"Stage 4: End"

By: Faita "Go in, now," Batman said. Batgirl walked in front of him down a large hallway. The walls were made of glass panels that over looked the entire city. Batgirl and Batman walked down the hallway quietly. "So you think Paxton is having a secret meeting tonight?" Batgirl whispered to Batman. He nodded. "You call him Paxton?" he asked her with an amused tone. "We went out once last year, he's only four years older then we are," she said seriously. Batman stopped walking instantly, awes struck. "You went out with that jerk!?" he asked her amazed. She stopped and turned around to face him. "Once, at last year's Christmas party," she explained. "That's disgusting!" he yelled. "Shhh, we're sneaking in here," she said. He looked around and was suddenly embarrassed. "Let's go," he said walking in front of her. She followed him. When they got to the door, they pressed the ends of their fingers on the door and listened in. Then they heard a terrifying voice that made them freeze in place. "Glad we could do business Mr.Powers," a male voice said. "My pleasure Mr.Tenma," Paxton replied.

"Oh my dear god," Batgirl whispered. When she finished her and Batman suddenly appeared inside the large office. They turned around and faced Paxton and Tenma looking at them. "Hello," Paxton said. Batman and Batgirl looked at each other. "Well, it looks like you fell right into our trap," Tenma said. "Tenma here came to me one day and said that we should make a deal, I give him the world, and he gets rid of you two pests," Paxton said walking over to them. "You got taken," Batgirl said. Paxton looked at her and grinned. "I suppose you two were the ones who really got taken," he said walking over to her. "Not yet we haven't," she said. He was now only about two feet in front of her. "You're spirited aren't you?" he said running his hand through her hair that was tied in a tail behind. She kept a cold glare on him. Batman tried the best he could to do the same, but he was more then willing to go punch the man in the stomach. "You have no idea," she said. He laughed amused, but his laugh had an evil tone to it. She tried to punch him in the jaw, but before she could raise her arm, he grabbed it and pulled it to her side, and did the same with her other arm. She tried the best she could to move her arms, but with no luck, he was stronger than he looked. Batman now was just looking for a chance to punch him, but Paxton could easily hurt Batgirl. With a twist of his wrist no less. "Shame we have to kill you," Paxton said now holding the back of her head in his head, not that it was easy, Batgirl was jerking her head from side to side. "Shame indeed," Batgirl said and stamped her heel on his foot. Her let go of her and bent over. She then rammed her knee into his jaw. He fell on his back. Blood dripping out of his mouth and covering his face. His eyes were watering, but never formed tears. Tenma stepped above him, and laughed surprisingly. "What's so funny?" Paxton asked annoyed by his laughing. "You are. You underestimated her, and know look at you, lying on the floor, bleeding and in pain. Yet I still don't think you've learned a lesson from it," Tenma said laughing. "What lesson?" Paxton asked angrily and still on the floor. Mostly because Tenma was now hovering over him. "That's what I thought, no clue what so ever, so I'll tell you. You should have learned not to underestimate the female of your species, specially that one," Tenma said still amused, but not laughing. "What's so special about her alien?" Paxton demanded. Tenma looked at him upset. "She's killed me once or twice on occasion, plus she has a nasty temper, specially when she talks to that boy at her school," Tenma said. Everyone looked at him curiously. "How did you know about him?" Batgirl demanded walking over to him. "I know everything," he answered. "Why did you mention it?" she then asked still walking to him. "Because it was on the top of my mind," he answered now looking at her. "Who are you?" she asked. Batman stepped up next to her. "What are you doing?" he asked in her ear. "What do you mean who am I? I am Tenma, the enemy," he said again amused. "Who are you really?" she asked him. "She's smart too," Tenma said glancing down at Paxton, who was watching from the floor. "Who are you!" she yelled. Batman took a worried step away from her. Tenma floated down in front of her. He walked a half circle around her and stopped behind her. "Well enough young lady, you shall see," he whispered into her ear. Paxton disappeared from the floor. Tenma took one step in front of her, and she gasped in fear. "No," Batman whispered to himself from several feet away.

"Space, it's what we live in, it's what I live in," Tenma said walking farther away from Batgirl had tears silently falling down her cheek, as did Batman. "How could you?" Batgirl asked. "It's what I've been doing, and what I shall always do," Tenma explained. "You might make it difficult, but we will defeat you," Batman said stepping up to Batgirl and resting his hand on her shoulder, for her comfort, and for his. Tenma laughed. "You wish," Tenma said laughing. "Batgirl, we have to," Batman said in a very sweet tone considering the two of them were about to fight a fight that they could not possibly win. "I know," she said. A tear falling off of her cheek and hitting the carpet below her. The two of them got into and ready position, they would not only be defending Gotham, but the world, the galaxy, and the ropes that held them down in their minds, they would win. "You can't be serious," Tenma said grinning. "Dead serious," Batman said. "Nice choice of words," Tenma said taking a step closer to them. "Fine then, if you rather die fighting," Tenma said disappearing from their sight. They heightened their senses. Tenma appeared behind them, and hit them both in the back of the neck. They fell to their knees in pain, unable to move. Tenma appeared again in front of them, and upper cut them. They flew in the air, weightless for a second; they landed next to each other on their backs. Tenma was stronger. Batgirl and Batman could taste blood in their mouth, and feel it fall down their cheek, mixing with tears. Tenma appeared above them, balls of light and energy forming in hands. "Time to say good bye bats," Tenma said. They could not move, they were helpless. Batgirl watched the energy with fear, the greatest fear she only felt once in her life, but it was going to end so. She felt something wrap around her hand and squeeze it. She didn't need to look to see what it was, she knew. He was scared too. "See ya," Tenma said and the balls of energy came right at the two doomed people on the floor. "How could Cassie?" Batgirl said, then everything went black.

She blinked once, then again. She saw images in her mind, so many confusing images. She heard a door slam and sat up. She was in a room, it was familiarly, it just took here a moment. She felt left over tears on her cheek. She was sitting on a couch, a very soft couch. She peered over the side of it carefully. Terry stood about fifteen feet away from her, leaning against a door. He was fine, looked a little angry, but was fine. He looked at her and pointed at her. "Don't start," he said. He walked over in front of her quickly, he was very angry with her for some reason. She was to confused to know why, but she was happy to see him. "What exactly are you doing here anyway?" Terry asked her annoyed. She stood up wearily. She wrapped her arms around his neck and hugged him tightly. He was not really angry any more, just confused. He was ready to get into a big argument, and now she was hugging him, almost crying in his shoulder. He could only hug her back and wait in till she was ready to explain. At last she unwrapped herself from him and looked at him. "I had a bad dream," she explained. He laughed with sympathy for her sad expression, tear stained face, and rosy cheeks. He set her head back on his shoulder and rocked her. He smiled and laughed a little. She pinched his arm. "Ow!" he yelled. "It's not funny," she said, her voice muffled by his jacket. "Well just sit down and tell terry all about it," she said. She looked up and him. "Just tell me anyway," he said as they sat side by side on the couch. "Have you ever meet anyone by the Cassie Yates?" Emily asked him. He thought about it. "No, no I don't think so, why?" he asked. "Never mind. Anyway…" she started. She told him all of her dream for the rest of the night.

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