"The Lunar Effect: On the River"

By: Faita

Terry rolled over onto his back and squinted his eyes as the sun shown in them. He quickly turned over onto his stomach and hands and coughed as water spilled from his mouth onto the river bank dirt. His clothes, hair, skin; every part of him dripped water onto the soft ground. He coughed all the unwanted water out of his system and looked around him. He was kneeing on a riverbank in the middle of the forest, the river rushed behind him. He looked at the dark dirt path ahead of him then he looked over to his right. The girl laid about ten feet away from him on her back. Her wet, darker brown hair spread out around her with several strands over her face. Her arms and legs spread out around her, not moving. Terry caught his breath and slowly crawled over to her on his hands and knees. He could see her stomach raise and fall slowly and could hear her breathe softly. He rocked her shoulder gently. She coughed slightly, a train of water followed out of her mouth. She opened her eyes carefully and moved into the same kneeling position Terry was in now, and coughed up water. She hastily over at him, her face hidden by wet dripping hair. Her armor shinned in the sunlight, but her face looked mean and angry.

"Who are you?" she asked him angrily, he moved a little away from her. He was shocked that she didn't recognize him, stunned really. He imagined that his eyes where wide open and that his face looked really foolish, but he didn't care.

"You don't know me?" he said almost not believing what he was saying. She looked at him confused.

"Should I?" she asked him.

"Well, kinda, yea! I'm Terry, Terry McGinnis," he told her, she moved and sat down with her legs crossed.

"I've never meet someone with that name? Are you sure you know who I am?" she asked. He copied her position and moved a lock of his wet black hair out of his face; she moved several strands of her hair behind her ear.

"Yea, you're Princess Emily Grayson," he told her, she smiled sweetly, he smiled too. He hadn't seen her smile like that in a long time, not since she was Batgirl. He wondered if not remembering being Blaze or anything about them and Gotham made her happy. But if she was happy, what was she doing the night she hit him and when she ran into him, causing them to be in their present position?

"Well I am the Princess, but you have the name wrong McGinnis, it's not Emily Grayson, it is Emilia Gralynn of course," she said almost laughing. The joy on her face almost made him laugh too. He guessed everyone here had similar but different names.

"Oh of course, my apologies Princess," he said. She laughed.

"Please, call me Emilia, it's the least I could do for, well, shoving you out of a window and into a river," she said, now he laughed.

"And you may call me Terry," he told her.

"I intended to," she said.

"Prin, ah, Emilia, may I ask you somewhat of a personal question?" Terry asked her.

"But you just did," she said, he frowned.

"You know what I mean," he said smiling.

"I know, and yes you may, unless it's about the whole running from the guards stuff, because that I'll just tell you. I really haven't a clue why I'll tell you this, I just met you, but I feel like I've known you before. I'm not happy being a princess, never have been never will be. It's kind of ironic really, I'm a princess, I have power, riches, family, what do I have to hate? Well I can answer that; I don't get to live my life. But I guess I'm not the only person who is a princess and hates it. I just get the feeling I could be doing more then sitting around all day and do nothing, I can do more, I should more!" she yelled at herself.

"I know you can, like I said, I have met you before, on Earth, I've actually known you for several years," he told her, in hope she would remember it. She ran an armored hand in his wet hair; it felt very much like a plain hand, without armor. Water sprinkled in drops on his clothes and on the ground. He smiled as a drop landed on his nose.

"Are you sure you didn't hit your head on something?" she asked smirking. He felt happier to see her like this. I felt good to see true happiness in her eyes, he hadn't really seen it since she was Batgirl, and since then it always looked, forced.

~ Forced? Isn't that what Chase described my smiles and laughs like? I guess Emily and I where happier as 17. Bruce is the reason we became sadder, if he hadn't asked Emily to go, we could have been happier a lot longer. But I shouldn't blame Bruce, he thought he was doing the right thing, and maybe he was ~ Terry thought as Emily placed her hand back in her lap. He thought was interrupted when Emily sighed loudly. He looked up at her face. Her head was moving from side to side looking all around her. She looked past him to the river. She weakly stood up, he stood up too, it was harder then he had excepted it would be, he felt heavier then usual. He ran a hand through his hair to smoothen it. Emily took a ribbon out of a compartment in her armor, smoothed her hair, and tied it behind her with the dark green ribbon. Terry peeled his coat off his body and folded it over his arm. He noticed Emily's eyes quickly flow up and down his body then look back over at the river. Terry was a little surprised then just smiled shyly. He guessed he had become a bit stronger over the years, he was a bit more muscular now, he had never really thought about how he looked, it never mattered. He wondered if Emily ever noticed how he looked, or if she cared. But that wasn't a major issue now. Emily walked over to the river and looked down it. She pointed the way the water was flowing.

"The river took us down quite a way, I can't even see the castle. But the river flows that way, so we should walk along the river bank against the current," she told him. He walked over to her.

"Agreed, after you," he said and motioned with his arms towards the riverbank on his left. She walked past him and he followed her.

"Why are you wearing the armor?" Terry asked her.

"Why aren't you?" she asked not turning to look at him. He thought about how to answer for a second.

"I'm new," he answered, true enough.

"What, fourth, fifth day?" she asked as he stepped up beside her.

"First," he corrected. She looked at him surprised, then smiled.

"I suppose you won't want to continue working at palace once we get back," she said, more of a question really.

"Why wouldn't I?" he asked.

"Well you didn't exactly get the warmest welcome, being shoved out of a window and all," she answered.

"You'd be surprised how often that happens. Besides, I got to meet the Princess on the first day," he pointed out, she smiled again.

"I bet you get all the girls," she said, he looked kinda shocked.

"Girls haven't been a major part in my life really," he said blushing.

"Princess!" a voice yelled. The two of them looked at the river. A boat floated down it with four men about, David was one of them. Terry and Emily stopped walking as the boat anchored next to them. Chur stepped off the boat and helped Emily aboard the boat, then Terry. He unanchored the boat and it moved in the direction it had just came.

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