
By: Faita

A night watchman was sitting in a chair, his legs up on a control panel and his cap right next to feet. He took a sip of coffee and sighed. He heard a faint sound that was like static, but figured there was a huge computer in front of him, the noise was just normal. He was in watchman paradise, sitting around, feet up, sipping coffee and getting paid for it. He was doing all right, in till that little sound of static roared at him. He dropped his coffee all over his shirt and tie took his feet off of the control panel, knocking his hat to the floor. All the screens glowed with a bright light blue glow. He squinted to see what was happening, not minding the coffee stains now forming on his clothes. The glowing seemed to form and figure standing on the panel, but he couldn't see. The glowing finally went down, he focussed his eyes on the figure on the panel. It was a woman. She had a pale blue face and legs, purple hair that went behind her ears and fell to her neck, her suit was mostly a light blue like glow before, except it was darker on the back of the arms and specks of gold with a small yellow square in the middle on her chest. She had bright green eyes with no pupils and a red collar around her neck with a yellow dot in the middle. Her boots went to mid-thigh and were orange; she wore gloves that had bright magenta at the tips.

"Hi Nick, long time no see," she said.


"She calls herself Cyber," Bruce said to Terry who was standing behind him, "she can travel through computers and can control them as well."

"Had sounds fun. What about the guy she kidnapped, Nick what's his name?" Terry asked.

"Nicholas Sagan, a simple night watchmen. He used to have a relationship with Dr. Pauline Seas 11 years ago," Bruce said.

"So?" Terry asked.

"She was a computer specialist and supposedly died when a experiment blew up," he explained.

"So you think Dr. Pauline Seas is Cyber?" Terry asked. Bruce nodded.

"Makes sense. Dr. P. Seas, or PCs, like computers," Terry said happy with himself.

"Exactly. Sagan has one daughter," Bruce said and a picture of a girl with dark blonde hair and green eyes appeared on the screen, "Her name is April Sagan."

"I know her, she goes to the university, she lives in the dormitory next to mine," Terry said.

"She didn't like Dr.Seas at all, hated her. Her mother died 12 years ago, she took it kind of hard," Bruce explained.

"Father sure got over it in a hurry," Terry said putting on his mask, knowing he was about to be assigned guard duty.

"I want you to keep an eye on her, make sure Cyber doesn't try anything," Bruce said, and that was what Batman was waiting for. Assignment given in speech.

"Kay," he said and walked over to the batmobile. He got in, and flew off.


He glided on to the top of the dorm roof. He looked over and could see the window of his room on the dorm building next to the one he was on, he left the light, he'd have to fix that when he had the time.

"What are you doing here?" he heard a voice say. He quickly turned around ready to fight, but Blaze stood there looking at him, arms folded over her chest.

"Same as you I suppose," he answered.

"What does she know about Sagan?" he heard Bruce's voice to him, Batman almost forgot he was there. Blaze walked up next to him and looked down over the edge at a window with the light just turning off.

"Doubt it. I think you're here to watch April Sagan," she said.

"That's right. Then why are you here?" he asked her curious.

"Someone tried to break into a dorm room," she explained. Batman was surprised by that.

"Which one?" he asked. She pointed to a window on the building next to the one they were on with the light on, which was his window. Now Batman was really surprised, his room?

"They get anything?" he asked worried.

"They would've, but I stopped them," she said. He exhaled with relief.

"So why are you still here?" he then asked, getting back to the matter at hand.

"I'm here to protect April Sagan too," she said.

"How'd you know about?" he asked.

"How'd you?" she asked him. He didn't reply.

"How do you suppose Cyber will get to her?" Batman asked.

"Any number of ways, don't forget she has the entire computer system to help her. She might just have a key made and walk right in, unless the doors have that chain thing," Blaze said. Batman knew they didn't, Alisa lived in this building, and he'd been over a few times.

"How would she get past the alarm…" he was cut off by the sound of a shrill scream. They immediately jumped off of the building down to the window, opened it and ran inside the room. They saw April there trapped in some kind of bright yellow net that seemed to attach her to the wall. Cyber then walked into their view, being closer to Blaze because she was before Batman.

"Like my web?" Cyber asked them with a grin on her face.

"It's lovely," Blaze said and made a round kick and her, Cyber moved out of the way. Blaze made up for it by throwing something similar to the batarang but in the shape of a small flame, and cut the net that held April to the wall. April screamed but stopped when the flame returned to Blaze and she was unharmed. Cyber then just grabbed April and headed for the still open door. Then she stopped immediately, let go of April, who ran behind Batman, and then Cyber flew to the ground, alive but not moving. Batman looked at her in shock, and then he looked at Blaze. She was holding some kind of device in her hand that was giving out some kind of wave.

"What's that?" he asked her eagerly.

"The easiest way to hurt a computer, magnetic waves," she answered. He never would have thought of that. He took out one of his batarangs, and threw it at the device. It made contact and wiped the device from Blaze's hands and on to the floor, completely destroying the device. She rubbed her hand then looked at Batman with great anger and fury. The look almost frightened him.

"Why did you do that?" she demanded still rubbing her hand. By now Cyber was getting up dizzily and making her way to the door. Before waiting for an answer, Blaze was running towards Cyber. Batman wrapped rope around her arms and feet and she fell to the ground. She looked up at him, now with surprise and anger in her daring white eyes. They drove right through him like a bullet; he might actually have preferred a bullet. Cyber looked back at what happened in equal shock, but then quickly took the chance and ran away.

"ARE YOU CRAZY!!" Blaze yelled at him. He would have preferred a bullet then too.

"She has to get away so I can find out where she has Nicholas Sagan," he explained, he waited for the look on her face of complete embarrassment for not thinking of it herself, but in never came.

"Did you remember to put a tracer on her?" Blaze asked and cut the ropes with a small knife in her glove. Batman looked at her with an embarrassed expression. He had forgotten to but a tracer on Cyber. She read his expression like a book and stood up with an angry sigh. She turned around and ran after Cyber, Batman didn't try to stop her this time. He ran out of the room after Cyber and Blaze. He found them outside in the middle of the campus. They were fast. He saw Cyber gather balls of energy in her palms, she held them over her head, and threw it at Blaze. Instead of moving out of the way, Blaze held up her hand and spread her fingers. The ball of energy stopped in mid air, and returned towards Cyber and the speed it came at Blaze. Cyber was able to catch it, but was shocked at what happened with it. Batman was shocked as well, how had Blaze done that, what was she? Cyber tried again, but this time when the energy came towards Blaze, she pointed at it with her hand them moved her arm out to her side, the energy flew off in the way she pointed her hand, completely missing her.

"Care to try again?" Blaze asked Cyber. Cyber was furious. Batman quickly took out a small tablet from his belt; he ran over and threw it at Cyber's feet. It exploded and Cyber was cover in a light gray dust.

"That'll stop you from using anymore electricity," he said.

"No problem," Cyber grinned. She quickly gathered more energy and focused it right at his stomach. He was sent flying back about twenty feet, nearly missing a tree. The stomach cloth of his costume had been blasted to pieces, and his stomach didn't look much better. He took a minute before he even tried to sit up. When he did, there was not a part of his body that wasn't screaming with pain. He saw Cyber and Blaze already in hand to hand combat, Blaze with the upper hand. Blaze was incredible; he had never seen any one fight with such powers. He had to help, no fair letting her have all the fun, though he did hurt, a lot. He walked over anyway, slowly and as painless as possible. He took something out of his belt and waited for a chance. Blaze raised her hand and Cyber flew several feet away, that was his cue. He threw the rope in his hand and it wrapped around Cyber's arms, she was to hurt to try to escape. She just laid there, breathing heavily. Batman looked over at Blaze, she was slowly walking away, limping, she had been hurt. He would have tried to help her, but he was hurt worse. The campus police were running towards him. They would get all the needed information from her to find Sagan. He burst up into the air, spread winged type things, and flew away, slowly.


Terry walked down the sidewalk that lead to his first class of the day. He had left his dorm a little early so he could get there in time, he still walked slowly, the pain was less but was still there.

"Terry!" he heard a familiar voice say. Alisa ran up behind him. He stopped and turned around to face her, and he smiled to himself.

"What's so funny?" she asked him beginning to smile herself.

"Nothing," he said shaking his head. She had a limp.

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