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Heart of my Heart
To my Art Gallery
To the Gallery

 Let me introduce my family:

Hi there! My name is Christine
I'd like you to meet some very talented, loving and special people

My children have been a source of inspiration, my joys and my growth.Each is a unique personality. All are special in and of themselves.

Bear with me as I describe them and their wonders:

My first daughter was born on a blissfully warm (75ºF) April afternoon. Tammie is a nurturer. She cares for and about people on the deepest level. Her compassion is profound. Tammie uses her artistic talent to design and create wonderful cakes, hand crafts and gifts. Her sense of design is something I wish I could come by more easily. Tammie has a true talent for organization! She manages a household, a side business and works partime as well. Tammie married Roger on October 8th, 1994. ( A wonderful man, and a loving father!!!)

Their daughter Michelle was born on December 6, 1995.

Our littleShelly-bear is full Shelly  of imagination, questions and wonder! She was dancing with the birds in this pic... Isn't she incredible?!
Megan was born Sunday March 1, 1998.  Megan
She had a bit of a rough start, but is full of giggles and laughter now!
What a blessing these two beautiful children are!


    SueAnn is a veteran Naval Petty Officer in the Construction Battalion (SeaBees). She too is an artist. Her drawings have appeared on several sites on the web.
She is is currently creating Entrance Page drawings for Web games.
She also has art in Corporate Headquarters in several states,as well as Norway and Japan.

    SueAnn was requested to design and paint a mural of the SeaBee Memorial for the Construction Battalion Headquarters in Pearl Harbor. She has a wonderful talent for characature and her sense of balance, color and design are astonishing! She has desinged and sold original greeting cards and personalized gifts from the heart. Her trademark is "Handmade with LOVE  ©1996". She will shortly be offering her works for sale on the internet. Watch for a link to her website, soon. SueAnn has a talent for poetry as well. I hope to convince her to let me put some of her works on my page.

    SueAnn has a compassionate, gentle heart; a will of iron and a determined independant spirit. 

Christine (Grinning from ear to ear over having a name sake!!!) was born on February 10,1995. She's our little "Dragon Baby". Christine is a budding artist, too. (And Grandma has a full refrigerator gallery to prove it!)
She has her own website as well, if you'd like to visit her site, you can click this link:  LilChris' Page   or scroll to the bottom of the page and click on the the little jar labled "LOVE".


   Rachael is an artist as well. Her art too is on the web. She also has a wonderful talent for calligraphy and has taught courses at the College of St. Rose in Albany, NY. Rachael enjoys hiking, camping (fishing *G*)and flying remote control airplanes, just to name a few things. She is an accomplished flutist, and composer. Her compositions are full of life and fire! Her love of music and art is a joy to all of us. She has a profound inner faith that gives her the strength to face so many obstacles through the years! I'm very proud of her and all she has accomplished. Rachael is a caring, loving, generous woman, with a fire and flare all her own! She's taught me much in unlocking the inner image. Thank you Rachael!  She was married this year (2000) to Justin Holland, and they are awaiting the arrival of their first child. We're all on pins and needles! 

center>Rebecca (She'll deny it, but she has an artistic flare too!!!)       Becca was commissioned as an Ensign at Pensacola Naval Base from the Officer Candidate class 18-00. What a thrill it was to attend!   Becca has always been a self motivated, energetic, focused, strong, intelligent person. She has become a beautiful, radiant woman. Rebecca is insightful, observant and has an insatiable thirst for justice (and a few beers occasionally too!!! *G*)
    She has a wonderful singing voice - (she'll kill me for putting that in) - and if she had chosen a stage career instead of Surface Warfare, you better believe that she would be starring in a one woman show!!!
    Judging from her success in every area of her life, I can easily see her becoming an eminent force for peace in this Country's International Relations.
    Her sense of humour is outrageous! We've fallen apart in gales of laughter in the most unlikely places. Becca is sunshine incarnate! We love you, sweetie!!! 

Jonathan, my first son,  was born in August 1978. Jonathan has been an adventure in patience, understanding, tough love and acceptance. He is bright, talented (an incredible voice!!!) funny, and his own man. He marches to the beat of a different drummer. Jonathan has a flare for gourmet cooking, and graduated from Job Corp. in Glenmont, NY with a certificate in culinary arts.


He is a mystery that we are slowly unravelling. We love him with all our hearts, all of us. We are greatful for him in our lives because he's taught us to be spontaneous, compassionate, forgiving, and humble too. Jon will become a very special man.

Ray   (aka Ray, Creator, Tumtum)  graced our lives in December 1980. He has always been a loving, generous soul! He is an accomplished graphics artist, and has graphics for several websites on the net! He has started his own computer consultant business "Creative Solutions"© 1997

    Liam is an accomplished singer and musician, as well. His love of art and music is rivaled only by his passion for computer graphics! He's currently living and working in New Jersey. He is the kind of son every mother would be proud to have! He is thoughtful, kind, generous, humorous, and above all LOVING! (NO..his room is NOT clean and he is NOT neat...but who cares!) Watching him become a man has been a journey of insight! He is - My joy and my pride!!! 

Ray's Gallery    This is their Dad's Photo Gallery.  Ray was a professional photographer for more than 28 years before he changed professions. Please take a few minutes to enjoy this outstanding site.

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