"The Lunar Effect: The Confrontation"

By: Faita

A soft music played in the huge ballroom. A group of people sat in one corner of the giant ballroom playing wooden instruments. Couples danced gracefully along the dance floor. A huge fancy table sat at the end of the room and on a platform. Twenty people wearing suits and dresses sat on one side of the long table in thrones. Three thrones sat in the middle with the tallest backs. The King sat in the middle one, his back up straight and a small proud smile on his face. The Queen sat on his left side in a sliver white dress and sliver stone necklace. On the kings right side sat Emily. She wore a fancy light green dress and her hair up with a few strands falling in her face. She slumped over the table resting her chin on her hand, a depressed look on her face. Tons of guards lined the walls, all dressed in armor. Terry, David, Adam, and Chase stood among them, all spread out through the lines. Terry stood with his back to a large arched doorway that almost touched the high ceiling, a huge balcony the length of the room was on the other side of the arch. Terry ran his hand over the black and red armor that he wore. It felt very comfortable, he thought it might be hard to move, but it was rather easy. He ran an armored hand through his hair and smiled. He felt a little stronger wearing it. He watched the people dancing, laughing, and talking all around the giant room. He closed his eyes and listened to the music, it was beautiful and unlike anything he had ever heard or would ever hear again. The music set pictures in his mind, then a picture of Emily's face on the riverbank earlier that day flashed in his mind. He opened his eyes and looked towards the table just in time to see Emily's face turn away from him. He smiled. He wondered if Emily had ever looked at him without him knowing it when they were in high school.

~ Why am I thinking about high school? That was seven years ago, I'm nothing like I was then. But, now, Emily is. In high school Emily wasn't Blaze, she wasn't a part of the GB, and she had Eric, and Bruce, and she was happy. I never should have let her become Blaze; I should have stopped her at Batgirl. But there's nothing I can do about that now. Or is there? We don't have to make her remember her life on Earth. She can still help us if she remembers it or not. She'd be so much happier not knowing ~ he thought. He then realized that he was staring at her, and that she was staring at him. He quickly turned away, but she kept staring. He then realized that she wasn't looking at him, but something behind him. He turned around and saw a green and blue ball floating in mid air through the arch towards him. His eyes narrowed as he watched it.

~ I don't like this ~ he thought and tapped the shoulder of the guy next to him. The guy turned around and froze when he saw the sphere.

"Levare!" the guy yelled at the top of his lungs. Everything stopped; the music, the dancers, the sphere, and Terry's heart. Everyone watched the ball in horror. Terry quickly looked around the ballroom, everyone's face was looking towards him, everyone at the table was standing, and Emily was gradually taking steps backwards. The sphere formed into the form of a woman. She was wearing a black mask with turquoise face piece, an all black costume that covered all her body except for a turquoise belt, gloves, and a pair of shin high boots. She had evil, piercing, white eyes. Dancers and other people screamed and ran quickly out of two huge doors and guards rushed the people at the table out of the ballroom. The remaining guards spread out through the ballroom.

"I always loved the greeting," Levare said smiling evilly. All the guards moved into a fighting position. Chase, Adam, David, and Terry copied them. Levare laughed.

"Hopeless as you well know," she told them. She raised her hands and gently lowered her fingers. Crystal like structures shot up from the ground, covering the guards. Chase quickly ran out of the path of one under him, Terry jumped out of the way, David got his left foot stuck in one, and Adam was completely covered. He stood still in the light blue crystal, a scared look on his face. Terry got to his feet and Chase ran quickly over to him in a blue and black flash, the colors of his armor. David yanked on his foot trying to get it out of the crystal. Levare grinned at Terry and Chase.

"My, my. That's the first time I haven't gotten them all in one shot, congratulations," she told them. They looked at her grinning. She looked a bit surprised.

"You must not be from around here. I'm Levare. And I'm here to kill your King," she told them.

"We're not from around here," Terry told her.

"Then where are you from?" Levare asked them intrigued.

"Earth," Chase answered. She smirked.

"Well then I'm really surprised. It shouldn't take me long to kill you both," she said.

"We'll just see about that," Chase told her. Terry and Chase placed their hands on the back of their armors at the neck top. They pulled on a small latch and their armors fell off in sections off their bodies. Their costumes lay underneath. They placed their masks on their faces and looked at her.

"Hey Batman! Can a have a, a, a thing?" David yelled at him. Batman took a batarang out of a compartment on his belt, opened it, and threw it towards David. It landed in the crystal close to David. David grabbed it off and began to hit away at the crystal around his foot with it. Levare looked at the two of them.

"Batman huh? And you are?" she asked looking at Moment.

"I'm Moment, your neighborhood fast man," he told her.

"Is that a joke?" she asked.

"Of course not," Moment said quickly. They heard David pull his foot out of the chopped up crystal. He did the same thing Terry and Chase did and then placed his mask on his face.

"Not another one," Levare said angrily. Nightwing walked over to Moment and Batman.

"So what should we do with her Bats?" Nightwing asked.

"Well first, let's get to know are friendly super villain," Batman said simply. Moment and Nightwing nodded approvingly. The three of them took out small pads of paper and pencils and looked as if they were about to write.

"So Levare is it? How long have you wanted to, kill so to speak, the King of the moon?" Batman asked her. "Oh do tell," Nightwing said.

"Oh please do," Moment added. They all looked at her attentively. She looked from one to the other in surprise and confusion.

"Is this some kind of joke?" she asked them worried. They looked from one to the other innocently and pretending to be surprised by her remark.

"No, we just need something to add to the computer. ' Levare, person who wants to kill the King,' doesn't quite work well," Batman told her. Her eyes flared up for a second in a light turquoise light, the pads and pencils fell out of their hands in tiny pieces. Batman, Moment, and Nightwing watched the pieces fall through their fingers, they frowned and looked up at Levare.

"Okay, I guess we could do this the hard way," Batman said. Moment ran forward quickly towards Levare. He tried to punch her several times, but she easily moved out of the way. Moment looked at her in amazement. In a split second, she punched him hard in the stomach. Moment stopped in his tracks. He fell to the ground in pain. Nightwing and Batman looked at him in shock and fear.

"What the hell are you?" Nightwing asked her. She grinned evilly.

"You Earthlings are in over your head," she told them. Batman and Nightwing went into a very ready position. She raised her hands again towards them. Crystals once again sprouted from the ground. Once again Batman jumped out of the way. This time, Nightwing got his right foot stuck in it. He quickly fell on his stomach, looked back at his foot, and slapped his head with his hand. Batman quickly threw a batarang towards Levare. She jumped to the side having it miss her; it hit the wall a few feet above where Moment lay. She threw a disc of energy towards him. At first he was surprised, but he quickly jumped out of the way. The disc pierced Batman's right shoulder. He grabbed the wound and fell to the ground on his left shoulder. Levare began to run towards the door that the people at the table had been ushered out of. She ran by rows of guards frozen in crystal. When she got to the end of the row, the crystal around one of the guards disappeared. He raised his hand a force pushed her quickly to the ground. She looked up him amazed. Adam reached up behind his neck. His armor fell off his body and his Myst costume lay underneath. His mask quickly formed over his face instantly without him having to do anything.

"Who are you?" she asked him standing up.

"Myst," he answered.

"You have an intriguing power for an Earthly," she told him.

"Well I'm Lunar," Myst told her. She grinned.

"Figures," she said. She placed one of her hands on his chest, and a stream of light made him fly across the room and into the table. He and the table fell backwards along with all the chairs.

"Hey you!" a voice yelled from behind her. She turned around. Green Lantern, Python, Batgirl, and Robin stood there in a ready to fight position.

"Oh lord they're everywhere," Levare complained, "well no time for introductions."

Crystals formed up below them and captured them in it. Levare shrugged and ran again towards the door. A figure jumped in front of her. Batman carefully got to his feet and watched. He mouth dropped when he saw the figure so did Nightwing's. Myst stood up painfully and looked towards Levare.

"Oh no," he said under his breath.

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