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Dream Dictionary

words beginning with the letter E


Dreaming about this powerful bird suggests that your subconscious may foresee a time of prosperity and success, as well as liberation from tedium. However if this bird attacks or scares you, prepare yourself for hard work with determination.


Unlike some of the other dreams about natural disasters, earthquakes usually symbolize parts of the dreamers physical reality, rather than his emotional life. The earthquake in the dream may be representing financial difficulties, health issues, or any number of other problems that could occur in daily life. An experience that is "shaking" you up, and changing you daily life, could be creeping into your dream state and showing up as an earthquake. Also See: Disaster


An elephant in your dream may represent knowledge, power, and strength. It is also associated with long memory and "thick skin". However, depending on the dream’s details, the elephant may be a symbol of a large burden. Additionally, in you dream state you may be making efforts to remember something important and of great magnitude.


Going up and down in the elevator may symbolize going from one state of consciousness to another. Messages from the unconsciousness may be accessible. Some believe that the elevator may be a symbol of a boring and mechanical sex life. On a more pragmatic note, the elevator may simply represent the "ups and downs" of life. If you are ascending then you may perceive your current situation as optimistic and moving upward. If you are descending you may be experiencing some negativity and helplessness.


It is very common for people to dream about ex partners. Individuals that have been an important part of our lives, continue to take up a part of our mind and heart. It is impossible to very dramatically shut the person out of our thoughts and feelings. Just because the relationship ends, does not mean that all is finished. As we go through relationships, we learn, and at times pick up "battle wounds". You will continue to dream about your ex-girlfriend or boyfriend until you "let go" of them on a very important and deep level, or until you learned your lesson from that relationship. Either way, dreaming about your ex-romance does not predict future involvement. It may be wish fulfillment, reliving memories, or working out old issues. Dreams are very rarely prophetic. Also See: People


This complex dream symbol can only be interpreted based on the dreamers experiences and the details in the dream (as is the case with all dream symbols). Some say that the eyes are the windows for the soul. Eyes symbolize perceptiveness, personal outlook, clairvoyance, curiosity and knowledge. They also may reveal information about personal identify. Traditionally, if the eyes are beautiful they represent peace. Closed eyes are said to represent fear and an unwillingness to see clearly. Crossed eyes may be a subconscious warning about someone’s character or integrity.
