"The Lunar Effect: New Style"

By: Faita

Batman, Robin, Batgirl, Green Lantern, Moment, Nightwing, Python, and Myst stood side beside each other in the den of the wooden inn. Each of them marveled and looked at the costumes they wore. The costumes were a bit different then the ones they wore on Earth. They were fancier and simpler at the same time. Batman was the only one not so pleased with his costume; it didn't have any of the things he had been used to for the past seven years. No improved strength, rockets in his feet, flaps under his arms, sensors in hands, and all the rest. To make it worse, the devices in his belt were very simple compared to what Bruce had. The only thing Batman really liked, was the mid thigh length black cape that fell around his shoulder, it made him feel as Batman like as when he first put the other costume on for the first time. But this one was easier to get his hands on. Adam's sister looked at them in amazement and confusion at the same time.

"Who are you supposed to be?" she asked. Myst rolled his eyes.

"You'll find out if tonight goes right. Momma, how many people did you tell about these costumes?" he asked the woman. She and her husband had been smiling at them in pride.

"No one, the messenger told me the King and Queen asked me to tell no one, so I didn't," she said still smiling. The GB smiled.

"Can you be my mom Mrs.Waller?" Green Lantern asked. The woman laughed joyfully.

"Let's go before she answers that," Myst said as they began to walk out of the door silently.


"This could get some getting used to," Python said. The eight of them sat perched in two trees next to each other.

"I haven't stood in a tree like this since I was seven," Nightwing said.

"I've never sat in a tree like this," Python said. Everyone looked at her curiously.

"You've never climbed a tree?" Moment asked her.

"My parents died when I was five, Mandy and I lived in a special orphanage in the middle of Gotham, there are no trees in the middle of Gotham," she explained. They nodded seeing her point.

"I grew up in Northern Gotham, the science district," Moment said.

"And no one cares," Green Lantern said. Most of the laughed slightly, except Batman, he had a hidden worried expression on his face.

"And where exactly in Gotham are you from Green?" Moment asked her.

"I'm not from Gotham, I grew up in Rescen, so did Egan, we came to Gotham for college," she explained. They looked at her surprised.

"Not everyone comes from Gotham," she said aggravated.

"You're telling me," Myst said.

"There," Batman said and pointed to a person hiding behind a small house in the shadows. Everyone looked at him surprised, they had forgotten he was there. The person walked slowly sometimes and quickly others, making sure to keep in shadows so not to be seen and kept looking around them. The person wore a kind of green and white armor. It looked plated, with green plates on the back of the bottom part of both arms, from the shoulder with a v-neck that went down to almost form a plated bathing suit, and green knee high boots. A green armor mask covered the top half of the face, only a small strand of hair came over the person face.

"It feels good to see some La-una armor again," Myst said and smiled.

"That's armor?" Robin asked him surprised.

"It's nothing like the armor we wore in The Moon's Revenge," Batgirl said smiling, Robin smiled too.

"Yea that was a great game," Robin said and the two laughed quietly. Python hit Robin on the shoulder angrily and the two stopped laughing.

"Is that rather simple armor?" Nightwing asked.

"What do you mean?" Myst asked him.

"Are we dealing with a simple thief or an experienced thief?" Batman asked with his eyes concentrated on the figure.

"All armor looks alike, except for different colors, and people who work for the palace, they have a small symbol," Myst explained.

"So are we gonna handle this or not?" Python masked looking at the figure begin to walk away, when she looked up at everyone else, they were jumping out of the trees towards the ground. She sighed and followed them. Everyone except Batman landed on a near by roof silently, Robin almost fell to his back but regained his balance, Batgirl smirked and shook her head.

"The buildings are a little lower here then in Gotham," Robin whispered to her.

"And covered in hay," Batgirl added and held up a handful of hay, Robin frowned.

"That too," he said. Python shushed them. Batman jumped from rooftop to rooftop following the person. The person had spotted him and began to run rather quickly. Batman jumped off the rooftop and landed before the person, stopping them.

"Hold it buddy!" Batman said. He heard a quick yell and felt pain spread through out his body.


Terry blinked once, twice, then just opened his eyes. He saw a bright light and a figure of a head above him. As his eyes focused he could see the image of Alisa's head smiling down at him. He smiled painfully at her.

"What happened?" he asked her with a rasping voice.

"You got your wings clipped," someone else answered. Terry painfully sat up, Alisa backing backwards as he did. He was in one of the rooms in the inn, laying in one of the beds. He was wearing his costume except for the mask and cape. All the GB stood a few feet away from the end of the bed except for Alisa who sat on the bed at his feet; all of them were in their normal lunar clothes. He figured it was Marlena who had talked to him.

"Can you elaborate?" Terry asked.

"That guy punched you pretty good in the jaw," David said. Terry lifted his hand to his mouth, his very swollen mouth.

"Knocked ya cold," Alisa said and handed him a cloth full with ice, just as the pain got to him.

"What happened to him?" Terry asked with the cloth on his jaw.

"Got a away," Marlena said.

"Gone before we even got there," Shay added.

"But we did see you go down, bam!" Danny said motioning something falling with her arm. Terry frowned under the cloth.

"Chase you didn't follow him?" Terry asked him surprised. Chase looked at him surprised too.

"I wanted to, but Adam stopped me," Chase said pointing to Adam, Adam's face was expressionless. Terry looked at him amazed.

"Why!?" Terry asked urgently. Adam looked at him.

"The person was wearing a palace guard armor, size 4, female," Adam explained.

"You got a good eye Adam," Marlena said grinning. Adam smirked and shrugged.

"I try," he said, some of them laughed, Terry was not one of them.

"Could it be Levare?" Alisa asked. Adam looked at her and thought about it.

"I suppose so, we'll have a better idea tomorrow," Adam said.

"Speaking of which," Danny said and started walking towards the door.

"We're you going?" Shay asked her.

"To get all the hay out of my hair, then go to bed, we have a busy day tomorrow," Danny said and opened the door. The others said good night to Terry and followed her.

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