"The Lunar Effect: The Plan"

By: Faita

"Addis it's so wonderful to see you again," a woman said and hugged him. A man and young girl stood behind her, smiling. The woman held him by the shoulders and looked at him happily.

"It's good that you keep yourself fed too, it's a wonder how you survived on Earth, all that sunlight all the time," she said.

"It must have drove you crazy," the girl said.

"No I saved that pleasure for you," he said to her, she smiled and twirled a lock of her red hair on her finger. Everyone else stood behind Adam in the inn lobby. It was a pleasant wooden inn with plenty of furniture and carpets every where, as long as a bog wooden desk built into the room next to some stairs.

"Momma, Papa, Suki, these are my friends, Terrill, Alia, Marcela, Chaim, Daven, Danete, and Shams," Adam said, they all smiled to each other.

"You'll all welcome to stay as long as you like, no charge," the man said. The woman laughed joyfully.

"Well of course they can dear, you didn't have to tell them that," she said.

"Mrs.Waller, I hope you don't mind if I ask this, but how old are you?" Marlena asked.

"Oh my dear Marcela, it's alright. I happen to be 234 years old," she said. Everyone looked at her amazed except her family.

"237 my dear," the man corrected her, she frowned, then smiled.

"Oh well, after the first 150 years who really cares," she said, everyone laughed.

"Oh Momma, tell Addis about the news," Suki said happily. The woman smiled greatly again.

"Addis, a messenger of a messenger of Queen told me of your and your friends arrival, and asked me to set rooms and make some costumes for all of you. I couldn't say no so each of you have a room and an interesting costume," she explained. They each shared an excited glance.

"Thanks Momma," Adam said, kissed her on the cheek, and ran up stairs. Everyone else followed him; also kissing the woman on the same cheek and bolting up the stairs. She laughed joyfully.


They walked into a large hallway that smelled of spices and other placed things. A few worn out carpets lay on the floor as it creaked under the eight pairs of feet. They walked two the end of the hallway till there were four doors on each side and one at the end of the hall. Adam opened one door and peered inside. He turned to Shay.

"This is your room, Robin costume and all," Adam said. Shay smiled and walked into the room, Adam closed the door behind him. Marlena opened the across the hall from Shay's.

"This is yours Daven, Nightwing costume ready and waiting," she said and David walked into the room. They all ended up finding their rooms and closing the doors. The one at the end of the hall was the only one empty.


Alisa, Chase, and David stood near each other in front of some booths where people had displayed objects for sale. The three didn't look at anyone, didn't talk to anyone. Adam, Marlena, and Terry walked over to them.

"The King's making his trip to the city tomorrow, mid afternoon, after the second setting, they'll get on there," Adam told them simply.

"Where are Danny and Shay by the way?" Chase asked.

"Momma held them back to help clean the house," Adam answered.

"She's not making Danny cook is she?" David asked urgently.

"Probably," Adam said.

"I'll go stop her," David said and began to jog towards the edge of the town.

"So they'll sneak onto the carriage and get into the palace that way, how do we get in?" Alisa asked.

"Well, Chase, Terry, David and I well pose as palace guards," Adam explained.

"And how do we do that?" Chase asked.

"We wear these, they're only level one, but they'll get us inside," Adam said and held there small identical pins. He placed one in his pocket and handed one to Chase. He turned around to hand one to Terry, but Terry wasn't paying attention and didn't notice.

"Terry," Adam said. Terry turned his head away from what he was staring at and looked at Adam.

"What?" Terry asked.

"You Ok?" Marlena asked.

"Huh? Ah, yeah, yeah I'm fine, what are we talking about?" Terry asked, everyone looked at him worried.

"These pins will get use into the palace as 1st level guards," he handed one to Terry, "that'll get us into the basement, stable, and the kitchen."

"Ok great," Terry said as Adam showed them where he pinned his on the right side of his shirt, they pinned theirs on the right side of their jackets.

"Well what about us?" Alisa asked.

"How do we get in?" Marlena added.

"You two will pose as handmaids to the Earl's Lady from Mulier, she has so many no one would notice if there were two more, but don't talk to anyone," Adam instructed them.

"Ok, you know Adam, you seem to really know what you're doing," Marlena said.

"Yea I know," Adam said smiling.

"So what do we do till tomorrow?" Chase asked.

"How about make our other names known," Marlena suggested, everyone smiled, except Terry who had once again drifted out of the conversation.

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