"Mist Over Gotham"

By: Faita

"This is so cool!" a guy wearing a light gray mask that showed his chin, light gray T-shirt with a turquoise 'M' surrounded by a darker circle on his chest. He had black pants and dark gray knee high boots. He had a dark gray belt and a dark gray bracelet around both of his wrists that wrapped around his middle finger. He was flying through the air with is hands at his sides with a trail of mist streaming from his hands and following behind him. Batman flew next to him, watching him in amazement. "You really know how to use your powers. Pick a name for yourself yet?" Batman asked him. Batman had introduced Bruce to Adam, and Bruce had made Adam a costume with a transceiver in the mask so they could talk to each other. "There's a reason there's an 'M' on my chest," he said grinning at Batman. "So what's it mean?" Batman asked waiting to hear the name of the new hero for Gotham. "Myst," he said simply. Batman nodded. "I hate to bother you guys, but Sphinx just entered the Gotham Museum of Science, you might want to stop her," Bruce said to the both of them. They grinned at each other and changed their direction towards the museum.

Sphinx walked quietly through the museum. The only sound was her cane hitting the marble ground every couple of steps, and the sounds of guards struggling in rings that were wrapped around their bodies. She grinned to herself as she walked over to the diamond in the case. Her uncle would be proud. She hoped so any way. She pressed a button on her cane. The cane began to vibrate slightly. The glass began to vibrate too. After about ten seconds the glass shattered and fell to the ground. An alarm began to ring. She smiled as she picked up the diamond and placed it in a bag that hung around her shoulder. "This is adorable," she said as she turned around on her heels. "Adorable huh?" Batman said. She gasped as she saw Batman and Myst standing several feet in front of her. "This doesn't concern you Bats, or your friend there," she said. "You're stealing, that's my business," Batman said. She smirked. "Sorry, but I work alone," she said. Batman took a batarang out of his belt and threw it towards her. It caught her bag and ripped it off of her shoulder and stuck it to the wall behind her. She gasped and looked at her bag pinned to the wall with the batarang. Then suddenly, she couldn't see it anymore; a thick layer of mist filled the room. She couldn't see anything beyond an inch in front of her nose except the gray fog. She slashed her cane through the fog, but it didn't help at all. She felt a kick in her back that knocked her to the floor. She felt her cane fall from her hands but lost site of it as it entered the fog. She tried to crawl over and find it, but she felt feet on her wrists. The fog around her lightened and she saw Batman and Myst standing lightly on her wrists, giving her a cold stare. She looked up at them and sighed as she placed her face on the cold floor. The two bent down and picked her up by the arms so she was standing. The mist around them vanished and the entire museum could be seen. The guards were all standing together watching in amazement as all the mist disappeared. It took them a minute to see Batman and Myst holding Sphinx by the arms. The three guards ran over to them and put handcuffs on her. Myst moved his hands towards the bag with the diamond and the cane. The two objects moved over into his hands, the bag ripping again as it pulled away from the batarang. Myst handed the objects to one of the guards who just stared at him in amazement. "Who are you?" he asked Myst nervously. "You can call him Myst," Batman said as he gave a grin in Myst's direction. "Thank you Myst, you too Batman," the guard said as he began to walk away, the other two holding Sphinx. "No one thanked me my first time out," Batman said as the two walked away. "What do we do now?" Myst asked him. "We find more trouble," Batman said simply. Myst grinned approvingly.

Emily took a sip out of her bottle and set it down on the tray on the chair. She sat down in another chair in front of her computer. She typed in some things on the keyboard. The computer was much smaller then the batcomputer, but she could live with it. Her eyes widened as she read something off the screen. What was on the screen disappeared and the picture of Terry sitting in a chair appeared. Emily sighed and leaned back in her chair. "Hi Em. How ya doing?" Terry asked her with a smile on his face. "How'd you get this frequency?" she asked him shaking her head with disbelief. "You probably shouldn't ask. You hear about Myst?" he asked her. She nodded. "He's from the moon you know," Terry said waiting impatiently for her response. Her eyes widened and she rested her elbows on the keyboard and leaned closer to the screen. "You have my attention," she said. He grinned. "You know him actually, it's kind of funny really," Terry said. "Who?" she asked curiously. "Adam," he answered her. Her mouth dropped in shock and she leaned back in the chair again. "And you think you know a person too," she complained. Terry looked at her with a look that said 'remind you of something?' She laughed a little to herself. "But I suppose I deserve it. It's kind of ironic, I did kind of the same thing to you, and now it's happening to me," she said. "It's ironic in an alien kind of way," Terry said. "Why did you really call?" Emily asked him not amused. "To tell about Adam, and to ask you how you're doing," Terry answered. "You probably shouldn't ask," she said.

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