
By: Faita

"Sounds like you two had a busy night. Here," Leon said as he handed Emily an ice pack.

"Thanks," she said and took it from him and placed it on her jaw. The three of them were in the batcave. Terry and Emily were still in their costumes, just without the masks. Terry was seated at the computer, typing and reading the screen, Leon was walking about, and Emily was sitting on a counter happily holding the welcomed ice to her hurt jaw.

"No more than usual," Terry said reading something off of the screen.

"What are you looking for?" Leon asked walking up behind him.

"I'm trying to find out where Ten might be hiding," Terry said typing another command into the computer.

"Try the places she would know the best," Emily said walking up next to Leon, still holding the ice pack.

"That wouldn't narrow it down. The Royal Flush Gang moved all the time," Terry said with no emotion. Emily looked at him worried. Bruce had told her about what happened between Terry and Ten, she hoped he could handle this. Not to well though, then he would be more like Bruce, and that would be worse. What could she do to help him, nothing, all she could do for him was nothing.

"I doubt Melanie would stay in one place very long," Terry said standing up from the seat. Emily and Leon took a step back to give him room. He picked up their masks and handed Emily her's. Emily handed the ice pack to Leon and moved her jaw. Terry put his mask on and glanced at Emily moving her jaw. He smiled.

"That's going to swell," he told her. She put her mask on her head.

"Thanks for that uplifting statement Batsy," she smiled and walked past him.

"Don't call me that," he said and followed her. Leon watched Batman get into the batmoblie and Batgirl onto her motorcycle.

"I'll wait right here!" he yelled as the engines started and they drove off.


"You take northern Gotham and I'll take southern," Batgirl said to Batman over the transmitter on her motorcycle. She sped through Gotham's busy night streets; she loved how people stopped to watch her pass.

"You know where to look, right?" Batman asked her.

"I have a labeled map in front of me," she said looking down at her map. She hoped she could find Ten before Batman did, which would be unlikely, but she had a trick up her sleeve. She placed a tracer on Ten when she stopped Jack from hitting her. She hated herself for not telling Batman about it, then he would hate her, then again, he would hate her anyway. She was going to tell him now, or later. She saw a bleep on her map. The location wasn't to far away. She turned down a street and headed towards it.

"Where are you going?" Batman asked over the transmitter.

"Just taking a look, couldn't hurt," she said.

"Look at what?" Batman asked her suspiciously.

"Whatever's out there," she replied. She was getting closer to it. She saw a figure run into the shadows in front of her. She stopped and parked the bike and turned on the security system. She ran after the figure, but it was gone.

"Why are you following me?" she heard a voice behind her. She turned around and saw Ten's silhouette in front of her.

"It's my job," Batgirl answered. Ten looked at her for a minute.

"Where's Batman?" she asked at last.

"Looking for you," Batgirl answered.

"How did you find me?" Ten asked.

"I placed a tracer on you back at the factory," she answered.

"What are you going to do know?" Ten asked with a small amount of worry in her voice.

"Depends," she answered.

"On what?" Ten asked.

"You helped steal jewelry, which is bad, but you helped me at your on expense, which is good. So I don't know if I should turn you into the police like the others, or thank you and let you get away," Batgirl said.

"So what's your choice?"

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