"Night Flyer: part 2"

By: Faita

"How do you feel?" Nell asked as she slid into the seat next to David, setting her books on the top of the desk.

"I feel much better then I did," he answered her. She nodded approvingly. The teacher walked into the room. He had a salt a pepper mustache with dark gray hair, but his face did not look over 20. He set the briefcase that was in his hands on to his desk, cleared his throat, then looked up towards the class. He cleared his throat again to get the class's attention, which he didn't have to do since that class had stopped talking when he came in and had watched him ever since.

"So, class, do you know what I'm teaching today?" he asked the class. They looked from one another confused.

"Good, then you can all learn something today," he said smiling, showing bright white teeth you could see from the other end of the class. Nell and David sat in the front row. The door burst open and two people came running in. They handed the teacher two notes. "Sorry Mr.Newman," the girl said.

"Yeah sorry," the guy said as the two walked over and sat in two chairs next to David.

"It's Okay Ms.Pressman, Mr.Barnes. You've done it before, you should really learn to be on time," he told them as he placed the notes in a drawer.

"I hear the same thing from Mr.Rayner Mr.Newman," Marlena said.

"Yeah, he's who we were with. He actually made us late for once," Egan said smiling. Some of the kids laughed. The door opened again and a boy ran in.

"I know I'm late, but you're going to be mad," he said as he gave Mr.Newman a note.

"It's Okay Mr.McGinnis, you don't have this class now, you don't have it for another hour," the teacher told him. Terry looked around the classroom.

"What time is it?" Terry asked him confused. Some of the kids laughed.

"Three o'clock Mr.McGinnis," Mr.Newman told him. Terry immediately turned around and left the room, having some more kids laughed. Mr.Newman just stood there, still holding the note in his hand. Terry opened the door again, took in note out of his hand, and ran away again. Now the entire class laughed, even Mr.Newman cracked a smile.

"Now that we've learned that Mr.McGinnis needs to fix his watch, let's get to the reason you're all here, the history of physics," Mr.Newman said. Some kids laughed, others moaned at the reminder of why they were there.


"And that's how that ends," Mr.Newman said as the bell rang. All the kids quickly stood up and walked out of the room oddly, not having really moved for a while. David and Nell sat in their desks while everyone left for the door in the front of the class. When everyone passed them the two stood up, looked at all the out of place desk and some pencils and paper and wrappers and maybe a book or two left or forgotten by students. They walked over the Mr.Newman's desk.

"You should start a lost and found Uncle Brent," Nell said. The teacher smiled. He opened a drawer in his desk with his hand. It was full of books and pieces of jewelry, pens, pencils, bags, purses, and all sorts of stuff. David and Nell looked at it with amazement; it was a huge drawer filled almost to the rim.

"When the drawer gets full I have an open house so students can see if their stuff is there," he told them.

"Shway," David said.

"You should see al the paper airplanes I have, a whole cabinet," he said still smiling.

"Well we should be going, David wants to show me something at his dorm," Nell said.

"I won't tell your mother the next time I see her Nell, your secret is safe with me," he said. Nell smirked.

"Very funny Uncle Brent, see you tomorrow," Nell said as they began to walk away.

"Bye kids, David, remember, that's my niece, watch yourself," he said.

"Don't worry Uncle Brent," David called behind his back as then closed the door.


"So what did you want to show me Blue eye?" Nell asked as she walked into his dorm and he closed the door behind her.

"Follow me," he said as he smiled at her and walked into his bedroom.

"Remember my uncle's warning David," she said teasingly as she walked into his room.

"Very funny Nell," he said as he walked over to his bed and bent down. He pulled a bag out from underneath it.

"Wait a minute," he said as he walked into his bathroom.

"Slipping into something a bit more comfortable?" she asked him teasingly as she walked around the small bedroom.

"Funny," David said through the door. A few minutes later David came out of the bathroom, he wore a costume that covered his entire body up to his neck. He wore a small mask that covered his eyes on his face. A blue bird on his chest that reached to his shoulders and came down his arm till it reached a blue band around his arm. From the head of the bird to the end of the neck of the costume was a different color of blue.

"You finished it!" Nell said with a smile on her face. She walked over to him as he turned around.

"I added the transmitter last night, it was the most I could do without actually moving a lot," he said smiling.

"I don't really like you doing this, don't get me wrong, I know you can do it, but you might get hurt," Nell said worried. David grinned.

"One might say you liked me or something," he said.

"I do like you," she said.

"I mean liked like," he said a little annoyed.

"Now that's silly, I like you as much as you like me, maybe less," she said.

"Can we please stop saying like, it's giving me a head ache," he said, she smiled.

"Agreed. I also don't like the name," she said.

"It's not like it's copy righted or anything," he said.

"I know, but couldn't you pick a more unique?" she asked.

"Nice costume," they heard a male voice say from behind say. They turned towards the balcony glass doors. They saw the silhouettes of two figures standing there, one male, one female. The female one appeared to be leaning on the male figure. Nell reached over and turned on a desk lamp. Batman stood there with Blaze next to him, leaning her back towards him but not really touching him. Nell and David looked at them surprised.

"Who are you supposed to be?" Blaze asked him coldly.

"Nightwing," David answered. Blaze straightened and she and Batman shared a worried and surprised glance.

"What is this, so far every night this week some new person decides to be a super hero," Batman complained, "and it's only Monday!"

"Well I'm not going to back down," Nightwing said.

"I've worked to hard, to much to back down," he added.

"We know, but you'll be on your own. Don't expect any one to help you," Blaze said as she walked towards the balcony, Batman followed her.

"I won't" Nightwing said after them.

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