Storytellers Email Listserver        
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storytellers listserver home page

home page of the storytellers email listserver.

An email listserver for the exchange of stories and the discussion of stories and storytelling of all kinds.

This site is designed primarily to provide information about the storytellers email discussion group, for storytellers of all kinds.

The storytellers email listserver is an email discussion group for the discussion of myths and folktales, traditional storytelling, mythic screenwriting, interactive storytelling and potentially any other new forms of storytelling.

As the moderator, my own areas of special interest are Irish sagas and folktales from Greenland, as collected by the Danish explorer, Knud Rasmussen, and others. Click here to see Greenlandic football in the night sky.

Here are a few links to carefully selected storytelling sites: story links.

The storytellers list currently has about 150 members, in countries including Denmark, Sweden, Germany, Ireland, the Czech Republic, Canada, the United States, Israel and South Africa. (Last updated 31 May, 2001.)

To subscribe to the storytellers mailing list, send a blank email to this address:

I look forward to seeing you on the list! -- Morten Vildgaas - aka Coilín ÓhAiseadha -- list moderator

Write to me, to say you were here!