
By: Faita

“Okay. Poison Ivy?” Emily asked.

“Dr.Pamela Isley, had an obsession of plants. Tried to kill Harvey Dent because he killed some kind of flower,” Matt said. Emily was sitting at the edge of Matt Mcginnis’s bed. He was half underneath the covers and grinning.

“You really know your villains” Emily commented.

“I want to know everything there is to know about Batman, past and present,” Matt said.

“Well, there are something’s you may never know” she told him getting off of the bed. He laid down into the pillow.

“Like what?” he asked her as she tucked him in. She gave him a certain look.

“Oh” he said understanding.

“You know, I’ve meet the masked man” Emily told him sitting back down at the foot of his bed. He shot right up.

“Really!?” he asked excited. He crawled over and sat next to her. She nodded her head.

“Yeah” she smiled.

“Tell me, tell me, tell me!” Matt begged over and over again.

“Maybe next time. Now you have to go to bed,” she said as he got back under the covers.

“You’re a lot better babysitter then Terry” Matt told her.

“I do a lot of things better then Terry” Emily grinned at him.

“He’s a real dork isn’t he?” Matt asked. Emily laughed a little.

“Not all the time” Emily answered him. She stood up and began to walk to the door.

“Emily?” Matt asked. She stopped and walked back to him.

“What?” she asked.

“You know he just acts like that because he misses Dad” Matt told her.

“I guessed. Matt, you really have to go to sleep, if you don’t your mother will kill me” Emily told him. Matt closed his eyes and began to snore.

“Good boy, next time try to pretend easier, it takes a lot of practice” Emily ran her hand through his hair and left the room.


“I had a great time tonight Terry” Dana told them as they walked to his door.

“Me too” Terry agreed.

“I’m glad Mr.Wayne let you have the night off” Dana smiled as she leaned against the wall. Terry put his arms around her and kissed her.

“I really should be going” Dana said in a whisper.

“Well, bye” he said as he steped away from her and opened the door. Dana looked past him to see Emily asleep on the couch.

“What’s she doing here?” Dana asked him serious.

“Who?” Terry asked concerned. Dana pointed behind him. He turned around, made a funny noise and quickly closed the door behind him. He grinned at Dana, she frowned at him.

“I’ll have to get back to you on that, bye” he said and quickly went inside and slammed the door. He leaned against the door and sighed in Emily’s direction. The slam of the door had woken her. She peered at him from over the side of the couch.

“Problems?” she asked him.

“Don’t start” he told her walking up behind her.

“I didn’t think of it,” she said shyly.

“What exactly are you doing here anyway?” Terry asked her annoyed. She stood up.

“Your mom asked me to baby-sit Matt” Emily told him. “Why you?!” he asked and yelled.

“She had to go, you were gone, I was the only one she knew she could trust” Emily yelled back.

“She trusted someone who fell asleep!” Terry yelled.

“I’ve had a busy week. Besides, you weren’t even here!” Emily yelled.

“That id never an excuse. What if something happened to him?!” Terry yelled.

“Will you to just be quiet!” Matt yelled at them from in front of his bedroom door. They stopped and looked at him.

“You’re both dorks!” he yelled almost crying and he ran back into his room. Terry and Emily looked at each other then running into Matt’s room. It was very dark, the only light coming from the doorway. The light was suddenly cut off, and the whole room light up. They looked over at Matt standing by the light switch. Terry walked over to him.

“Matt, are you Ok?” he asked her. Emily hit him in the back.

“He tricked us,” she said.

“Emily’s really smart, Terry you’re still stupid” Matt told him. Emily laughed.

“Little brother let me tell you something, I’m bigger then you are” Terry told him.

“Really, I never would have guessed” Matt answered sarcastically. Emily laughed some more. Terry turned to her.

“You did this to him” he accused her.

“How so?” she asked.

“Hello!” they heard Terry’s mom call.

“Mom!” Matt said and ran out of the room. Terry and Emily reluctantly joined him.

“Emily. I hope he wasn’t a problem,” she asked.

“Depends on who you’re talking about. Matt was wonderful, Terry was the problem” Emily said glancing at Terry coldly.

“Well thank you” she said and handed Emily some money.

“Keep it, I don’t need it” Emily told her kindly. She laughed.

“No I guess you don’t” she laughed some more.

“It was a pleasure,” Emily said heading for the door.

“Emily wait!” Matt ran over to her.

“Don’t forget you said you would tell me about Batman” he told her. She smiled.

“Next time Matt. Wait just a little longer” she reassured him, and left.


“Where were you?” Bruce asked Emily as she walked into the huge house, Ace jumping up and down around her.

“I was babysitting Matt remember” she told him.

“Well suit up, we have problems”


Terry walked into the huge mansion. He walked through all the rooms, down into the cave and back up again.

“Bruce!” he finally yelled out. “Emily! Ace!” no answer from any of them. He began to get worried. He was the only one in the entire house. Just as he was about to search the house again, his phone went off. He picked it up.

“Yeah?” he asked into it.

“Terry, where are you?” Bruce asked him.

“I’m at the manor, where are you?” Terry asked him.

“At the hospital” Bruce answered him.

“Why are you Ok?” Terry asked really worried.

“I’m fine” Bruce answered.

“Then why are you at the hospital?” Terry asked more confused then worried.

“It’s Emily” Terry’s face went to complete fear, “She’s been shot” Bruce finished.


“How is she?” Terry asked running over to Bruce and Ace who where standing in front of window.

“They already operated, she’s resting now” Bruce answered.

“Will she live?” Terry asked looking through the window at Emily lying in a bed. Bruce hesitated.

“They don’t know” Bruce answered him. Terry paused before responding.

“Who shot her?” Terry asked him.

“Jokerz” Bruce answered.

“Who was she?” Terry asked.

“Emily” Bruce answered.

“They shot Emily, not Batgirl?” Terry asked in a whisper.

“Yes” Bruce answered him.

“It’s not your fault. It’s mine” Terry told him.

“There was nothing you could have done” Bruce said.

“I should have been there, I was suppose protect her. Now she might die” Terry told him.

“Batman can’t be everywhere, neither can Terry” Bruce told him.

“I’m suppose to try at least. I was just so mad at her,” Terry said, almost crying.

“Bruce!” a man at the end of the hall came running towards them.

“Dick” Bruce said.

“How’d it happen?” Dick demanded.

“Dick look” Terry said.

“How’d it happen?!” Dick yelled.

“She was shot, by the Jokerz. She wasn’t Batgirl” Bruce told him. Dick looked in the window at Emily.

“The boys are on their way. Will she be Ok?” Dick asked sadly.

“We don’t know” Terry answered.

“How are you doing Terry?” Dick asked him.

“Fine as can be expected” Terry answered.

“You can go in now Mr.Grayson” a nurse told him.


“So is she going to tell me about when she met Batman?” Matt asked Terry as they walked down in hospital hallway.

“She told you she’s met Batman?” Terry asked amused.

“All she said was that he gallantly flew up and saved her. Like a Black Knight” Matt said giggling.

“A knight?” Terry asked him laughing.

“Terry!” a young man came running over to them as they approached.

“Hi Pete. How is she?” Terry asked him.

“Same” Pete answered.

“Pete this is Matt my little brother. Matt this is Pete, Pete is Emily’s older brother” Terry introduced them.

“I didn’t know Emily had a brother” Matt told Pete.

“She has three, I’m the youngest one” Pete said.

“Can I see her?” Terry asked him.

“When Mark comes out” Pete answered. Just as Pete finished his sentence a tall man with short black hair stepped out of the room.

“Hi Terry” he said.

“How is she Mark?” Terry asked.

“Not good” he answered.

“Can I see her?” Terry asked.

“Go on in” Mark smiled. Terry walked into the hospital room, leaving Matt outside. He walked over to where Emily lay in the bed.

“Hi” he said to her. She just laid there.

“That’s what I thought you’d say. I’m sorry I wasn’t there. If I was, you would most likely be yelling at me or finally telling Matt about the time you met the heroic Batman. Your Black Knight” Terry grinned. He sat down on the end of the bed.

“I had no idea you thought of that way Emily. Or the fact you told Matt.” Terry smiled.

“I mean, you knew he would tell me” Terry suddenly understood “you did know that. You tricked me. You told him that knowing he would tell me, and that I would react like this. Oh I hate you” he slapped her leg. She moaned.

“Emily?” Terry asked. Terry ran over to the door and opened it.

“Terry what’s wrong?” Pete asked him worried.

“I think she’s waking up”


“And as soon as we got outside of all the danger. He fainted. He fell to his knees in pain. I ran over to him trying to help” Emily finished. She was sitting up in the hospital bed; Matt was sitting in front of her, paying attention to her every word.

“Then, then?” he asked eagerly.

“I can’t say, it’s a secret” Emily told him.

“What kind of a secret?” Matt asked.

“A secret, secret” Emily answered him.

“Have you told Terry?” Matt asked her.

“Told Terry what?” Terry asked walking into the hospital room.

“What happened after Batman fainted” Matt answered him.

“Yeah she told me” Terry answered walking over to them.

“What? What Terry, please tell me” Matt begged.

“Well. First she pulled his very well built body into the front seat of the batmobile. Then she turned it on and drove it back to the batcave” Terry answered him.

“I never told you anything,” Emily said to Terry.

“How’d you know that?” Matt asked him.

“You see, I’m really Batman and Emily is Batgirl” Terry told him.

“You’re a dork Terry” Matt said as he ran out of the room. Terry and Emily laughed while watching him leave. Terry looked back at Emily.

“How are you feeling?” Terry asked her.

“Like I just got shot in the back” Emily answered him.

“Very funny” Terry grinned.

“Wasn’t meant to be” Emily answered.

“Well you missed some school” Terry told her.

“I guessed as much” Emily said rubbing her head.

“I new girl came to school” Terry said.

“Really? What’s her name?” Emily asked her.

“Cassie Yates” Terry answered her.

“What did you tell the kids at school?” Emily asked him.

“About what?” Terry asked.

“Why I’m in the hospital” Emily answered.

“I just told them you had an operation” Terry answered.

“What kind of operation?” Emily asked laying down on to the pillow.

“You had your appendix removed or something,” Terry said.

“I already had my appendix removed” Emily said closing her eyes.

“Well you get some sleep” Terry told her and left.


“Welcome back Emily”

“Glad you’re feeling better Emily”

“How are you doing Emily?” Was what everyone said to Emily as she walked through the school after about a week. She just said she was fine and continued walking. She entered her science class and sat down in her assigned seat. A middle aged man walked into the class holding a briefcase in his hands.

“Sorry I’m late class,” he said as he set his briefcase on his desk.

“Any way, first things first. I’d like to welcome Emily back to school. And I’d like to introduce a new girl” he said as a girl with blonde hair to her shoulders walked into the room.

“Class, this is Cassie Yates. She has just moved to this school,” he said pointing her to an empty chair next to Emily. She thanked him in a quiet voice and sat next to Emily.

“Hi” Emily said to her. Cassie looked over to her and smiled sweetly.

“Hi” she replied again in a quiet voice.

“I’m Emily Grayson” Emily introduced herself.

“Glad to meet Emily, I’m Cassie”


“Welcome back” Batman said to Batgirl as she flew over next to him.

“Weird to be flying again” she smiled.

“Get used to it. Something big is going down tonight” he told her.

“I know, Bruce kept up to date” Batgirl said searching the streets below them.

“He never let’s me have any fun” Batman grinned.

“There” Batgirl said pointing below them. Batman looked where she pointed. There were a group of men walking into a building.

“Let’s go” Batman said. They jumped off the building and floated to the street below. They went into camouflage and entered the building. Batman lead into first. They entered a room where the men had just entered. There were already two guys in the room.

“You got the stuff?” one asked. Another pulled a small package from his jacket pocket, and handed to him.

“Is there something I can do for you gentlemen?” a female voice said. The men, Batman and Batgirl looked at where it came form. There was a girl wearing a dark blue costume, with a light blue mask, gloves, boots, and rectangle on her chest.

“Run!” a man yelled. The guys ran past Batman and Batgirl. The last one ran into Batman, knocking him over and knocking him out of camouflage.

“Great! Now we have the Batman,” he yelled as he got up and ran away. He was knocked back to his back. Batman got up. Batgirl came out of camouflage; she walked over and tied the man’s hands together. Batman and Batgirl walked into the room. The girl was standing there.

“Who are you?” Batman asked her.

“I am Castigate,” she said walking over to them.

“New in town?” Batgirl asked her.

“Kind of” she answered.

“Thanks for your help” Batgirl said and began to walk away.

“Batgirl, wait” Batman told her. She stopped and turned around.

“What?” she asked him.

“Wait. I think we should talk more to our new friend here,” Batman said. Batgirl walked back over next to him.

“Good call. So, Batman and Batgirl I presume” Castigate said smiling.

“What’s your story?” Batman asked Castigate.

“Too much crime in the city, thought you could use some help” Castigate answered.

“Well we don’t” Batgirl said beginning to walk away again.

“Batgirl wait” Batman told her again.

“Not this time Batman” she said still walking. Batman looked at her behind him. She walked out of the room, then out of the building.

“So how’d you hear about this?” Castigate asked him.

“How’d you?” Batman asked her back.

“Have ways” she said and walked past him.

“So do we” he replied.

“We? Looks more like, you” she told him stopping and turning around.

“Batgirl and I have differences of opinion” Batman said.

“How so?” she asked.

“She doesn’t like you” Batman answered.

“And how do you know that, she didn’t say anything?” Castigate asked.

“I just do” Batman answered grinning.

“How’d you get started being a superhero?” Castigate asked him.

“You first” Batman said. Castigate thought about it.

“Fair enough” she said. She waved her hands in front of her chest, then away. A blue mist surrounded them, and then thousands of little white lights filled it. It looked like a galaxy. Batman steped back in complete shock. A small dark planet moved up in front of his faced. Castigate steped through the mist so that he could see her.

“What are you?” Batman demanded.

“I am a Raihin, from the planet Raih” she told him.

“You’re an alien?” Batman asked amazed.

“In a sense. I come from a galaxy far from here. It took me a thousand years just to get here, I’ve seen things you couldn’t image” she answered.

“Why are you telling me this?” Batman asked her.

“Because you’re the one to help me, the only one who can know” she told him.

“Well, I hate to tell you this, but, Batgirl and a friend know everything you just said and did” Batman told her.

“You are the ONLY one who can see this, no one else can see this if it was right in front of them. No one except the other person that will help me” Castigate told him.

“Really?” Batman asked her.

“Yes” she answered calmly.

“Batman what is that?” he heard in his ears, it was Batgirl’s voice.

“What’s what?” he asked him.

“That mist” she answered.

“You can see it?” he asked her amazed.

“Yes of course I can see it” she replied.

“Who are you talking to?” Castigate asked him.

“Batgirl, she knows everything, she can see it” Batman answered her.

“Then she must be the other one” Castigate said as if she was beginning to understand every thing.

“What do you want us to help you with?” Batman asked her.

“There is a great fight coming. The greatest enemy to my planet, Tenma. He has overtaken my planet, and is now coming for Earth. I came here to stop him. I was told I would find two Earthlings to help me, and that we would be victorious, but with great loss” she answered.

“Batgirl, you better get back here,” Batman said. When he finished speaking, Batgirl appeared at his side.

“That was weird,” she said.

“Your welcome” Castigate said.

“Thanks” Batgirl then said.

“You can do that?” Batman asked Castigate.

“Of course” she answered.

“Why do you need us?” Batgirl asked her very seriously.

“It is your destiny” she replied.

“I make my own destiny” Batgirl said back. Castigate walked over to her, and placed her hands to her face. A ball of white light surrounded them, and stayed. Batman tried to get Batgirl out of the ball, but when he touched it a bolt of electricity sent him to the floor. Inside the ball, Batgirl and Castigate stood in the middle of a field, all the once living crops were dead and had fallen to the ground. As far as the eye could see was a dark red sky full of black stars, and death.

“Where are we?” Batgirl asked Castigate.

“My home world, as it is now. If you and the Batman do not help me, this will be Earth in twenty years” Castigate replied.

“How?” Batgirl asked her turning in place, looking at everything. The field vanished from beneath them, and they were in middle of space. Below them was a small ball moving fast.

“That is Tenma. The one I spoke about. He is heading to earth. He will try and conquer it, just as he has always done” Castigate said.

“Then how can we stop him?” Batgirl asked.

“So you believe me?” Castigate asked.

“I figure either this is real and you’re telling the truth, or I hit my head some way and what ever I do here means nothing” Batgirl told her.

“Good enough. You and Batman are the ones who were chosen to help me finally defeat Tenma. I have been given special things for the two of you” Castigate answered.

“What kind of things?” Batgirl asked curious.

“You will find out soon enough” Castigate answered her.

“I’ve heard that too many times,” Batgirl said.

“Since you are to help me, you must know who I really am” Castigate said and took off her mask. It was Cassie.


“I’m not really surprised. It’s always the quite ones,” Batgirl said amused by her comment.

“That’s not all” Cassie looked up. Streaks of bright blue traveled down her face and neck. Batgirl looked in shock.

“I did not see that one coming” Batgirl said.

“This is the way all the people on my planet looked before Tenma destroyed it. Now my people are sick, dead, and pale. This will be Earth’s fate if you do not help me,” Cassie said. Batgirl thought about it.

“I guess” she answered after a minute.

“Good” Cassie smiled. The space disappeared and they were once again in the small room. Batgirl looked around to see where she was. She saw Batman on the floor several feet away, rubbing his head. She walked over to him.

“What happened to you?” she asked him helping him off the ground. Castigate, still wearing her mask, walked next to them.

“You tried to come in,” she said.

“Of course” Batman replied still rubbing his head.

“You would have not enjoyed it” Batgirl told him smiling.

“What happened in there anyway?” Batman asked Batgirl.

“Ah. We have to talk” Batgirl told him. He looked at her confused.


“You have to be kidding” Batman said to them. The three of them, Batman, Batgirl, and Castigate were up in an apartment high above Gotham’s streets. This was where Castigate was living.

“Afraid not Batman” Batgirl said.

“So when is he coming?” Batman asked Castigate.

“Soon” was all she said.

“And we can’t tell anyone?” Batman asked.

“Not a soul” Batgirl answered.

“We have to talk more about this” Batman said sitting down.

“Tomorrow. We have school in about four hours, we need sleep” Batgirl said standing up.

“My Mom’s going to kill me,” Batman said running to the window.

“Bye Cas?” Batgirl waved and joined Batman.

“What’d you call her?” Batman asked Batgirl.

“Just go” Batgirl said and pushed Batman over the edge of the railing, he yelled a little, but spread his wings.

“See ya” Batgirl said and dove over the railing.


“Are you sure this is it?” Terry asked Emily as they walked down a hallway, Emily in the lead.

“We were here last night, don’t you remember?” she asked looking away from the room numbers at him.

“It looks different coming in through the window then it does the door” Terry whispered.

“I’ll give you that one” Emily said.

“Thanks” Terry said. Emily looked back at the door numbers, and then she stopped.

“This is it,” she said pointing to room 1313.

“That number doesn’t make me fell better” Terry said.

“Just knock” Emily told him while she put the piece of paper in her jacket pocket. Terry knocked on the door. It opened just an inch to see out. Emily looked up from her bag to the door.

“Hi Castigate” she said. The door opened wide. Cassie rushed them in and locked the door behind them.

“How do you know?” she asked them. They looked at each then at her. She suddenly understood.

“You’re Batman and Batgirl?” she asked not believing it herself.

“What! Emily did you tell her?” Terry said sarcastically.

“No did you” Emily replied in fake shock.

“We need to get to business then,” Cassie said walking past them.

“What do we need to know?” Terry asked her. She walked over to them; she placed one hand on Terry’s face and the other on Emily’s. A ball of light surrounded them. They where all in the middle of a huge city full of sunlight, plants, and people all around, it appeared to be some type of park. Terry looked around in amazement.

“This is my planet before Tenma” Cassie said. A child ran over to them, and right through Emily.

“Interesting” Emily said watching the boy run away.

“How’d you?” Terry asked not able to finish his sentence.

“Don’t ask, you wouldn’t understand” Cassie said. The park vanished and they appeared back in her apartment.

“Just testing you” she smiled.

“We pass?” Emily asked. Cassie nodded.

“So what about these things you’ve been given for us?” Terry asked her.

“I’ll give them to you know I suppose” she said. Then, Emily and Terry were in their costumes, masks and all.

“We should learn that trick,” Batgirl said. Cassie walked over to her. She waved her hands in front of Batgirl. Batgirl’s costume went to a slivery light blue instead of black, and the bat on her chest became a much darker blue. Batgirl and Batman looked at it in amazement. Then a sliver blue pole appeared in Batgirl’s hands.

“These are your weapons Batgirl, they will help you” Cassie said. Batgirl smiled and held the pole in her hands. Cassie turned to Batman. She copied what she did to Batgirl. Batman’s costume went to a slivery red and the bat on his chest turned a darker red. In his hands appeared a sword with a slivery red handle.

"A sword? Isn’t that a little old fashioned?” he said.

“They were designed a thousand years ago Batman” Batgirl said.

“Batman, these are your weapons, they well help you” Cassie said.

“When do we fight?” Batgirl asked.


“The fight as already begun” Cassie said.

“What do you mean by that?” Batman asked playing with his sword.

“Tenma is already on Earth” Cassie said calmly. Batgirl and Batman stopped what they were doing and looked at her.

“When did he get here?” Batman asked.

“Last night, after you left” she answered.

“Are you sure?” Batgirl asked really worried.

“Yes” Cassie said.

“Cas, why is it that you never really, express emotion?” Batgirl asked.

“No need. It is written that the two warriors that will save Earth, will kill Tenma in their dying breath” Cassie said.

“D-d-dying breath?” Batman asked scared. Cassie nodded. “It’s not like it’s written in stone though,” Batgirl said trying not to panic.

“Actually, it is” Cassie said.

“Well, in that case. When do we actually, well, fight him?” Batman asked.

“Tonight. He always attacks his enemy in their dreams first,” Cassie said.

“So he knows who we are,” Batgirl said.

“Yes” Cassie answered.

“So how do we beat him?” Batman asked.

“You must kill him every stage he attacks you in order to defeat him” Cassie said. Batman and Batgirl’s costumes disappeared and they were Terry and Emily again.

“He will attack one of you tonight when you are asleep. They other will enter the dream to help” Cassie said.

“How are we supposed to do that?” Terry asked.

“I will help you” Cassie said.

“When’s bed time?” Emily asked.

“Come here at 10:00 tonight, you may spend the night here” Cassie said. Emily and Terry walked to the door, unlocked the bolt.

“See you at 10” Emily said, and they left.


“What do think about this Emily?” Terry asked her as they walked up the road to the manor.

“I’m kind of concerned about this dying breath thing,” Emily said.

“Well like you said, we make our on destiny” Terry said.

“I don’t really believe anything I knew before now” Emily replied.

“Same here” Terry said smiling.

“What are you smiling about?” Emily asked him amused.

“We get to go inside each others dreams” Terry answered.

“We better go in yours” Emily said.

“Why’s that?” Terry asked.

“You’d be lost in mine” Emily answered.

“I bet” Terry laughed.


“Just relax and go to sleep, I’ll wake the other up when Tenma attacks” Cassie said as Emily and Terry laid down in beds on opposite sides of a room.

“I’ll help you fall asleep so don’t worry” Cassie said.

“Good night Terry” Emily said.

“You too Emily” he answered, and they fell fast asleep.


“Terry wake up!” Cassie yelled. Terry groaned and sat up.

“What?” he asked weakly.

“Emily, she’s been attacked” Cassie answered. Terry shot straight up in the bed. He and Cassie walked over to Emily. Emily was tossing and turning in the bed.

“How do I get in?” Terry asked Cassie. Cassie placed two of her fingers on Terry’s forehead, and did the same things with her other hand to Emily. A flash of light appeared at her fingertips, then Terry fainted.


Terry looked around him. He was field surrounded by bright yellow flowers; the sun was shining down on him. He could almost feel it. He walked a few steps over a hill and in front of him loomed a giant stone castle. Terry heard yells of help coming from inside.

“That must be Emily,” he said to himself. He ran down the hill and entered the castle. As soon as he entered he was wearing dark red clothes that made him blend in perfecting with the setting.

“The dream must be trying to decide what part of it I am,” Terry said to himself. He heard the yells again. He ran after them. He ran up stairs and through wet hallways. He eventually came to a small room in the top of a tower. He opened the door. Inside was a girl in a long pink dress tied to chain hanging from the ceiling. It wasn’t Emily.

“Then where is she?” Terry asked looking around the room. The door closed behind him. A man appeared behind him. Terry turned around to face him.

“Tenma?” Terry asked.

“Terry, or is it Batman?” he asked devilishly.

“A rose by any other name” Terry said.

“How true” Tenma said walking over to him.

“Where’s Emily?” Terry asked him.

“Right here” Emily said walking into the room. She was wearing her new Batgirl uniform. She held her staff in her hands. She charged at Tenma with it and threw him to the opposite side of the room. Terry walked over to her.

“Nice dream” he said.

“Nice clothes” she said. Tenma stood back up and shot some kind of energy blast at Batgirl, knocking her to the floor. Terry ran over to her.

“Are you okay?” he asked her worried.

“I’ll be fine,” she said weakly, “just beat him”

“How?” Terry asked. Batgirl pressed a button that was on his belt that he didn’t know he had. He transformed into Batman in the new uniform with his sword in his hand. He looked at it, then at her. He stood up and walked over to Tenma. Tenma fired another energy blast at him; he jumped in the air and dodged it. He swung is sword at him, but missed. Tenma created a stream of energy in his hands, and it formed into a sword.

“Let’s make this more interesting,” he said and swung his sword at Batman. Batman blocked it with his sword. The two got into a huge sword fight, clashing, slashing and blocking. They moved about the small room. Tenma knocked the sword out of Batman’s hands to the floor. He placed the tip of his sword on Batman’s neck. Batman backed up slowly, with the sword still at his neck. His costume disappeared and he was Terry again.

“Now this is more interesting” Tenma grinned.

“No, this is interesting” Batgirl said and stabbed Tenma though the back with Batman’s sword. Tenma dropped his, and disappeared. Batgirl’s costume disappeared and so did the sword and her staff. Terry exhaled with relief and walked over to Emily. He put his hand on her shoulder.

“Next time ask before you use my sword” he joked. And they everything went black.


“Come on Emily, wake up” Terry said shaking Emily’s shoulders. Him and Cassie were standing above Emily, who was asleep in her bed.

“Why isn’t she waking up?” Terry asked Cassie worried.

“She was hurt in the dream, it just takes a little” Cassie said but was cut off by Emily moaning. Terry sighed.

“Good morning” Terry smiled.

“My, head, hurts” Emily complained. Terry laughed.

“You two completed stage one, you should be proud” Cassie said.

“How many stages are there anyway?” Emily asked sitting up.

“Six. Dreams, past, sky, space, death, and future” Cassie said.

“So we have to kill him at each one of those places?” Terry asked her.

“Yes” she answered.

“Oh this is going to be fun,” Terry said.

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