth, on his neck, and used her other hand to feel his wrist.
"Bruce? Bruce? Bruce!?" she asked, tears running down her face and falling to the bed. The man walked over to her and placed his hand on her shoulder, he couldn't believe it, not Bruce, not now.
"Please don't leave me Bruce, please! You're all I have, you're the only one who ever cared about me please don't leave, come back Bruce!" she said crying hysterically. The man knelt down beside her; she turned and fell on his chest, crying. He held her in his arms, no use trying to calm her down. Terry and Josh ran to the doorway, Josh getting there in a second or less. Their mouths dropped and they couldn't breath. Terry felt tears fill his eyes and fall down his cheeks.
"No," he said and ran from the doorway and down the hall, it was all he could do, run away. Josh watched him run for a second then looked back into the room.
"Dad, is he?" Josh asked choking back tears. The man looked up at him, still holding Emily crying in his arms.
"Yes Josh, Bruce is dead," Clark answered him.

"Hey where's Em?" Terry asked as he walked out of the changing room, rubbing the back of his head. Everyone else looked at him.
"She's changing up in her room," David answered him.
"Yeah that's a good idea, I'll go change in Emily's room," Chase said walking past all of them towards the stairs to the mansion. Terry grabbed the shoulder of his costume as he past.
"Ah guys," Emily said walking backwards towards all of them in a dark green bathrobe. A glowing object followed her. They all looked at her and amazed at the object following her. She stopped when she got to them, and the object stopped when she did. The object grew downward and formed into the appearance of two elderly people. They stood there, an after image type of thing moved behind things, repeating every movement they made. It was an elderly man and woman, both dressed in very elegant clothes. They all looked at them in amazement, Emily, and Adam in shock.
"Oh my god," Emily said. Terry quickly looked at Emily then back to the people. The holographic images frowned.
"Hello to you too dear," the woman said.
"Do you always wear a robe in this dark, cold cave?" the man asked her. Eyes went from Emily to the figures and back; all except Adam's whose stayed fixed on the images.
"What do you want?" Emily asked them.
"That's a fine way to say hi to your grandparents," the man said. "We are the only grandparents you ever had," the woman added. "What do you want?" Emily asked again. Adam took a few steps forward and set his hand on Emily's shoulder. The two images looked at him almost surprised.
"You're still around her, how could you let her be here, you're supposed to protect her," the man said.
"We heard she was here, we supposed something happened to you," the woman said.
"She's still safe," Adam said.
"But the rest of her family, our family, isn't," the King told him.
"They weren't my responsibility," Adam said angrily.
"Is that anyway to talk to your King and Queen?" The King asked.
"Leave him alone Grandfather, he did his job, not that he had to. Now what do you want?" Emily asked.
"So many years. You used to be such a nice little girl Emily, what happened?" the Queen asked.
"Things change," was all Emily said.
"Yes we know, your father said that a lot, I suppose you learned that from him," the King said.
"Among other things," the Queen added. Emily's face narrowed.
"Anyway, we need for you to come back with us, all of you, as much as we hate to admit it," the King said.
"Why?" Emily asked raising an eyebrow.
"There's an evil around, causing trouble in our kingdom, we believe you are the only one's who can help us," the Queen said worried.
"How can we help?" Adam asked.
"You can stop Levare" she answered.

Terry watched in fear as Levare's energy slowly over took Emily's. He could hear Emily groan as the energy got closer. Then to his horror Levare's power over threw Emily and Emily flew back right into Terry's arms. Terry couldn't breathe, he couldn't talk, and all he could do was grip his arms around Emily. She smiled at him weakly; trails of blood flowing from several cuts on her body.
"Terry, I, I, I remember, everything. Terry, I, I love you. You're a hero Terry, for now, and forever," she said and fell limp in his hands. Tears fell quickly from his eyes, down his cheeks and off the end of his chin.
"Emily? Emily?" he shook her limp body in his arms lightly, she did nothing.
"No, no, no, no, NOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" Terry yelled. He threw his head back into the air, a ray of light quickly shot out from his chest towards Levare. Levare's eyes widened in horror as the light raced towards her. The light enlaced with in her body in a bright glow. Terry watched with his eyes squinted due to the brightness of the light. There was another quick burst of light around Levare, she yelled horrifically as the light grew, it then quickly grew and disappeared. Terry looked to where the ball had been, and girl floated in the air there, a golden light flowed around her. She had a long white dress that flowed with the new light; she had long golden blond hair that too moved. She was beautiful and Terry gazed at her amazed. She looked at him, gratitude in her eyes.
"You freed me, thank you," she said happily. Terry looked at her confused, tears still falling from his face on to Emily's dress.
"I am myself now, I am Levare. You have freed me from Gor-rath's hold, thank you," she said sweetly.
"What are you?" Terry asked sadly.
"I am, in simple, something you lost so many years ago. I am innocence, I am compassion, I am enjoyment," Levare told him.
"Can you help me?" Terry asked looking down at Emily's lifeless body. Levare smiled.
"For you my savior, anything," she said as she slowly floated closer to them. Terry slowly leaned over and kissed Emily on the lips as Levare placed her hands on both of their heads, and they began to glow.
"Never stop fighting, be the legends that you are," Levare said as the light surrounded them all.

“McGinnis! Wake up!” Emily said as she shook him. Terry blinked as he woke up.
“What! What? What?” he asked. He found himself laid in his bed in his room. Emily sat on the bed beside him with her hands on his shoulders. Terry rubbed his eyes with his hands. He suddenly remembered his broken leg and where he was.
“You okay McGinnis?” Emily asked him. He looked up at her eyes trying to make sense of his dream.
“Yea, yea I’m okay. It’s just that I, I had the weirdest dream.”
“About what?” Emily said standing up and placing another pillow under Terry’s leg.
“It was so weird. Started with your Dad and your Mom, meeting. Then you and your brothers were being born then a funeral. Then there was you, and I, meeting. But it wasn’t the way we did meet. Then you left, and came back. We kissed. Then Eric died, and Adam, and so many others. Then Bruce died, and your grandparents. Levare. You died, and Levare, she told us…”
“McGinnis you’re not making any sense.”
“I know. Is there something about your family and red tulips?” Terry asked her. Emily’s eyes widened.
“Yea, my Dad bought them for my Mom every Sunday.”
“I, I, it was in my dream!”
“Maybe there was some lunar power telling me about it or something…”
“What you think my Mom’s powers have stayed with me and you picked up on while you were asleep?” Emily asked him. He looked at her curiously.
“Been known to happen,” she told him.
“Well how about the other stuff? After she died. The meeting, leaving, kissing, dying stuff?”
“Well it’s not a premonition. Because we’ve already met.”
“Yea but the other stuff…”
“Well Eric isn’t going to die any time soon, Bruce is going to out live us all, we don’t know anyone named Adam or Levare.”
“You forgot the kissing part.”
“I was trying to.”
“Does the name Levare mean anything?”
“Only as the daughter of a wealthy lord on Luna. Gor-rath tried to kidnap her but a princess and a handsome human man saved her. It’s just lunar mythology McGinnis.”
“Because in my dream, your grandparents asked US to stop her.”
“That’s impossible, Levare was saved, she became a Neoistic priestess.”
“A what?”
“Tell you later. It was just a dream McGinnis.”
“Yea you’re probably right.”
“Of course I am.”
“You can shut up now,” Terry told her. She smiled.
“You’ve been having a lot of weird dreams lately.”
“I blame you,” he said smiling.
“I didn’t even know about Deacon. By the way, I thought Big Time was who got you in trouble…”
“It was both, long story,” he said as she
sat down beside him again.
“We have a lot of those.”
“Emily, it’s possible that everything I saw, about your mom, was all true, right?”
“So it’s possible that all the other stuff it true also, right?”
“I guess so,” she said. Terry leaned forward and hugged her. She froze in shock.
“McGinnis what are you doing?” she asked. He moved away from her.
“I, I, I don’t know. I just felt like I had to…” he said. Emily raised an eyebrow.
“Okay, well, you go back to sleep, rest your leg, and uh, don’t ruin what you got with Dana,” Emily said as she disheveled his hair and started to walk out of the room.
“Emily,” Terry said.
“Yea?” she asked halfway to the door.
“What where you doing here?”
“Thought I’d come see how you were doing,” she said. Terry picked up his cell phone and raised it in the air. Emily sighed.
“I wanted to sign your cast,” she said.
“I trust it wasn’t a declaration of love, that could get me in trouble,” he told her. She laughed and covered her mouth with her hand.
“See ya McGinnis,” she said and walked out of the room. Terry scratched his head and looked to see what she had written. He
read it and smiled.