
By: Faita

Police Commissioner Barbara Gordon walked through the hallways of Police Headquarters quickly. People calling her name as she past, but she never stopped walking. She walked in front of a secretary sitting in a desk. She pulled some papers off the desk and flipped through them before placing them back.

"Any calls?" she asked. The secretary handed her a few slips of paper. Barbara flipped through them and threw them in the trash basket at the end of the desk.

"Angie, if you get any more calls concerning Batman, tell them we don't know anything," Barbara said. The secretary nodded.

"Your two o'clock is waiting in your office," Angie said.

"Thanks," Barbara said filling a mug with coffee then walking into her office. Two people stood in her office, both in their mid twenties. They were wearing the basic police uniform only instead of white was a very pale blue, and instead of a badge they had the word 'cadet' depicted on and three medal pins on the collar of their uniforms. When Barbara walked in they immediately came to attention.

"At ease cadets," Barbara said and the two spread their feet and held their hands behind their backs. Barbara walked behind her desk and picked up a few papers and read some off them, then she looked up at the two.

"Cadets Amy Davis and Gregory Watkins, three years each, top of their class with equal grades, highly recommended," she read off a paper.

"I hear you two feel like you need some more on the job training, is this true?" Barbara asked.

"Yes sir," they both said at once.

"But you both seem to by set for life, top of your class," Barbara smiled.

"Permission to speak freely sir?" the girl asked. Barbara waved her hand downward.

"By being the top of the class will not exactly save your life when you're out there, certain know how that can only be learned first hand might," she said.

"Do you agree?" Barbara asked the boy. He nodded.

"Yes sir I do," he said.

"Good. You're here to learn some of that information; I'll see that you get it. But first you must make the promise every other officer here makes. First, you give me everything you got, second, you give me more"


Batman sat on the roof of the building next to Barbara's office. He was watching what was going on inside.

"Looks like Commissioner Gordon as some new rookies," he said still looking through the binoculars.

"Cadets from the academy," Bruce told him as he looked at what Batman saw through the binoculars on a section of his screen. He opened up another section of the screen and had bios of both cadets on it, pictures of them in and out of uniform beside them. The girl had dark red hair tied behind her head and a few freckles on her nose and dark green eyes. The boy had short dark brown hair evenly cut around his head and dark blue eyes with a small scar on his left cheek by his ear.

"What are their names?" Batman asked still watching what was happening, all he could gather was that they were talking. He figured Bruce had all the information on them in the world already.

"Amy Davis and Gregory Watkins, top of the class with even grades, only third year. Davis comes from South Gotham, great-grandparents are Irish immigrants. Watkins is from North Gotham, father died of Osteopo disease when Watkins was 3, he lived with his mother and little sister till he entered the academy," Bruce said.

"Nice record. If they still have a year left of the academy, why are they talking to Gordon?" Batman asked. There was a pause on the other end.

"I don't know," Bruce finally said.

"Want me to find out?" Batman asked.

"If you don't mind," Bruce replied.


"This is the exercise race we set up for officers who begin to get a little pokey around the hips, or forget the meaning of teamwork," Barbara said as the cadet walked up behind her. They were wearing dark blue sweat pants and light blue sleeveless shirts with a round neck. The word cadet written on their pants and shirts. Amy had her hair tied behind her hanging low with a dark blue tie; both of them had no expression on their faces. Barbara motioned for them to walk up next to her, they did so.

"You two have to run the course within a five feet radius of each other," Barbara said as Greg extended his right hand and Amy extended her left. Barbara placed two bracelets on the wrists.

"These are magnetically attached, if they come out of five feet of each other, they will pull together. Have you done this before?" Barbara asked them, they nodded.

"Figures, the academy never lets me have any fun with the rookies," Barbara sighed. She picked up a stopwatch and held it in her hand. The two cadets readied themselves.

"Go!" Barbara yelled. The two took off running side by side. They ran the entire course, over ladders and under nets quickly. They crossed the line and stopped right in front of Barbara. She stopped the watch.

"34.7 seconds, not bad. Almost beat the record," Barbara said as the two caught their breath and walked closer to her. She took off the bracelets and set them on the bench behind her.

"Thank you sir," Amy said.

"Wash up," Barbara said as the two jogged over to a door that led inside. Barbara watched them then began to walk towards the obstacle course. She made it half way before the phone in her pocket rang. She took it out and answered it.

"Gordon speaking," she said into it.

"When are you going to give me back my phone?" Batman's voice asked her.

"Where are you?" she asked looking at all the rooftops quickly.

"Top of the bank," Batman answered her. She looked over to the top of the bank, Batman sat there, he waved a very small hand at her. It just seemed small because he was far away.

"What do you want?" Barbara asked him.

"I was just wondering about Amy Davis and Gregory Watkins," Batman answered her. Barbara looked at him concerned.

"Why do you want to know?" Barbara asked.

"Just curious," he answered simply. She frowned in his direction.

"Bruce put you up to this didn't he?" she asked as if she had unfolded his entire plan.

"Maybe. Just wanted to know why the commissioner of the police took an interest in two cadets not even out of the academy," Batman said to her.

"Police business, none of your concern," Barbara told him coldly. She hung up the phone and placed it in her pocket. She took few steps then the phone ran again. She stopped and angrily pulled it out of her pocket.

"What?" she asked it angrily.

"So when do I get my phone back?" Batman asked her.

"Tonight at ten, on top of police headquarters, all the information you need will be there," she said and put the phone back in her pocket and walked away.


Batman landed on the rooftop of Police head quarters at ten o'clock that night. His cell phone lay on a box near the end. He bent over and picked it up. He stood up and looked around the room, looking for Barbara. He heard a noise in the shadows; his head quickly turned to the direction the noise came from. Couldn't have been Barbara, being Batgirl would have prevented any further noise when she walked, and it couldn't have been Blaze, she doesn't make a sound either, but someone was there.

"Who's there?" Batman demanded. He waited a few seconds, then two figures walked out of the shadows. Both of them wearing cadet police uniforms.

"Batman?" the girl asked.

"Cadets Amy Davis and Gregory Watkins I presume," Batman said relaxing his muscles.

"Commissioner Gordon said you wanted to talk to us," the boy said as the two walked fully out of the shadows.

"I just want some information," Batman said.

"What kind?" Amy asked.

"Aren't you supposed to be at attention?" Batman asked them grinning.

"We're off duty now," Greg said as the two stopped walking. Batman nodded his head in understanding.

"So why are you here?" Batman then asked them.

"Why are you?" Amy asked. Batman held up the phone.

"Needed my phone," he said moving it back and forth.

"Is that all?" Greg asked him.

"I was just curious why Gordon has two cadets in her hand," Batman said grinning at his use of a card game metaphor.

"We volunteered," Greg answered.

"For what?" Batman asked curious.

"Better training," Barbara said walking out of the shadows to the surprise of everyone else on the roof. The two cadets came to attention.

"I thought you two were off duty," Batman said to the two cadets.

"They don't go off duty till midnight. At ease," she said and the two went at ease. Batman shrugged it off.

"What kind of training?" Batman asked Barbara.

"They just wanted some more on the job training," Barbara answered him. He looked surprised.

"That's it?" he asked not believing her.

"That's it," she answered simply.

"Huh," he said and jumped off the roof by doing a back flip off. Amy walked up behind Barbara.

"Why didn't you tell him the truth Sir?" she asked.

"It's none of his business. That's why I planned that phony meeting earlier today," Barbara answered her.

"Why shouldn't he know?" Greg asked.

"It's simply police work. You two are cloned from the DNA of some of the most dangerous villains of Gotham history. If he knew, he would be even more of an inconvenience," Barbara answered him.

"Fair enough," he said and took a step back.

"Good. Go home," she told them. They nodded and walked off the roof. Barbara looked around the city, then turned around, and followed the two cadets; not noticing the small bat shaped transceiver on the side of the box.

"You get all that?" Batman asked Bruce as he raced through Gotham in the batmobile.

"Yes," Bruce answered him simply.

"What do you make of it?" Batman asked turning around the side of a building.

"I don't know, but I need you to find out," Bruce told him.

"I'm on it," Batman said and turned the batmobile around.


Batman took a step into the hotel room. He looked around from side to side. One suitcase lay next to the dresser. A police academy uniform lay at the foot of the bed. Batman took another step into the dark room. The lights flipped on and he saw a gun about a foot away from his forehead. Amy was holding it. She had her red hair hanging behind her back and dangling in front of her face. She was wearing a pair of light blue sweatpants and a tight short sleeved shirt with the words police academy written on both of them. Batman was surprised but just stared at the gun barrel. He saw Greg walk into doorframe and see what was going on. He was wearing the same type clothes that Amy was. He pulled a gun out of a holster around his shoulder. He stepped next to Amy, but a little behind her, pointing his gun at Batman's head. "What are you doing here?" Amy demanded from him. "I was wondering if it's true that you guys are clones of some old friends of mine," Batman said smirking. Amy and Greg looked at him in shock. They both took their guns and held them up next to their faces, barrels pointing upward, but still ready to aim and fire at any time.

"How'd you know about that?" Greg asked worried.

"Never mind that, is it true?" Batman asked them. They looked at each other worried, then brought their guns to their sides.

"No, none of it," Amy said.

"Huh," Batman said and walked over to the window, he opened it at jumped out. Amy and Greg ran over to the window and looked out, they saw nothing.

"Who do we call now?" Greg asked Amy.

"Everyone," she answered him.

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