"The Lunar Effect: Battle and Power"

By: Faita

Marlena and Alisa swept dust out of a small stone cottage with brooms. Dust landed softly and silently on the dirt and grass worn into the ground after extreme use as an entrance. Marlena sighed and placed her hands on her hips.

"I haven't had to sweep since, well, never," Marlena said and the two laughed slightly. They turned around and walked back into the cottage. The cottage was full of spices, pots, boiling water, huge wooden spoons, and other assorted things.

"It's amazing how things have changed. When we get back to Earth, I might place a story in a place like this, now that I've been here," Alisa told her.

"Giving out hints about the next award winning book?" Marlena asked raising an eyebrow.

"The first one was just luck, I'll always be a one hit wonder," Alisa explained as they once again began to sweep dust off the worn out wooden floor.

"That's a cheerful thought Alisa," Marlena said sarcastically.

"Just facing reality Marlena, you should try it sometimes," Alisa said. Marlena laughed slightly.

"It's not my style. I much prefer my own reality, full of lines and colors; drawings and doodles," Marlena told her moving her hand in the air, having her ring leave green lines after her hand.

"What exactly is the difference between a drawing and a doodle?" Alisa asked her. Marlena thought about it before answering. "Well, a drawing is something that you mean to draw, a doodle is something you do out of boredom and really don't notice you're doing it till you're done," Marlena explain.

"That makes sense, I guess," Alisa said.

"You know what. If you want me to start facing reality, how about the fact that we might not GET home?" Marlena asked seriously. Alisa stopped what she was doing and looked at Marlena.

"What do you mean? We'll get home, we always do," Alisa asked. Marlena frowned.

"Well, I know we've never really been beaten, but we've never been up against someone like Levare before. Remember what she did to us," Marlena explained. Alisa was silent as she began to sweep again, so was Marlena, neither of them even looked at each other for the next few minutes.

"What are we even doing here! Isn't there supposed to be some old guy here or something?" Marlena finally asked breaking the silence.

"His name is Wa-rel Kalie if I remember correct," Alisa answered.

"What's Wa-rel mean?" Marlena asked. Alisa looked around.

"A wizard of some type I suppose," Alisa guessed. Just as she stopped talking they heard the wooden floor creak under a pair of feet. They quickly looked towards the door to see an elderly man walk into the cottage. He had long white gray tied behind him, and long dark blue cape tied around his shoulders with the hood down. His clothes were a dark red with gold trim; he carried an old, big leather covered book in his hands, also with gold trim. He set the book on a wooden table and opened it to a page. He moved his finger down a page and smiled when he found what he was looking for. Alisa and Marlena just watched him and what he was doing. After a minute of smiling as he continued reading, he looked up at the two girls.

"Oh I'm sorry, I am the Wa-rel Kalie, and you are?" he asked them.

"I'm Alia, and this is Marcela," Alisa replied pointing to herself then to Marlena.

"We were sent by the Lady of Mulier to help you," Marlena added. He nodded.

"I hope you won't tell her this, but that woman has always given me quite the fright, always talking about absolute nonsense, I intensely hate when people do that, so, what were you talking about?" he asked them interested.

"Going home," Marlena quickly answered. Alisa slapped her in the arm. Kalie looked a bit surprised.

"To Mulier?" he asked.

"Of course, where else?" Alisa replied, a bit nervous to be caught in a lie. Though in fact half of her life was a lie, so she had no reason to be nervous. The man smiled.

"So Alia and Marcela, I hope you don't mind doing this at all," he said; though he meant it really as a question.

"Oh no, of course not," Marlena told him.

"I have a guest coming to visit me soon, so, if you don't mind, I'd like to talk to this guest alone," he explained. Marlena and Alisa looked at each other. They carefully set their brooms against the wall in the corner.

"No problem, I wouldn't mind some time off," Marlena said as they walked towards the door. Kalie said good bye to them and they left. They walked a few feet away from the cottage towards the castle that stood next to the cottage. Alisa quickly grabbed Marlena's shoulder to stop her from walking any further. Marlena turned around to face her, the bright sun shined off of her blonde hair.

"What?" Marlena asked.

"Let's hide in the woods, I wanna see who this person is that's coming to see him," Alisa explained as she began to walk over to the woods on the other side of the cottage.

"I don't think it's any of our business Alisa," Marlena protested.

"Well I do," Alisa replied. Marlena sighed and walked over the bushes with Alisa. They waited a few minutes before they saw a person walk over to the door. The door opened and Kalie welcomed the person. After they were both inside Alisa and Marlena stood up from the bushes in amazement.

"That, that was Emily!" Marlena said in shock. Alisa smiled.

"I knew it was worth waiting for," she said happily.

"Ah, Alisa. We have a problem," Marlena said looking behind herself. Alisa slowly turned around and froze. They watched as Levare floated closer to the ground.

"Oh no," Alisa muttered.

"Let's get into action!" Marlena said as the Green Lantern costume covered her body. Alisa quickly took her mask from a pouch around her waist and put it on. She grabbed the neck of her and ripped it off so it landed in one piece behind her. Her Python costume lay underneath; she rolled the selves down. Levare carefully landed on the ground and grinned at the two of them.

"I remember you two, I beat you didn't I. Kids these days just don't know when to give up do they? And the ones in costumes are everywhere!" Levare complained.

"What are you doing here?" Python asked Levare seriously.

"I'm instructed to completely wipe out the royal family. When I'm done here I'll go to Earth and kill the rest of the family. I killed one off a couple years back," Levare explained. Green Lantern and Python tightened their fighting positions.

"Eric," Green Lantern muttered under her breath.

"We won't let you destroy the Princess," Python told her.

"You and what army?" Levare asked. Green Lantern raised her hand into the air and a green light shone up high in the sky in the shape in the letters GB in a fancy font.

"Just calling in the back up," Green Lantern told her as Levare looked up at the letters.

"What are you people?" Levare asked looking back to the two of them.

"We're the Gotham's Best" Python told her. Levare raised an eyebrow intrigued.

"Gotham? As in Earth? You're from Earth?" Levare asked them.

"Maybe," Green Lantern answered her. Levare smiled.

"Then this will be easier then I expected," Levare said.

"Maybe well will even the odds a bit!" a voice behind them said as four small objects hit her in the back, she yelled in surprise and pain as the objects slice at her back on landed on the ground. She tried to grab at her back to calm the wound. Python and Green Lantern looked over towards some trees. Batman, Robin, Nightwing, and Batgirl stood there.

"Ta da!" Batgirl said, Python and Green Lantern smiled, Levare frowned as she stood up, dark red streams of blood ran out of her back. She looked over at the four angrily.

"How DARE you!!" she yelled at them angrily. They stepped further out of the shadows.

"Yea, yea, we've heard it before," Robin said.

"I'll destroy you. I'll kill you. You'll pay for that. Say your last words. You're mine. Say good bye. You're dead. We've heard them all," Batgirl explained waving her hand in the air. Levare quickly raised her hand towards Batgirl; a quick burst of energy shot from her hand and hit Batgirl directly. Batgirl flew back 10 feet and hit a tree and fell to the ground. The others watched in horror, as Batgirl didn't get back up. Robin quickly turned his head back to Levare, his eyes narrowed and a fierce angry expression on his face.

"You'll pay for that!" Robin yelled at her. Levare grinned as Robin opened a batarang in his hand and charged at her. She made a fist with her hand and hit him when he got close enough. He flew back in the same direction Batgirl had. He landed right next to her, the front of his mask scraped so his face was visible, but trails of blood followed from cuts on his face. He looked over at Batgirl weakly. Nightwing's face angered as he turned to back to Levare from the two children at the bottom of the tree.

"That's it!" he yelled and lunged forward. He took one step forward and stopped. Levare quickly got to a fighting position and looked at Nightwing confused. Nightwing smiled slightly as Myst and Moment showed behind her. Green Lantern and Myst quickly formed light in their hands and shot the streams of gray and green light towards Levare from her side and behind her. The energy hit Levare dead on and she fell to her hands on knees. She grit her teeth as light energy shot out from her body in every direction, in a quick, bright, burst, knocking Green Lantern and Myst to the ground several feet from where they were standing before. Levare carefully and angrily got to her feet.

"She's pissed," Moment said taking a step backwards. Flames of light flowed around Levare as she slowly hovered off the ground. Nightwing quickly opened a batarang and threw it with all his force towards Levare. Without Levare doing anything some of the flames formed a ball of energy that fired towards the batarang. The ball disintegrated the batarang and hit Nightwing, throwing him to the dirt. He grunted in pain and tried to grab his arm. Batman looked towards Levare angrily has he watched all his friends, except the three still standing, including himself, lay on the ground in pain, with blood following from their bodies. Batman's breath stopped as he watched as the door to the cottage slowly opened, and Emily take a small step outside. Levare quickly turned around towards Emily, and Emily's face turned to fear. Batman ran towards Emily as fast as he possible could, but he was too late, Levare shot a huge ball of light and energy towards Emily. Emily didn't even have time to scream before Kalie jumped out in front of her and raised his hands towards the power ball. A shield of light purple energy formed right in front of them, absorbing the streaming blow. Kalie bit his lip as he tried not to let Levare's power over do him. Batman continued running and pulled Emily out from behind Kalie. She protested and began to hit him in the shoulder blade with her fists. It hurt, but not enough to make him let go. He glanced back and Kalie, who was looking at him with sad tear-filled eyes. He saw Kalie mouth the words 'thank you' than Levare's blast burst through the force field, hitting Kalie and completely destroying the cottage in a barrage of flames. Batman could hear Emily yell as loud as she possibly could and feel tears come through the light cloth of his costume. He could feel her nails clench into his back, now that hurt a lot. He released his hold on her just enough for her to escape for a second towards the fire. He grabbed her around the stomach and pulled her to his chest and held on to her tightly so she couldn't get away; even tough she tried. He could hear her yelling through tears through the crackling of the flames. He strengthened his hold around her and saw Moment holding Python in his arms on the other side where the flames were weaker. Python waved at him, a sign that they were okay. He sighed as Emily stopped struggling and began to cry against his chest. He had never seen her so weak, so unable to control her emotions, not even when her brother or Bruce died. It was kind of creepy, and he was worried, if she didn't remember her real life, she couldn't possibly be any help as Blaze. He'd have to make her remember, but how? He looked up at Levare; she was staring at the two of them on the ground. Batman tightened his hold around the crying princess and narrowed his eyes towards Levare. Then in a flash, Levare vanished.

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