"In the Flash"

By: Faita

Emily Grayson, Adam Walker, Jordan Paris, and Ally Carlin walked down the hallway, all carrying backpacks on their backs and talking to each other.

"So how are you liking GC so far Jordan?" Adam asked her. She placed a lock of her long blonde hair behind her ear.

"It's been interesting, to say the least," she said.

"Well remember, if Chase causes you any more trouble, tell me and I'll handle it," Ally said. Ally Carlin wore a bright green shirt with sleeves that came to her elbows, and she wore dark gray pants that came to knees. Most of her shoulder length black hair was tied behind her, with some strands hanging in front of her face.

"Where's Unlucky Lowe any way?" Emily asked.

"Where else? The track," Ally said.

"He got a big race coming up or something?" Adam asked her.

"Nope. He and Wall just like running," Ally told her.

"Wall?" Jordan asked curiously.

"Wally West," Emily answered for her. They all felt a slight gust of wind come from behind them.

"Wall is the track coach, nice guy, but kind of slow," a voice said from behind them. They all turned around to see a guy with short black hair, green eyes, and a black coat with a blue shirt under it and a black back pack over his shoulder.

"You gotta stop running up behind us like that Chase, it really gets really annoying really fast," Ally told him, he frowned. They heard a horn honk from the street. All five people looked over to see a red and black car parked in the street. A guy with red hair leaned on the car door, he was wearing a black shirt and a worn out green and yellow jacket.

"There's my ride," Ally said as she began to walk past the others towards the car. When she passed Emily, Emily reached out and grabbed her arm. Ally looked at her in surprise.

"Nash?" Emily asked her disappointed in her.

"Em, have faith, I can handle this guy," Ally told her as Emily let her go. Ally walked over to Nelson and got in the car.

"I feel the same way you do Em," Chase told her as they all watched the car drive off.

"That's a horrible thing to say to a person Chase," Emily said. The other guys laughed.

"I hate the rich," Chase said angrily.

"Hey guys!" Terry said walking over to them.

"Hey Em, Adam, Chase, Jordan," Terry said.

"What are you doing here? Isn't life at Gotham U. keeping you busy enough?" Emily asked him playfully.

"Bruce called me in the middle of government class," Terry told her.

"He must have waken you out of your nap then," Chase said.

"Isn't there a girl that should be blowing you off now?" Terry asked him. Everyone except Chase laughed.

"I hate the rich," Chase said again.

"Hey, Terry's not rich till his mom marries what's his name," Jordan said.

"Refugio MacInnis," Terry and Emily said at the same time. Everyone laughed slightly.

"Did you say McGinnis?" Jordan asked them.

"No, Mac-Innis," Terry said.

"McGinnis is Irish and MacInnis is English," Emily said.

"Thank you Ms. Rich Pants," Chase said.

"That's Ms. Rich Skirt thank you very. So what did Bruce want Ter?" Emily asked him.

"He, ah, want's to talk to us, both of us," he told her.

"What for?" Chase asked.

"He can't find the peanut butter," Terry said quickly as he and Emily began to walk away quickly.

"I'm always hiding it from him, see ya later guys," Emily yelled as they walked towards a parked car at the sidewalk.

"Peanut butter?" Jordan asked Adam and Chase.

"I have my suspicions about those two," Chase said.

"And no one wants to hear them Chase," Adam said.


"This better be good Wayne, I got things to do," Emily said coldly as she stood several feet away from Bruce, Terry standing next to her.

"Ever heard of Edgar Duncan?" Bruce asked her not looking away from the screen. Terry looked straight up without moving his head trying to think if he knew.

"He was a scientist, worked with human enhancement programs. He died in an explosion about 12 years ago, left a son, kid's mother is unknown oddly enough," Emily told him to Terry's and even Bruce's surprise.

"That son was born in a lab, and is now attending GC," Bruce told her.

"What's GC stand for any way?" Terry asked, but was ignored.

"Who is he?" Emily asked eagerly, forgetting that she was still mad at him.

"You find out," Bruce said, and Emily remembered her anger again.

"Chase?" she asked. Terry and Bruce looked at her in surprise, Bruce forgot his coldness and seemed proud of her.

"I taught you well," he told her.

"I gotta go," she said as she began to walk away.

"Wait!" Bruce yelled after her. She stopped and angrily turned around. Bruce opened an apartment underneath the keyboard. He pulled out a costume that was black and dark red.

"Here," he said extending it towards her. She looked at it cautiously before walking over and taking it out of his hand. She held it by the shoulders and let it fall so she could see all of it.

"What's this?" she asked Bruce curiously.

"I thought it was about time I made you a real costume. You've made every costume you've had so far, thought I'd make you one for once," Bruce said simply. She looked from the costume to Bruce and back to the costume slightly confused.

"Here," she said handing it back to him. He took it back, confused, he thought she would stop being mad at him if he did that, not that he really cared, he guessed he didn't know her as well as he thought he did. Terry was kind of surprised she gave it back too, he was also sure she would forgive Bruce instantly, hug him, tell him she was sorry she had gotten mad at him, maybe even cry a little. But she just gave it back to him, her face unchanging. She stood there, looked at the floor, and closed her eyes. She then quickly lifted her head. Then a swirl of yellow light flowed around her starting with her feet and going up. Terry took a step back in alarm. The light circled her head they vanished. She opened her eyes and they were filled with a bright yellow light for only a second, then vanished and she was in the costume that she had just given back to Bruce, even though the costume still lay in his hands. Terry's eyes widened in surprise, as he looked form the costume in Bruce's hands to the one Emily was wearing.

"How'd you do that?" Terry asked her amazed. The costume vanished from her and she appeared in her normal clothes.

"Thanks Bruce, I'll use it," she said as she began to walk away again. Terry looked at her in amazement then followed her. He grabbed her arm and stopped her, she turned to him.

"How'd you do that?" he asked still confused.

"It's a skill," she said. Then she began to change her clothes, each one lasting only for a second. Her new Blaze costume, her last Blaze costume, the first Blaze costume, the clothes she used to wear, the dress she wore to the Christmas party the first year he meet her, her bathing suit, a leotard, and then she appeared in the Batgirl costume, and that's when she stopped. She looked down at the costume and Terry looked at it too.

"Been a while," Terry said.

"Three years, this feels weird," Emily said as she appeared in her normal clothes.

"I gotta go find Chase," Emily said as she left the batcave.


Chase Lowe stretched his legs, as he stood on the outside track of GC in his track uniform. He bent down and touched his toes; a black costume landed right below his head. He looked at it confused and picked it up. He stood up and looked at it in his hands. It had a white circle on the chest with a blue lighting bolt in the middle of it. It also had blue lighting bolts coming from the side around the waist, and a small dark blue mask. He looked around him and saw a girl with black pants that ended at her stomach with a zigzag as it joined with a dark red color, and yellow boots shin high. There was an orange and yellow B on her chest; she was wearing a black mask with a small design on her forehead.

"Who are you?" Chase asked.

"I'm Blaze. And you're Moment," she told him. He looked at her surprised.

"What are you talking about?" he asked her.

"Edgar Duncan," she told him. He looked at her amazed and shocked.

"How'd you know about that!?" he asked her quickly.

"I know, that's all you need to know. He was your father," she told him.

"Kind of," Chase told her trying not to think about it.

"He was a friend of Batman's, a good friend. You were made for that role you hold in your hands, and Batman has made it for you. You can run much faster then you do for this team, you will be Moment," she told him.

"Oh no, I don't want to get into that super hero thing, it's dangerous," Chase said.

"Three words Unlucky Lowe, Damsel, in, distress," Blaze said. Chase smiled and looked down at the costume. Then the smile vanished from his face and he quickly looked back at Blaze, but she was gone.

"Unlucky Lowe? But, but, only Emily calls me that. Whoa," Chase said, then smiled again.

"Fine Ms. Rich Skirt, I'll be Moment," he said to himself still smiling.

Blaze sat on a rooftop close to the track, she watched Chase walk of the track towards the changing rooms through a pair of binoculars. She took them down when he entered the building.

"See anything interesting?" a voice said behind her. She turned around and saw Batman standing behind her.

"Just a new life beginning," Blaze said smiling.

"And?" Batman asked raising an eyebrow and taking a step closer to her.

"You're still gonna have as much work to do," she said.

"Even with you, and Myst, and Green Lantern, and Nightwing, and Robin and Batgirl, and now Moment?" Batman complained.

"The last three is going to occupy the first four so you still have has much work," she told him.

"What about the last three occupy three of the first four?" Batman asked.

"Which one do you get?" Blaze asked trying not to get confused in the conversation.

"I get you," he said.

"Lucky me," she said sarcastically looking back over to the track.

"Who made up the name?" Batman asked ignoring the sarcasm.

"Bruce," she answered.

"Costume?" he asked.

"Bruce," she answered again.

"Guy?" he then asked.

"Edgar Duncan," she answered.

"What did you do?" he then asked.

"I gave a secret," she answered.

"What did I give?" he asked trying to make a small joke.

"A lot," she answered simply.

"What did Chase give?" Batman asked in other attempt to be funny.

"We'll find out," a voice said from behind them. They turned around quickly to see Moment.

"I had a feeling about you two," he said.

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